As soon as he heard this, he exploded, and began to curse Fang Musen in English mixed with dialects.

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But Lu Nan’s car had already driven away.

Lu Nan said that he hadn’t planned to go to the Lu house, and he really didn’t. The car drove the two of them directly to the wedding location.

The rain had been falling, and the dark clouds covered the entire sky, pressing down heavily, as if it had been pressed between the tall buildings.

The whole city was immersed in the damp cloud, which made people feel depressed even when breathing.

Lu Nan still didn’t speak, and looked ahead silently, in a bad.

Lin Yu He could feel that this was not due to meeting Lu Yingming.

Instead, it was because of his parents.

From yesterday’s photo shoot on the island, Lin Yu He had noticed that Mr. Lu had a good relationship with his parents.

In the huge city of Xiangjiang, Lu Nan’s only concern here seemed to be his parents.

The road was congested on a rainy day like this, and the car drove for more than an hour before they arrived at the place where the wedding was to be held tomorrow.

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Unlike the castle-like luxury hotel of the engagement, the wedding venue was a modest auditorium, which even looked a little aged, and the exterior and interior decorations were very simple.

However, this place was much warmer than the place where they were engaged, and almost all the decorations inside were selected by the two of them.

Lin Yu He walked in together with Lu Nan, and there were many people busy in the auditorium. Due to tomorrow’s wedding, the place had been redecorated, and the wedding hall had basically taken shape, only leaving the freshly picked flowers to be delivered tomorrow morning.

Lin Yu He had seen every detail here in the concept map, but seeing the real scene, the feeling was still different, and it was still very novel.

He was looking around when a young man approached.

The young man was in his early twenties, tall, handsome, and smiling. Lin Yu He took two more glances before recognizing him.

This was another cousin of Mr. Lu, the third young master of the Lu family, Lu Yingshun.

Sure enough, as soon as the young man came over, he opened his mouth and called, “Big brother.”

Unlike Lu Yingming, Third Master Lu was gentle and polite. After calling the eldest brother, he smiled and greeted Lin Yu He: “Sister-in-law.”

Lin Yu He was stunned by this “sister-in-law” greeting.

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Lu Nan glanced at Lu Yingshun, and the latter didn’t react to his indifference. He continued to smile and said, “I’m here to give the two of you a wedding gift.”

Lu Yingshun waved behind him, and someone came over with two gift boxes.

Lu Yingshun took one of the gift boxes and said as he opened it, “Second brother found you, didn’t he?”

He shook his head: “He still has that temper, and doesn’t have a long memory.”

“When I came, elder sister originally wanted to follow, but was stopped by third aunt.” Lu Yingshun said, “Fortunately, she didn’t come, otherwise, I’m afraid she would start picking faults when she sees this auditorium.”

He smiled: “The last time she went to eldest brother’s engagement banquet, she said that the hotel was too bad.”

Lin Yu He reacted.

The sister that Lu Yingshun was talking about would be the girl in the red skirt he met last time who only spoke English at the engagement banquet.

Lu Yingshun said: “But I didn’t expect eldest brother to choose this location. Originally, my family planned to reserve the hall of the convention and exhibition centre for eldest brother.”

“But this is eldest brother’s wedding, so of course it depends on eldest brother’s own arrangements.”

After Lu Yingshun finished speaking, he handed over the just-unpacked gift box: “This is a gift for eldest brother.”

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It was an ice-blue Cartier mechanical watch. Although Lin Yu He didn’t know the price, just by looking at the brand and the bright dial, he could guess that the watch was worth a lot of money.

And Lu Nan did accept the gift that Lu Yingshun gave.

It seemed that the relationship between Mr. Lu and Third Master Lu was not bad.

Lin Yu He was thinking about it, but noticed that Lu Yingshun had opened the second gift box and handed it to him.

“This is for sister-in-law.”

He had a gift too? Lin Yu He was stunned.

Lu Yingshun said: “I heard that sister-in-law liked calligraphy, so I bought you a pen, I hope you like it.”

Lin Yu He was a little surprised.

He didn’t expect that the other would know about his love of calligraphy.

And when he saw the gift, he was even more surprised.

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He saw a pen lying quietly in the gift box. The golden, hollowed-out pen was exquisite and beautiful, with perfect lines.

——It was actually a Meisterstück 149 from Montblanc.

The original price of this pen was about 100,000, but because it was an anniversary edition, only 75 were released, and it had long been sold out. Now it was difficult to find, and it was really very precious.

But what Lin Yu He cared most about was not the price of this pen, but the Montblanc Skeleton 149 was extremely famous in the pen circle, and it occupied the top three in the topic of “the most wanted dream pen” in major forums all year round.

Lin Yu He wrote with both soft and hard pens, so naturally, he had heard of its name.

To him, this pen wasn’t a random gift at all, but rather a huge favour.

Lin Yu He didn’t know if he was supposed to accept such an expensive gift, and finally it was Lu Nan’s people that took the gift box.

Lin Yu He said, “Thank you.”

Lu Yingshun smiled, “As long as sister-in-law likes it.”

He was very similar to Lu Nan in three ways: his appearance was aggressively handsome, but he always smiled, and looked much more approachable.

“Congratulations on your wedding.”

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