Ultimate Porter ~The Weakest Man Aspires to be an Adventurer~ Chapter 1

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I think that the [life] of human beings didn’t changed that much. Being born, eating, and then in some cases leaving some offspring then dying. This is the basic way of living. It is the same for humans, animal and even plants. But a human is an unusual creature who wants explanations to the basic ways. That’s why a story is born. I have already died once, and was reincarnated into a different world.

What do I mean about that? Oh yeah, I’ll be explaining about my life. From here on, I’ll be talking about my story.

Hello everyone! I’m Miyata, Ippei 27 years old. I was working for a food company until a while ago. Today I was away from office for some outdoor work, then I was ran over by a truck and was sent to another world. Yes. It’s the famous template.
Please treat me well!

It’s nice to greet everyone cheerily, but I’m in a pinch. It’s a meadow if you looked at the right side, and the meadow continues when looking on the left side. Where is this place? I can’t even see any silhouette of people or roads anywhere. Nevertheless, I didn’t panic. A person will surely die when one looses their composure. Let’s check my ability first. When arriving to a different world, one will receive a tutorial.

Status Open.

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【Name】 Miyata, Ippei 【Age】 27yrs 【Occupation】 None
【Lv】 1 【HP】 8/8 【MP】 999999/999999
【Attack】 3 【Defense】 5 【Strength】 4
【Intelligence】 1480 【Agility】 5  

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【Magic】 【Skill】
Life Magic Max Lv.
Recovery Magic Max Lv.
Cooking Max Lv.
Raw MaterialMaterial
 Refining Max Lv.
Medicinal Refining Max Lv.
Smithery Refining Max Lv.
Appraisal Max Lv.
Golem Creation Max Lv.
Tool Creation Max Lv.

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【Exp. Required Until Next Level】 0/100000

What is this, this weakness. I’m aware that I lack physical strength because I was just a mere Salaryman. But isn’t this too much?
My Hit Points is only 8! In a RPG, with that value I’ll instantly die even if the one I’m fighting was a goblin or the weakest slime. And my crafting skills is so marvelous opposite of my low fighting power. How to say this… So unbalanced.
Isn’t this character specialized only at crafting system? That reminds me, when I came to this world I heard God’s voice. [What kind of human do you want to be in the new world?] he said. And I said [I would like to be a human that is a useful!]as my answer.
I should had obediently decided on [I want TUEEEEEE]… This stupid me, when in public I put on an appearance.

For the time being, let’s go to some place where there are people in it. Because I’ll die when I’m lonely. By the way it seems like the saying ‘A rabbit dies when lonely’ was a lie. But I’ll die. A person alone can’t live by itself.

This meadow just continues on and on. The current season is quite close to Japan’s autumn. It’s easy to pass as it’s not too hot nor too cold.

That’s it! I have a skill that creates a golem. I should just create a horse-type golem and ride it. Without any delay I invoke the skill of creating golems.

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Please choose a magic stone as a core

Magic stone? Apparently it seems to need a magic stone to create a golem. Of course I don’t have any magic stone. Let’s examine the skill Golem Creation using the skill Appraisal in detail.

Magic stone are magical shards obtained when defeating a monster. The golem is made with this as it’s core. The material seems to be anything like stones or earth or raw minerals. In addition a golem can inherit 80% of the strength and intelligence of the monster where the magic stone was taken from. For example, a golem made from the magic stone of a monster with a strength of 10 can obtain a strength of 8. Also, it seem like up to 10 cores can be used. In any case, for now I don’t posses any magic stone. Let’s just walk, nothing will happen if I stay here.

I try using Appraisal skill while walking. I look around my surrounding trying to find things that’s edible and also raw materials. There are small amounts of minerals and glass on the ground as well as mines. I can collect minerals such as iron that’s scattered on the ground and refine them using Raw Material Refining while walking. Speaking of iron, size as large as eggs was gathered while walking. I have already been walking for 3 hours. I wiped my swollen calf with a *panpan* The pain quickly went away when I used recovery magic as a test. This way it seems that I can still be able to walk.

Thanks to recovery magic, my body doesn’t get tired but I’ve been a little bored of walking. The scenery is the same grassy meadow where I go. There isn’t any changes at all. I want a bit more warmth on my mind. As I walked alone, my parents, friends, and colleagues at work repeatedly crossed my mind. When I became a working adult, I wasn’t able to get a lover. When getting some pleasant vibes work then became busy, then we’re unable to be together just like that. It seems like somebody plotted this. Even so, I could not even do my filial piety. I’m sorry! At lease remodel the house and go to an onsen trip with my savings. To my parents who was left on earth, good luck.

Nevertheless there is nothing on this place. I got fed up and then I discovered a road. Should I move to the right or advance to the left? If I observe the road well, there are traces of wheel tracks. There are also remains of a person’s foot prints. It seems like this road was always used. Then I’ll wait where without being impatient.
I cleaned myself using life magic, it removed the dirt from my body and clothes. After all first impression is the most important. I better keep my clothes clean. An Ikemen will look good even when dirty.

Currently I’m only wearing slacks and cutter shirts from earth. The jacket I was holding to was dropped when I bounced off the truck, that’s why I didn’t have it when I came to this world. When I confirm the shirt which I’ve cleaned, The sweat stains from the collar and cuffs which won’t come off no matter what became snow-white. Life magic vs. Bleach, it was an overwhelming victory for magic. Truly a white fantasy. Now the flawless fresh young man was ready. Although I can’t become a good man any more because of the material, I made the utmost effort.

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