Chapter 8.1: Imperial Conquest! for free on Suzerain Novel Translations

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Lead the army yourself!

Imperial conquest!

His Majesty actually has this idea.

This is not like the past time when the dynasty was in peacetime and Emperor would lead army to show his majesty.

Instead, Ziwu Pass is now at critical situation, and all counties in the border areas are full of Great Feng's soldiers and horses.

If His Majesty had some accident, Great Qin will be finished!

"Your Majesty, no!"

A minister hurriedly said: "We are not dead yet, and there is no need for your Majesty to go to war in person. Let us go. I am not afraid of death, and I am willing to go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of fire for Great Qin!"


They all disagree.

"I've made up my mind, and it's useless for you to persuade me. Only I can stabilize the situation."

Ying Xuan raised his hand.

It has to be said that after cleaning up some moths in the country, coupled with the bloody massacre by Great Feng, the people of Qin are now united.

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He also had to go this time.

After all, he has to sign in at Ziwu Pass, and shoulder the task of resolving the crisis at Ziwu Pass.

"Commander Chu, please persuade Your Majesty!"

Someone looked at Chu Xian.

Chu Xian said: "Your Majesty has his own considerations."

He knew that although His Majesty is a refining god realm cultivator, when he was cultivating in Demon Abyss Rift, he felt His Majesty's aura, which was very terrifying, and even Nirvana would have a hard time against him.

Moreover, there is also Xin Zhao who is in the Harmony realm.

"Issue the Imperial Decree, among the 300,000 Imperial Guards of the Qin Dynasty, I will lead 100,000, and the remaining 200,000 Imperial Guards will be reserved for maneuvering, while Commander Chu will stay in the Imperial Capital and guard its safety till my return!"

Ying Xuan's murderous aura was overwhelming.

Blood debts will eventually be paid in blood.

Leaving Chu Xian in the Imperial Capital can also stabilize the court.

The Great Qin Imperial Guard Army is also the most elite army in the Qin Dynasty. After strict selection, the elite among the elite are only selected.

Without any exaggeration, cultivating 300,000 Imperial Guards is more resource-intensive than training an army of several million.

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"Your Majesty will not take Commander Chu this time!"

Many ministers were stunned. His Majesty didn't even take Chu Shuai with him, who would he take with him then?

"Xin Zhao." Ying Xuan shouted.

"Xin Zhao is here!"

Xin Zhao enters the palace, he is very heroic.

"Who is he?"

This is everyone's doubts.

But feeling his breath, the abyss is like the sea, and it is impossible to get a glimpse of his true



“Could this Xin Zhao be infinitely close to Harmony realm?!”

They didn't dare to think of Xin Zhao as a Harmony realm master at all.

Ying Xuan also didn't explain Xin Zhao's cultivation. This time he wanted to give Great Feng a surprise, but as for his real strength, let's go to the battlefield and let people know.

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"Chu Xian, I’ll only give you one day to gather an army of 100,000 without any delay."

Ying Xuan issued a strict order.

One hundred thousand troops marched in two days!

"Minister takes orders!"

Chu Xian had to pick out the most elite 100,000 imperial guards.

Following the decrees issued one after another, the dynasty quickly began to operate, and the 100,000 imperial guards were gathered outside the Imperial Capital within a few days.

These 100,000 troops are all tall and burly, wearing black armor and hold cold swords around their waists, and they are extremely murderous.

Their eyes were bloodshot, and they all looked like raging tigers.

The Qin people were massacred, and they knew it, and this time they wanted revenge.

Those who were slaughtered also had their brothers and sisters.

"Your Majesty is here!"

Ying Xuan is here.

"I have seen your majesty!"

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One hundred thousand imperial guards knelt down on one knee.

Ying Xuan walked along the line of 100,000 imperial guards. When he came to a place, he stopped suddenly and looked at a young soldier.

His body was shaking.

"You are trembling." Ying Xuan said.

"Your Majesty, I am trembling with anger. I am from Ninggui County, but my brothers and sisters are gone, none of them are alive. Your Majesty, I want revenge!"

The soldier did not cry.

Crying can't solve any problem, only killing can make the enemy fear.

"I will take you to revenge, and they will have to pay a price for killing the people of Qin."

Ying Xuan's words were an explanation to the people of Qin.

Yes, it is revenge.

However, the army in the fantasy world does not need to arrange so many supplies.

Qin State has several space artifacts, which can store all the supplies in it.

They rushed even more quickly this time, and the news had already been conveyed to the counties along the way first, and supplies would be prepared for them along the way to make haste to the battlefield.

This time, one hundred thousand soldiers each had three horses, and they were used as a means of transportation along the way.

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