Lin Yu He felt a little strange.

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From between his eyebrows, he could actually see the similarities between the three cousins

of the Lu family, but the differences in their personalities were just too big.

Lu Yingshun didn’t stay for much longer, and left after delivering the gift.

Lin Yu He and Lu Nan continued to visit the auditorium. They had already rehearsed the wedding process in Yancheng before, and now they were just looking at the venue.

The two also went to see the manager of the auditorium, an old couple. On weekdays, the old couple lived in the auditorium, and at this wedding, they would act as the witnesses.

The old man wore a suit with a serious face, and his silver hair was meticulously combed. He talked with Lu Nan about the marriage ceremony tomorrow, while Lin Yu He walked around the auditorium with the old woman.

The old woman was much gentler than the serious old man, and there was a smile in the fine lines at the corners of her eyes. However, she couldn’t speak, she could only use sign language, which was translated by a little girl accompanying her.

The old woman briefly introduced the history of the auditorium in sign language. Lin Yu He listened to the little girl’s translation and asked, “What type of religious auditorium is this?”

He wanted to find out, so as not to violate any taboos.

The old woman signed some more, and the little girl said, “This place was originally a Catholic church, and later it became a Christian church. Later, it became a local sect’s auditorium. Now, there’s no specific sect to which it belongs, it’s just an ordinary auditorium. .”

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The mother-in-law had done a lot of signing, and said silently and softly, “It doesn’t matter which sect you belong to.”

“Some people believe in the true God, some people believe in idols, and some people believe in themselves.”

The old woman pressed her hand to her chest.

“Faith is always in everyone’s heart.”

Lin Yu He’s mind moved slightly.

The sky was already dark with the sound of rain falling mixed with the wind, and in this quaint auditorium, the young girl’s crisp and tender voice was telling simple and profound truths.

There was peace and tranquillity all around.

They walked on and saw a picture hanging on the wall.

It was an old black and white photo of a scene inside the auditorium. On the ceremony stage, younger versions of the old couple was witnessing a wedding for a pair of newlyweds.

Lin Yu He also noticed the inscription in the lower right corner of the photo.

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In a certain month of a certain year, Lu Hongji and his wife was married.

This was actually the wedding photo of Mr. Lu’s parents.

Lin Yu He was surprised when a familiar tall figure appeared beside him.

It was Lu Nan, who had finished talking with the old man.

“This is where my parents got married.” Lu Nan said.

He was not in a good mood today, and didn’t speak much, but when facing Lin Yuhe, his tone was still comforting.

“The Lu family didn’t agree with their marriage at that time, and they didn’t have the money for a high-end place for a wedding, so they came here to get married.”

Lin Yu He was stunned.

He remembered what Third Master Lu said when he came to give gifts: the Lu family planned to set up a high-end hall for Lu Nan to hold the wedding, but Lu Nan chose this place.

He even had a vision as if in a trance.

It’s as if Mr. Lu decided to get married in Xiangjiang, not because of the Lu family…

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But to come to this place where his parents held their wedding.


After seeing the wedding hall, it was already dark. Because of the rain, the two did not go to see the night view of the Xiangjiang River, but turned back to the hotel.

After all, they were to be busy all day tomorrow, so early rest today was good.

They went to an international hotel chain. This was also a hotel in which the Taiping Group is a shareholder, and so as soon as the two entered, they were warmly received by the hotel staff.

The two were going to go upstairs to check in, but Lu Nan received a call. It was a work matter, so he first found a lounge on the first floor to chat.

Lin Yu He waited for him in another lounge.

In addition to the waiter who came to deliver hot tea, the planners of the wedding company were also there. One of the kind middle-aged ladies was the person in charge of various affairs with Lin Yu He previously, and she had confirmed with Lin Yu He about the auditorium schedule this afternoon.

The waiter came over to deliver the room cards. Lin Yu He saw two different room cards and was a little surprised: “We have two rooms?”

The waiter nodded, and the middle-aged lady also added, “Yes, you two should sleep in separate rooms tonight.”

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The waiter left, Lin Yu He didn’t know the reason, and asked, “Is there a rule to avoid meeting before marriage as much as possible?”

The woman smiled and said, “No, Director Lu told us a long time ago that were no rules or anything particular about the whole wedding.”

Lin Yu He was puzzled: “Then…?”

The woman said: “This is advice based on past experience. Generally speaking, we do not recommend that newlyweds live together the night before their wedding, for fear that the young couple will have relations and can’t help it, and they will not be able to get up the next day and cause delay for the wedding.”

Lin Yuhe was stunned: “…?!”

He understood, but began to suspect that he had heard it wrong.

And what the woman said next surprised him even more—

“So Boss Lu booked two rooms for tonight.”

Lin Yu He was completely shocked.

…Could it be that Mr. Lu really thought this way too?!

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