Chapter 54.1: Battle between Emperors!

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The war raging in Chen's capital has escalated to a level of extreme brutality.

Bai Qi, the Qin army’s highest commanding leader, mercilessly destroyed everything in his path and took countless lives. 

With his guidance, the army has made steady progress, claiming most of the outer city and moving towards the inner city, poised to reach the imperial palace.

At this moment, the ordinary people of Great Chen are too afraid to fight back against the cruel Qin army and have lost all hope.

The Qin army was too cruel, they killed without blinking an eye, and the resisting Chen forces were defeated one after another.

The hiding sect disciples were also crushed one after another and faced with this kind of defeat, Emperor Chen was also cornered to have a high concern.

"Take Emperor Chen’s head directly!"

Bai Qi shouted.

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He and Li Xin swept past with their tyrannical strength and opened up a path.

"Today, Great Chen must be destroyed."

At this time, Ying Xuan stared at the battlefield, stepping on the sky, and his majestic figure appeared above the palace.

"Emperor Qin!"

At this moment, countless eyes in the palace looked at Ying Xuan.

In fact, it was the first time for many of them to see Ying Xuan, the famous monarch of Great Qin who drove Great Chen to the road of subjugation.

His appearance is so young, but the domineering aura of the emperor and his majestic figure make people breathless.


That momentum is impressive!

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Such a young Harmony Realm, even in the Yunyang Sect with the support of heaven reaching Grandmaster in charge, no one has ever reached such feat at this young age.

"Emperor Qin!" Emperor Chen challenges, staring at Ying Xuan. "Do you want to fight me?"

Although Emperor Qin was his enemy, but he also admired Emperor Qin's youth, that is, this young man drove him, an old veteran to a dead end.

After a moment of tense silence, Ying Xuan responds with an ominous declaration. "After imperial palace is breached, everyone in the palace will be executed!"

"You still want to kill us all!"

After hearing Emperor Qin's threat to kill them all, a strong man from the Yunyang Sect couldn't


contain his rage and yelled, "If you dare to harm us, the Yunyang Sect will make sure there is no one left in Qin. Don't think you can act superior just because you're powerful in Qianzhou. You may be strong, but you're still weak!"

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The anger in the room was palpable. If Yunyang Sect wasn’t so far away from Qianzhou, the Qin army wouldn't have been able to act so recklessly.

Ying Xuan, exuding a domineering presence, responded firmly, "Your words will lead to the downfall of the Yunyang Sect."

Emperor Chen was impressed by Ying Xuan's tenacity, remarking, "Your resilience is admirable. Even your father pales in comparison to you for pushing me this far!"

"I won't admit defeat. If you want to destroy Great Chen, then you'll have to step over my corpse!" said Emperor Chen confidently.

"I also have no intention of keeping you alive," said Ying Xuan.

The battle to destroy Great Chen had reached its climax.

"Whether you plan to have your two generals attack, or have a fight between you and me, or even if the three of you come together, I’ll face you without any fear!"

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Emperor Chen, with an arrogant tone, challenged all the strong men in the Qin army to a match, whether it was against his two generals, himself, or all three of them together.

His voice echoed throughout the capital.


Suddenly, a blinding light emanated from his body, making him the most radiant presence on the battlefield.

His last resort of arranging the final battle at the palace was enough to withstand the attack of the Qin army, and he believed in his own strength to persevere.

But Ying Xuan hit him with a harsh truth, "You call yourself an emperor, but you're just a pawn of the Yunyang Sect in Great Chen. In your world, the sect reigns supreme, not you."

Emperor Chen remained undaunted, declaring, "Whatever you say, I won't waver!"

As the sea of clouds churned, a blazing sun suddenly appeared, radiating a scorching golden light. A golden dragon emerged around the imperial capital, emanating a terrifying power that filled the air.

This wasn't a real dragon, but rather the Dragon Vein formed by the luck of the dynasty.

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