Unable to Divorce After Signing the Marriage Contract Chapter 14.2

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Pinching His Sharp Jaw (2)

Nearly an hour later, the whole engagement process ended smoothly and the banquet officially started.

In addition to the sumptuous meal, this lunch was also a good time to chat and exchange ideas. No one wanted to miss this rare opportunity to talk with Lu Nan, and many people were eager to talk to Lin Yu He too.

Lin Yu He has been staying by Lu Nan's side since he came down from the stage. He originally thought that Mr Lu would be as busy as he was in the morning meeting the guests, and he just needed to follow quietly. However, when the guests really came forward one after another, Lu Nan's first words were all directed towards Lin Yu He.

He introduced these people to Lin Yu He one by one.

He also introduced Lin Yu He to each of the guests.

"This is my lover."

Not only were the guests surprised, Lin Yu He himself was also a little surprised. He originally thought he was just here to go with the flow as a chaperone, but he didn't expect that man to introduce him to the guests.

That one sentence was repeated over and over again by Lu Nan to many people.

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Time passed quickly when conversing, and Lin Yu He gradually got used to talking with many guests. However, after being busy for so long since the morning, his body was inevitably a bit overwhelmed and his stomach was not feeling well.

As there were still guests conversing with Lu Nan, Lin Yu He did not interrupt them and subtly pressed his abdomen. He was contemplating to ask the waiter for a cup of hot water later, but he heard Lu Nan's voice all of a sudden.

" Is your stomach not feeling well?"

As soon as Lin Yu He lifted his eyes, they were met with those pure black eyes.

He blanked momentarily then waved his hand, "No, I'm fine."

Lu Nan, however, still said to the guests, "My lover is tired, I'll accompany him to get something to eat."

The guests were very understanding and nodded: "Of course, please go ahead."

Lu Nan then took Lin Yu He out of the main hall through the side door.

Lin Yu He was afraid that he interrupted the older male's matter and said, "I'll just have a small bite."

His stepmother had mentioned to him many times before that he must listen to the Lu family's instructions. After all, the elite family is very sophisticated and may have to abide by the rule that the bride is not allowed to eat during the day on the day of the wedding. Wu Xin had specifically warned Lin Yu He not to ask for something to eat, and he himself was prepared for a busy day too.

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Lu Nan heard him but did not say anything. Instead, he led Lin Yu He pass two corridors to a private room.

There was no one in the room, only a table of untouched food, the exact same dishes as the main room.

Lu Nan said, "Sit down."

Lin Yu He looked at the sumptuous lunch that was still steaming. He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped himself under the man's gaze and obediently picked up his chopsticks.

Lu Nan was satisfied: "No need to hurry, take your time to eat."

Just as the two of them entered, there was a knock at the door.

It was Fang Mu Sen.

Lu Nan went to the door to talk to him. He didn't shut the door so Lin Yu He could hear them from the table.

"Sir, there are still three booths on the right side of the West Hall that have not been visited, and inside are people from Ansheng Investments and Linhai Securities. The receptionist has already arranged it, you can go there first. I will wait here for Mr Lin, and I will send him back to you in the main hall when he finishes his meal."

Lin Yu He listened and was a little surprised. Mr. Fang was so busy, how could he make him stay and wait for him alone? He immediately hurried to finish his food so he could return to the main hall quickly.

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The conversation at the door continued, Lu Nan said, "No, you go to the West Hall."

Lin Yu He thought: Surely there is no need for Assistant Fang to stay.

Before he could even feel relieved, he heard Lu Nan say.

"I'll accompany him."

Lin Yu He directly choked on his food and coughed.

The two people at the door turned to look at him at the prompt. Lu Nan even walked over directly and rubbed his back to assist easing his airways, "Don't rush, eat slowly."

Lin Yu He covered his mouth and shook his head, indicating he was fine.

Lu Nan waited for him to recover before saying to Fang Mu Sen, "Go ahead."

Fang Mu Sen was obviously also a little surprised by Lu Nan's decision, but he nodded in response when Lu Nan said. On his way out, he closed the door after him too.

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There were only the two of them left in the room now, and Lu Nan sat down beside Lin Yu He.

Lin Yu He continued to eat for a while before he realized that Lu Nan had not touched his chopsticks.

The only sound left in the room was the slight clinking of chopsticks against the bowl, and the atmosphere was quite somber.

Lin Yu He pursed his lips and asked, "Will Mr ...... Ge Ge, won't you eat a little?"

He looked at the meal in front of him and said, "I think it tastes pretty good."

Lu Nan still did not pick up his chopsticks, his voice sounded faintly cool: " This is the only merit left in this wedding banquet."

Lin Yu He: "......?"

He vaguely felt that Mr Lu didn't seem too happy, but he thought it over and couldn't figure out which part had gone wrong.

Wasn't the whole engagement proceeding just now completed smoothly?

Right at that moment, Lin Yu He's cell phone rang.

Worried about upsetting the man, Lin Yu He was about to hang up. But then he heard Lu Nan say, "Answer it if it's important."

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