Chapter 54.2: Battle between Emperors!

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The imperial palace, located at the center of the origin vein, absorbed the essence of heaven and earth, condensed the luck of the dynasty, and manifested the Golden Dragon.

This art is not easy to use and is not available in other great dynasties.

This technique was exclusive to Emperor Chen, who had gained knowledge from his time in the Yunyang Sect and had seen a wider world. He knew how to create Dragon Veins and considered it his last trump card.

Emperor Chen stepped forward, and a vortex formed in the sky. Power coursed through his body, granting him the ability to manipulate the world's destiny with each move.

He was like the heaven itself, his power unimaginable.

This was the Pseudo Heaven - not truly the heaven reaching Grandmaster Realm, but using the power of the Dragon Vein to utilize heaven-reaching abilities.

It had limitations, though; he couldn't leave the imperial palace and could only use it as a last resort.

Still, it was enough for Emperor Chen to face the Qin army with confidence.

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He counted down the time, knowing that activating the Dragon Vein consumed a lot of energy, but it should be enough to protect the last Imperial Palace and wait for support from Yunyang Sect.

The strong men in the Imperial Palace also cheered when they saw their leader unleash such power. They believed that it could stop Great Qin.

Now, Great Qin is also facing a choice.

Naturally, launching a counterattack with Great Qin's current strength was impossible. If they were to force an attack, it would likely result in huge casualties.

Moreover, the longer they dragged out the war, the more Yunyang Sect experts would arrive and attack from both sides.

At this moment, Bai Qi bravely stepped forward, "Your Majesty, I am willing to attack and defeat the dragon veins of Great Chen!"

Li Xin also added, "Please let me attack!"

But Ying Xuan was determined to personally take on Emperor Chen, "When I enter this battle, you will wipe out the remaining enemies in the capital. Even with the power of the dragon veins, it is impossible to stop my determination to destroy the Chen dynasty. Today, Qin dynasty will stand over the Chen dynasty!"

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"Okay, Emperor Qin, then let us have a battle of emperor against emperor!"



Chen wasn’t afraid, instead, there was a final madness in his eyes. This was a battle of the highest figures between the two great dynasties.


Usually, the emperor would not take action easily, let alone fight the other dynasty’s emperor. A little injury to the emperor would let down the morale of the army and cause huge losses.

But Emperor Chen had reached the last moment and had no choice but to attack.

However, he is not without any advantages. Ying Xuan is young, and his realm is not as high as his. Although he felt uneasy, he was also sure of his chances.

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After all, above all that he still ha the blessing of the dragon veins of the dynasty composed of billions.

"Emperor battle!"

The war was now at a standstill, the most exciting and eye-catching moment.

This is the imperial battle between two emperors!

A battle of the highest figures between the two great dynasties.

"You are not heaven with just fractional abilities of a grandmaster."

Emperor Qin was domineering and only said one sentence.

Indeed, Emperor Chen just used the power of the dragon veins to forcibly increase his strength, and he couldn't even go out of the scope of the imperial palace, nor could he really use the Grandmaster’s power of manipulating the world.

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"You're confident!"

Emperor Chen shrouded infinite power, and the golden dragon of the national vein surrounded him, shouting: "Then come, Emperor Qin, let me see how strong you are, and whether you can kill me!"

His voice echoed through the air as violent energy ripples emanated from him, and golden beams of light struck Ying Xuan in the sky.

Ying Xuan responded with a wave of his hand, summoning nine golden swords that formed a circle around him. The sword array smashed all the attacks.

He could have let Bai Qi and Li Xin consume Emperor Chen's power, but he didn't.

Instead, under the watchful eyes of all the people, Ying Xuan want to yse the strongest means to defeat Emperor Chen and smash Great Chen's last hope.

It was a battle of the highest figures between the two countries, a royal battle.

The world would now see Ying Xuan's most terrifying imperial power. The power of a newly risen Heavenly Emperor!

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