Ultimate Porter ~The Weakest Man Aspires to be an Adventurer~ Chapter 2

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On my free time. The me who got on the road beyond the meadow prepared my outfit. But, Even after 30min had passed not even a single people shown up, no carriages either. Fumu, is this a remote location that people rarely pass? It can’t be helped. I’m getting bored, let’s do a simulation when we do meat some people. While I’m sitting here, let’s assume that a big breasted girl with superior beauty has a comes from the left. It would be better to go at it refreshingly as not to have any suspicious feeling.
Greetings are the basics.


While paying attention not to become sultry, it’s going to be fine. Then the other party will make a slightly dubious face. Why is a person in such a place? I mustn’t make the other party feel fear. That’s why I shouldn’t be too close to the other party, asking questions while keeping a moderate distance.

[I’m lost. Where should I go to reach a town? To the right or the left?]

[Ah, if it’s like that…]

With my gentleman-like attitude, she will then teach the way. Because we will probably go the same way, we should go together. As time goes on, our talks begins to get lively and the two become friends….

Yup. It’s a surprisingly perfect simulation.
…just kidding.

I understand. That it’s impossible for a big breasted beauty to suddenly appear, right? Even to the 27yrs old me. I understand such a thing. But you know…, a small dream is necessary for the person to keep on living.

While I was thinking about it, I then heard footsteps from my left. When I’ll strain my eyes, no way, it’s the big breasted girl with superior beauty. Has red hair and tanned skin. Wearing a leather armor and a longsword was grasped in hand. She was running and her breastplate was shaking back and forth. The red-haired woman was facing here and yelling.

[RUN AWAYYYYYYyyyyyyyyy!]

If you look closely, there were child-like oni coming with weapons behind her.
It’s a Goblin. And there’s more than 10 of them.

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I started running at full speed towards the right. My Attack power is 3 and Defense power is 5. Even my Hit Points is only 8. I was apprising the red-haired beauty while running.


【Name】 Patty Cherrycork 【Age】 22 yrs old 【Occupation】 Warrior
【Lv】 13 【HP】 196/289 【MP】 17/42
【Attack】104 【Defense】187 【Strength】 176
【Intelligence】 97 【Agility】 86  
【Magic】 【Skill】

Physical Reinforcement Lv.3

Slash Lv.4

Camping Lv.2

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I don’t know the criteria in this world, so I don’t know how strong this female warrior is. But with an Attack and Defense that is 30 times above mine, she was running away. I was crying to the sad reality and just accepted it.


When the female warrior used the skill Physical Reinforcement, thanks to that we were able to separate from the crowd of goblins and we recovered from our fatigue for running till the end.

[Sorry for involving you, it’s my bad. I’m Patty]

Patty greeted me without being timid. It was a smile where the unpolished charm and mysteriousness coexist together. Damn… Isn’t this a strike!?

[I’m Ippei. I’m a traveler. Why was Patty being chased after?]

[We were thinning out the monsters by the Guild’s request. The truth is our party putted together a plan but, …and just before that plan was realized our party disbanded because of various things. It can’t be helped that’s why I did it solo]

[You’re crossing a very dangerous bridge there]

[Well, it’s easy if it’s a group consisting of five but as expected having a group consisting of 10 including the Goblin Leader was dangerous. Ouch…]

Seems like while talking her wounds was still hurting. Patty’s neat face warp.

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[You’re injured? Let me take a look]

I immediately cast recovery magic onto Patty.

[Wow! The wounds are instantly healing up. Ippei, are you a healer? You have some good ability there]

[Nn, is that so?]

I was praised, and it made me very happy.

[That’s right, it’s hard to have an amazing healer even in a high-ranking party]

As expected, the Recovery Magic Max Lv. isn’t just for show. Perhaps I can restore lost body parts, wonder if it’s possible for me to revive the dead if my companion was unlucky…?

[Hey Ippei…]

Patty looks up to me with upturned eyes in a coquettish way.

[Won’t you pair up with me and work as an adventurer?]

It came! Isn’t this the situation that I yearned for? To have an amazing adventure in a dungeon with a beautiful warrior leaving each other’s back to the other. But for such things the beginning is essential. If I keep some things a secret in the first place, then a serious thing will happen later on. Not to mention in organizing a party, the most important thing is trust. Therefore I intend to sincerely act honestly.

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[Though my Level is 1, Attack is 3, Defense is only 5, and is jobless. Are you fine with that?]

Patty’s eyes were wide open in surprise. And then…

[That’s impossible!]

I have been quickly dumped.

[Rather, why is the value so low? Even a child is a little better when compared]

Apparently in this world, I seem to be quite delicate.

[That was such a shock. I thought I finally found a promising member]

[The one who is shocked is me…]

I even though of myself as weak, I clearly understood it when an active adventurer said it. It’s incredibly dangerous to dive into the dungeon as it seems. But you see… It’s a dungeon. I have been yearning for it. Though I came over to a fantasy world with much effort, It’s too outrageous that can’t have an adventure!

~Author’s Note~
I have to consider this somehow….
Next time, Ippei’s Smithery Refining blows the fire! A craftsman who came flying from a different world, will he work out with a Holy Sword or a Demonic Sword?

[Patty-sensei… I want to have an adventure…]

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