Chapter 7.2: Xin Zhao

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The current Great Qin is just a fat piece of meat, and everyone wants to eat more.

"I know."

Ying Xuan said: "The most important thing we have to discuss today is Ziwu Pass."

“The battle at Ziwu Pass has now developed into a full-fledged war. During this period, the Great Feng has gathered no less than three million soldiers and they are already prepared to attack the front.”

“Although there is a natural fortress, it is still not optimistic that we can stop them for long. What worries me is that the last news we received was ten days ago, and there has been no response since then. Even if we send out scouts, we are still clueless about the current situation."

The faces of the ministers were extremely solemn.

"However, recently, there has been a steady stream of imperial troops rushing to support Ziwu Pass. It's not so easy for Great Feng to break through. I'm afraid they will resort to other schemes!"

Everyone knows that Great Qin is fully supported by national power.

"Your Majesty, there is an urgent military situation, News from Ziwu Pass has arrived!"

Suddenly, outside the Imperial Capital, loud roars resounded again and again.

"There's news from Ziwu Pass!"

The ministers were shocked.

Immediately, a man covered in blood and cuts and bruises all over his body stumbled and almost crawled into the hall.

However, no one reprimand him for his lack of etiquette, because the situation is urgent.

"Say." Ying Xuan said.

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"Your Majesty, I am border gate guard, Chen Liang. There is an emergency military situation at the border gate. General Xu ordered a hundred people to break through the blockade and only I was able to pass through alive to see your majesty!"

The guard named Chen Liang came almost crying.

Hundreds of people were sent to report the news, but he was the only one left in the end, what a tragedy.

If it hadn't been for him holding his breath and pretending to die, he might not be able to persist until now.

"Great Feng tackled key problems in an all-round way. General Xu defended the pass with all his strength, and with the help of natural dangers and geographical advantages, he resisted wave after wave of attacks, causing heavy losses to Great Feng, but General Xu was also seriously injured, and was almost killed by a Nirvana realm master."

This person has too much military information, and his speech is somewhat incoherent.

"Tell me in detail." Someone reminded him.

"Great Feng sees that the Ziwu Pass is difficult to break through. On the one hand, they continued to attack the Ziwu Pass to contain the main force of our army. On the other hand, they bypassed the Ziwu Pass and attacked the surrounding counties. In their attack, although Great Qin’s army fought bravely, we were still no match."

“We were less in number and they were coming with overwhelming forces. However, we had also made them suffer huge casualties in every battle. But… it’s also because of this that they became angry with embarrassment, and every time they broke through a county, they would definitely slaughter all the commoners along with the warriors."

"And when I passed through Ninggui County, the entire county was slaughtered. None of the 400,000 soldiers and civilians survived, and they died under Great Feng's hands!"

"Your Majesty, corpses are everywhere, and dead people are everywhere."

Chen Liang burst into tears as he spoke.

This is war.

The final battle of destroying the country has not yet been reached, and it is already so tragic.

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"So many Qin people in Ninggui County were killed by them!"

"How dare they slaughter my Qin people?!"

"Do they think that this will make us, Great Qin, afraid of them and surrender to them? Don't think about it, don't think about it. We Qin people

are not afraid of death, and we are willing to fight them to the end!"


"Yes, what are we afraid of? If I die, even if you die, it won't make them feel better!"

"Great Qin won’t be afraid of this!!!"

"If I don’t shed their blood, I will never cease fighting!"

"Your Majesty, I am willing to lead troops to support Ziwu Pass and avenge our Qin people!"

The eyes of many ministers present were red with tears shining.

There are many people who followed the late emperor to unite the country, and the old Qin people were the most sad and indignant.

Before the late emperor died, how mighty the Great Qin was.

Even the people of Ninggui County would be an ant if compared to the people they have killed. But, now… someone slaughtered them.

Thinking of this, many people feel pain in their hearts.

Great Qin is their home.

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But this is a cruel fantasy world, where the weak will be beaten and bullied.

No one will pity you and not beat you just because you are weak.

"Ninggui County!"

Ying Xuan's terrifying killing intent erupted.

He knew that Ninggui County had the largest number of old Qin people and they has the most staunch character. Both the people and the army resisted bravely. After the defeat, they were massacred by the other side.

But he is the emperor after all, and he will not lose his cool.

"Continue…” Ying Xuan said.

"Your Majesty, although we Qin people resist bravely, there are also those who are afraid of the enemy's power and betrayed us. The commander of Pingshan Gate, Liu Chuan, switched sides after seeing the large army of Great Feng. He even said that he couldn’t bear to lose his life and those who understand current affairs are heroes."

Chen Liang continued to complain.

And when he said this, the court turned more solemn.

"What, Pingshan Pass has been breached, Liu Chuan should die. Without the barrier of Pingshan Pass, and there won’t be any defensive line to protect Ziwu Pass.!"

Liu Su said anxiously.

The opponent's strategic intentions are already obvious.

Ziwu pass is a natural fortress, and it is difficult to attack.

However, Great Feng adopted the method of siege and surrounded Ziwu Pass, so that the defenders of Great Qin were trapped inside, and all support could not come in.

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Without support, how long can Xu Dajun persist.

What's more terrible is that if Great Qin wants to rush to help now, we must break through their outer defense line.

The news brought by Chen Liang was incomplete, and after a while, the situation deteriorated to an unknown extent.

"Come here, take Chen Liang to heal his injuries."

Ying Xuan ordered.

His fingers tapped lightly on the armrest of the throne, making a dull sound.

The ministers stopped talking, waiting for His Majesty's order.

[Climb to the top of Ziwu Pass and sign in at Ziwu Pass.]

[Resolve the crisis at Ziwu Pass.]

The system also refreshed two newest missions.

"Great Feng massacred the people of Qin. If I don't avenge them, I will not be worthy of the name of Emperor. If they can’t break through Ziwu Pass, they are going to slaughter commoners. With this, war is inevitable and it is best for us to go up and fight head on.”

Ying Xuan said slowly.

"This time, I will personally lead the Great Qin Army, raise the prestige of the Great Qin, and go to Ziwu Pass to avenge the people of Qin!"

Ying Xuan's words resounded like thunder in the court hall!

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