Chapter 5.1: Great Qin won't lower their heads!

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In the plum garden, the blood was glaring, and there was a strong smell of blood.

The blood of the strong will not cool down quickly, even in the severe cold, especially the blood of Nirvana realm cultivators, which is steaming like flames and melting the snow.

At this moment, dozens of human heads rolled down with their eyes wide open, still maintaining their previous posture.

The ministers present were shocked.

Emperor Qin's methods were too ruthless and decisive.

Dozens of heads were chopped off as soon as they were said to be chopped off. What kind of dominance is this?

"Just admiring the plum blossoms is too boring, so it's better to add some colors."

Ying Xuan spoke lightly.

He even compared beheading to a show.

If one is not ruthless, one cannot stand firmly.

And that is even more true for the Emperor.

In troubled times, the emperor must not be softhearted; only when the world is peaceful can he be softhearted.

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(World refers to the dynasty they rule, as the Emperor is the ruler of his own world.)

If he doesn't cut off these heads, some people will rebel against the country without any scruples. And when the six kingdoms attack, they will easily open the city gate and surrender.

In that case, he, the Emperor, would have been just waiting to die.

This kind of thing cannot happen.

All the citizens must be twisted into one rope to fight against foreign enemies with all our strength.

"Sinners cannot be forgiven, and the meritorious will not be treated badly."

Ying Xuan said: "Zhang Song, Liu Bai, you two are patriotic and loyal to the emperor. I will reward you with ten heavenly rank origin stones.”

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhang Song and Liu Bai have been working so hard to resist the attacks from the six kingdoms, and they are really models of loyal ministers.

The two of them were also overjoyed; the high-grade spirit stones are just a little luxury for them, but the heaven-grade spirit stones are desirable. Each piece can be regarded as a treasure.

Now, with a wave of His Majesty's hand, they have received tens of them in an instant.

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Loyalty is also beneficial.

The ministers present were also envious, and they also wanted to have the benefits of the Heavenly Origin Stone.

They also understand that His Majesty is playing the trick of stick and candy, but this method is not outdated no matter how you use it.

This also reveals a will.

Loyalty to Great Qin will be rewarded.

And the rebellion against Great Qin will result in their beheading and exterminating their families.

"Let's appreciate the plum blossoms. This year's plum blossoms are particularly beautiful. The difference is that the world is full of wars."

Ying Xuan said.

When the plum


appreciation was over, many official talents returned to their mansions as if they had been pardoned.


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They also knew that the new Qin people were not as loyal as the old Qin people after all, and they were afraid that they would incur the emperor's wrath if they annoyed him for too long.

Ying Xuan did not return to the Qin Palace but said to Chu Xian, "Commander Chu, follow me to the Foundry Department to have a look."

(Foundry: a workshop or factory for casting metal.) The Foundry Division is where weapons and armor are made.

Building equipment for war is also the top priority of a country.

On the way, Chu Xian also told Ying Xuan in detail about the border situation he had seen with his own eyes.

The situation is very bad and very serious. But it doesn't matter; he'll sort everything out soon.

It was the twelfth lunar month outside at the moment, but the foundry department was like a furnace. Many people were walking around, and there was a clanging sound.

"I’ve seen Your Majesty!”

Seeing Ying Xuan's arrival, the people from the foundry department saluted immediately.

"Be at ease. You can get busy with your work, I just came to have a look."

Ying Xuan raised his hand.

He saw the situation in the foundry department. There were forged armors and weapons lying here and there.

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These are all standard equipment, and the magic weapon of the strong must be carefully carved and polished.

He saw a huge crossbow, estimated to be as big as one or two trucks, and each bolt next to it was as thick as an adult's thigh.

And on the crossbow, there are still traces of electric arcs flickering.

"Thunderbolt." Ying Xuan said.

This crossbow is very powerful, and it is made of a thunder stone. If this crossbow is used, let alone ordinary people, even if they have cultivated true essence, it will be difficult for them to resist.

It is a weapon for defending the city.

"The other six kingdoms also have big crossbows. For example, Great Feng has the red flame crossbow, and Great Chen has the yellow stone crossbow, but they cannot imitate our Great Qin crossbow."

Chu Xian said.

"These big crossbows and armor need to support the Ziwu Pass first. As long as the Ziwu Pass is not breached, the other kingdoms will wait for the opportunity and will not act rashly."

Ying Xuan said.

Now that the empire has entered a wartime state, all resources must be focused on the front line.

"Your Majesty, this is a newly assembled crossbow."

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