Unable to Divorce After Signing the Marriage Contract Chapter 14.3

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Pinching His Sharp Jaw (3)

Lin Yu He looked at him to make sure that the male wasn't really upset before picking up the phone.

"He He!"

The phone call was from Zhen Ling, and his voice was full of excitement.

"The results are out! You got first in the average!"

Lin Yu He had only said he was going out on Sunday, so other than Shen Hui Xi, the others didn't know about his engagement yet.

"90+ in all subjects! You're insane!!!"

Lin Yu He, who had planned to say just one sentence and hang up on the call, was also stunned by the news and responded absentmindedly, "Really?"

Lu Nan's gaze flickered over.

Lin Yu He thought his voice had disturbed the other so he made a gesture of apology before he got up and walked to the window to continue the conversation.

He was still concerned about the time, and hung up after a few simple words. However, he couldn't conceal the joy and excitement so much that his entire person lightened up a bit after the phone call.

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After lunch, the two left the booth, and they met a few guests in the corridor before they even took a few steps.

The guests greeted them with smiles, and someone even complimented Lu Nan, "You two have such a good relationship. We just saw you two from afar and found Mr Lin standing next to Mr. Lu, he can't even hide the happiness and joy on his face."

Lu Nan's expression became somewhat profound and unfathomable.

He responded lightly, "Well, he is quite happy."

Lin Yu He: "......"

Lin Yu He touched the tip of his nose and couldn't help but feel guilty.

His acting skills were not really good.

If he had known earlier, he would have proceeded through the engagement with the mood of someone who scored the first place. That way, his performance would definitely excel better than the one he did just now.

After chatting with the guests for a few minutes, a waiter approached him, saying that the master of ceremonies invited the two of them.

When they returned to the main hall, the emcee was waiting for them on the side stage, and the waiter beside him was holding a tray with a square box.

The master of ceremonies said, "The two of you have one task left to complete - to write a love diary together."

Another attendant stepped forward and opened the square box in the tray, which contained a thin leather-bound book.

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The master of ceremonies took out a pen and said, "The love diary should be written for each special day. The two of you now need to discuss and write down together the one thing that makes you happiest on this engagement day today."

The happiest event?

Lin Yu He thought, "What should I write? If it's a wedding, it's easy to write about the vows, the exchange of rings and so on. There are a lot of memorable events, it's easy to pick one. Today is only the engagement, it is difficult to think of a representative event ......

He was thinking about it when he saw Lu Nan take the pen and write directly on the page of the engagement day in the book.

Oh? Mr Lu has already thought of it?

Lin Yu He moved closer to read, but he could hardly believe his eyes when he saw the line written out by the other party.

The man's handwriting was smooth and elegant, and the sentence he wrote beautifully was -

First place in the midterm exam.

Lin Yu He was stunned.

Although this was indeed his happiest moment today, he never expected the man to write this.

The master of ceremonies also froze.

He is the most popular gold medal officiant in the whole Yan City, affiliated with the first ranked premium wedding company in the same city. There were countless weddings that he had officiated, and there were many dignitaries and celebrities among his clients too.

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However, this is the first time he saw a couple write the commemorative diary in this manner.

...... Which sane person would write about their academic performance in their love diary?

If you think about it, this is equivalent to writing the happiest thing about this engagement day is that Tai Ping stock price has increased by n percent" - even if it is written that the stock price has increased, it is still more in line with Mr. Lu's character.

The written "first place in the midterm exam" was really incomprehensible.

The master of ceremonies did not dare to jump to conclusions, so he only coughed and said: "Oh, Mr. Lu is so considerate. With such a good result, it indicates that Mr. Lin has a great future, and it is really a special way for two people to show their love!

Lin Yu He felt secondhand embarrassment from just listening to this. This person really braced himself and sprouted all kinds of nonsense.

Lu Nan was expressionless as always and followed the process of handing a corner of the book to Lin Yu He, and together they put the "love diary" back into the square box for storage.

After all this, they were allowed to leave.

When they walked down from the side platform and passed by an empty place, Lin Yu He hesitated and whispered, "Sorry."

Lu Nan glanced over to him.

Lin Yu He took a breath and said, "My performance at the engagement party today was probably not very good. It was not as good as how happy I was when I found out about the result ......"

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The man interrupted him.

"No need to apologize," Lu Nan said, "I wasn't blaming you."

Lin Yu He was a bit at a loss for words.

Lu Nan continued, "I just wrote that because it is also the happiest thing I have done today."

"You performed well today, good job."

Lin Yu He observed him carefully, not knowing if the male really felt that way or if they carried a meaning.

Lu Nan originally had minimal expression and movement, but being watched like this, he ultimately didn't hold back and lifted his hand to pinch Lin Yu He's sharp jaw.

Before the younger was intimidated, he quickly withdrew his hand and spoke calmly: "The only thing I want to add is that if you write this kind of diary next time-"

The man's voice rumbled lowly, causing a tingling numbness from one's ears down towards and spread across the chest.

And advanced towards the softest spot in the heart.

"- I hope the happiness you write down then, can be related to me."

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