Chapter 4.2: Qianzhou seven dynasties

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After all the officials came in, they all went to their seats and sat down.

There are maids laying out all kinds of delicacies.

After these people sat down, they were extremely dull. With their cultivation base, for some reason, they all felt a chill that penetrated to the marrow.

They were sitting on pins and needles and had no intention of watching the scenery. They only wanted His Majesty to come soon and end the plum garden banquet.

This time they also came a little early, half an hour before the time His Majesty said, mainly because they were afraid of delaying the time and offending His Majesty.

"Are we really here to appreciate the scenery?"

Some people did not dare say it with their mouths, but they thought about it a lot in their hearts.

Outside the plum garden, there are three hundred gold-armored guards holding halberds, as they are euphemistically called, guarding them.

But this is no protection; it is obviously a threat.

Even if some people are irritable in their hearts, they dare not move.

“Your Majesty is here!"

Song De's voice sounded.

As soon as his voice sounded, they saw a figure in a royal robe step towards him. His black imperial robe was extremely eye-catching in the snow.

In every step, he exudes boundless power.

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"I have seen, Your Majesty."

All the ministers stood up and saluted immediately.

"Fifth level of refining gods!"

The aura emitting from Ying Xuan's body surprised all the officials. How long did it take to reach the fifth level of refining gods?

What kind of monster is this?

It took many years for them to even advance a small step, but the emperor only took a month to advance five small steps?

Moreover, the emperor's ferocious aura actually made them feel stronger than some Nirvana realms.

"Be at ease."

Ying Xuan's voice was light; he smiled and said: "Today, I came late and made you all wait for a long time. Come here, pour a good wine for my loyal subjects."

It's not that he's late; it's that they're too early.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the wine."

The ministers drink.

The wine has just been scalded, but in some people's mouths, it feels cold after drinking it.

"Good wine!"

And some old Qin people praised it.

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"The scenery of the plum garden is unique in the capital. Look, my dear courtiers, are the plum blossoms beautiful?"

Ying Xuan said with a smile.

"Beautiful, very beautiful, very beautiful."

All the ministers agreed.

At this moment, even if Ying Xuan pointed out that the deer was a horse, they would follow Ying Xuan's lead and say that the deer is a horse.

Such is the power of the Emperor.

"I sent Commander Chu to the border a month ago, and now he is back."

Ying Xuan said.

"Commander of the Imperial Guards, Commander Chu enters the Plum Garden."

Song De's sharp voice sounded.

And with that sound, all the courtiers turned their heads to look. When Chu Xian came in, he tied dozens of


people up with chains and brought them along.


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"Commander Chu, you have worked hard."

Ying Xuan said.

"These are what the minister should do."

Chu Xian went to the border this time to act resolutely, kidnapping dozens of people and bringing them back.

"That's the Governor of Huayang, Duan Hai!"

"That man is the border guard, Fang Wei!"

"And that person is Wei Yun, the Governor of Anyun County!"


These dozens of people are no strangers to these chained people, and they are all prominent figures in Great Qin.

Prefectures and counties divide Great Qin into many regions, and these people are stationed there by the Imperial Court.

"Your Majesty is going to kill again."

Upon seeing this scene, these smart people knew what His Majesty was going to do.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. Please forgive me. I did something wrong because I was confused for a moment. Please forgive me, Your Majesty. I don't want to die."

"Your Majesty, in view of my achievements over the past few decades, and my hard work for the dynasty, please spare my life.”

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"If you want to kill, then kill. I know that I have no chance to save my life, so just kill me already."

Some of these dozens of people begged for mercy, and some were very stubborn and resigned to their fate.

When they do these things, they know where they may end up today.

There are many meritorious ministers among these people, but when the Great Qin was in crisis, they did not hesitate to betray the empire and seek refuge in other kingdoms.

Because of their betrayal, the situation at the border was severe, and countless soldiers and commoners died because of them.

Since Ying Xuan is the Great Qin Emperor, the last thing he can tolerate is treason.

After receiving so much from Great Qin, and relying on the power of the country, they have the strength they have today, so there is no bottom line, if you don't kill them, Ying Xuan will really be an incompetent emperor.

If the traitors are not killed, won’t everyone swing here and there without any psychological pressure?

"Behead them."

Ying Xuan raised his hand.

When they were arrested, their cultivation had already been abolished by Chu Xian, so they naturally had no power to resist.

They were pushed down and kneeled in front of Ying Xuan, and dozens of guards immediately raised their halberds and dropped them.


This halberd is a magical weapon with a razor-sharp edge. Immediately, dozens of human heads fell to the ground, rolling in the plum garden, and some even rolled to the feet ofthe standing ministers.

The blood gushes out and seeps into the white snow, making the plum blossoms here more colorful and enchanting.

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