Unique Legend

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Instruct

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Location: Atlantis Time: 3:57 PM

From the beginning till now, Senior kept saying that I’m not.

“Let’s set aside this topic first. The truth, and whether or not it is so, will be revealed one day.”

Director Shan deftly ended our conversation, then looked at the white butterfly that stopped on the base of her fan: “What the Ghost Tribe wants are blood ties and sacrifices. In the near future, there are also a few candidates in addition to the two of you, including those in other schools, who might be attacked too. I’ve already contacted the Guild, so during this period, you should be more careful whenever you make a move.”

I looked at Senior, then withdrew my gaze.

“I’m not lacking any, you just find someone to watch over Chu.”

Senior stood up, and that butterfly got startled and flapped away again: “If you’re talking about ‘fitting candidates’, this idiot is the easiest to get hold of.”

I’m sorry I am just that easy to get hold of…

I’ll do my best to find someone to accompany me whenever I go out, alright!?

“Aih, you really aren’t lovable. If you run to us crying, I would definitely kindly welcome you back home with a smile.”

Director Shan spoke in a very regretful tone.

I could almost see the veins jumping on his forehead.

“Yang Yang, do you want to see that guy’s childhood pictures? At that time, he was just so cute, so soft, so easy to bully.”

Saying this, Director Shan suddenly pulled out a photo book that seemed quite thick from her sleeve and flipped it open.

In that second, I saw only one photo, and on it was a super beautiful, cute little kid, about six or seven years old…and that was all. A second later, the entire photo book burst into flames and turned to ash in less than three seconds.

“If you’re done speaking, then hurry up and scram. Don’t do meaningless things here.”

There was still a ball of flames in Senior’s hand, who looked like his rationality was about to collapse already.

I instantly jumped a good distance away with the ballfish.

Come on, I almost died once today; I don’t want to immediately experience a second time!

Director Shan stood up, completely unintimidated as she shrugged. Then she sighed, and the flames in Senior’s hand directly extinguished from a distance: “Do I still have something to do…It’s been so long since I came to the school. I’ll go see how the others are currently doing.”

Saying that, she actually ran off like a wisp of smoke.

After dumbfoundedly watching Director Shan disappear, I suddenly became aware of an about-to-burn-up Senior standing beside me, and then I stupidly did not run away too.

“You think running away will work?”

Red eyes looked over strangely, causing me to feel a chill.

Of, of course, in front of you, Boss, running away wouldn’t work no matter what…

Quietly widening the distance between us a little, I hugged that white ballfish as I looked around. Just when I was about to say something like how nice the weather is today, the other person already opened his mouth first: “You want to raise that fish, don’t you.”

Senior narrowed his eyes and stared at the ballfish.

“Uh, no, I want to send it back to that sea over there. I don’t know how Ziray got it…he put both a sea person and a ballfish in a goldfish-scooping basin…”

I guess it probably came along when he caught the sea person, but the five-colored rooster head just didn’t remember it himself.

Senior sighed, then with a snap of his fingers, a small teleportation array immediately appeared on the ground.

Seizing the opportunity, after I hurriedly put the ballfish on it and also remembered to tell it to be more careful in the future, the ballfish disappeared with the teleportation array.

Then, there were two of us left in this place.

Secretly peeking at Senior, I was a bit afraid, because his face had looked very unfriendly since a moment ago; it felt like the whole goal was to not provoke him and to quickly vanish from this place automatically.

And at the same time that I was thinking this, my feet began to secretly move too.

I firmly believe that Senior must’ve discovered it. To him, my brain is simply an unlocked public occasion anyway; but unexpectedly, Senior didn’t answer me either. After coldly snorting, he suddenly headed outside White Garden.

That’s strange, why hasn’t he first come over to punch me today?

While thinking, I abruptly heard a sound coming from outside. After a long while, I realized that it was the school bell, which means that it’s four o’clock and the school fair should be ending soon too.

“I’m going back to clean up the things in class.”

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After throwing down this sentence, Senior instantly disappeared before me in a very aloof way.

…Take care.

Shortly after I walked out of White Garden and returned to the school fair, I immediately bumped into Miao Miao, Chifuyu and Ryan.

“Yang Yang, where did you run off to before?”

Miao Miao blinked her big eyes and curiously looked around before asking: “You suddenly disappeared halfway through the play.”

You guys actually knew that I disappeared halfway?

“Uh, I met a friend and went out to chat.”

I bet that even if I said I met the director who is most unlike a director, no one would believe me. Those directors are practically gods in their hearts, I think. I wonder how Miao Miao and the others would’ve reacted if they saw Director Shan being kicked by Senior.

Thinking this, I suddenly felt that it was kind of funny.

Standing beside me, Chifuyu pushed his glasses. Clearly after watching the play with senior Gasai together just now, he was in a pretty good mood: “Yang Yang, didn’t you just get treated? I think you should go back to the dorm first. We can clean up the things in the classroom.”

“Nn yeah, you can’t do too much physical labor after being treated.”

Miao Miao, who was said to be part of the medical team, told me in a cute tone: “There’s probably not much left in the classroom, anyway. Yang Yang should go back to rest first.”

“I’m fine.”

Scratching my head, I didn’t feel comfortable saying that it was because Senior gave me the Elven drink that I recovered so well: “That’s right, has senior Gasai also returned to his class to clean up?” Chifuyu nodded.

“From now till five o’clock, all the decorations in class have to be removed, or else the classrooms will return to their original state immediately, and by then, money will be deducted.”

Glancing around at the booths already beginning to quickly pack up, Miao Miao pushed Chifuyu and Ryan, who I didn’t notice was nearby just now: “And that’s it, Yang Yang, you can’t run around! You must hurry back to rest, or else I’ll hit you!”

I guess this must be the most threatening thing Miao Miao has ever said.

“Nn, I’ll have to trouble you guys.”

Since everyone said it like that, it would seem quite strange if I insist on it, especially since I have no idea what sort of supernatural method they will be using to remove those things. After thinking about it, it’d be better if I don’t get in the way.

Pulling the other two people, Miao Miao and the others quickly disappeared in the other side of the crowd.

Because they’re starting to remove the school fair, the number of people who came to visit also began to gradually decrease. One by one, the students in the area returned to their class and started to take down some of the larger things.

I stood in the crowd, and for a second, I didn’t know what to do. It wasn’t until someone bumped into my shoulder that I came to my senses.

Thinking about it, I’m less likely to get in the way if I go back to the dorm…

Speaking of which, there’s probably not a lot of people in the library now either, right?

Just at a time like this, Yǔ lǐ‘s dream vividly popped up.

I wonder if that book will be in the library?

While I was considering, before I even made my decision, my foot already helped me with it.

I walked away from the path to the dormitory and went off in the opposite direction toward the library.

As I got closer and closer to the library, I realized something out of my expectations…I originally thought that there definitely wouldn’t be a lot of people in the library. Now that I’ve arrived, I discovered that there were more people outside the library than I imagined, especially the students from other schools; it was probably because they’re already at our school, so they figured they might as well visit the library.

After all, I heard that our library seem to have one of the whatchamacallit top collections of books. Not coming here would be a bit of a pity.

Uh oh, with so many people around, it’ll be difficult for me to have the time to slowly look for books, right?

But there is an advantage to that; due to the many people in groups, I casually slipped into a group and actually walked through that damn maze safe and sound.

As soon as I reached the library, the interior still looked exactly the same as when I first came, only with more people. Looks like it won’t be that easy to find the book’s location.

“Hello, student~”

Just when I was looking at that biting Tree of Wisdom and thinking about how I should find Yǔ lǐ‘s book, a greeting suddenly came behind me from my left. I turned my head, and Lily stood there: “Hello.” I first nodded at Lily. We just saw each other today, I didn’t expect us to meet again so soon.

“It’s time for the classes to clean up now. Your class finished so quickly?”

Lily shook the adornments on her ears, then patted a log chair next to her.

“Uh, I guess so. I’m a bit of a hindrance, so I left first; that way it’d be easier for everyone to clean up.”

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Sitting down on that chair, I saw that most of the seats in the library were full. It seems like finding an unoccupied seat would probably be somewhat difficult.

“So that’s how it is. Are you looking for a book? Now that there’s quite a lot of people, I reckon it will take till evening. If it’s a particular book, I can bring it to you quickly.”

Revealing a wide smile, Lily told me this. Thinking about it, instead of going to the Tree of Wisdom, maybe asking Lily will also be faster: “Nn, I want to find a book about this big.”

I gestured at the approximate size of that book from my dream, then described it: “A thick black book, with gold gilding…I can’t read the words, though, but if you turn to the first page, there is a parchment-like diagram and a war picture is drawn on it.”

After roughly describing that picture in my mind, I stopped.

Lily looked at me and narrowed her eyes. Her expression seems a bit puzzled, but it also looks like she was rapidly searching for something in her head. Nearly a minute later, she opened her mouth: “I probably know what book you want to find, but that book is not in this library.”

“Aih?” I froze. It can’t be that it’s an out-of-print book?

“The common language version of that book is currently stored in a library for white robes. Only those with white robe qualifications can browse it.”

Lily told me in a regretful tone: “Normal student can’t read that type of book.”

White robe qualifications?

There shouldn’t be anything scary recorded inside, right…

That picture on the first page gave off a very ominous feeling. I suddenly didn’t really feel like finding that book anymore.

“There is only one other similar book currently in this library, but it’s a simplified version. If you’re interested, you can take a look.”

Lily said, while clapping her hands. I saw a red book appearing in her hand. Not too thick, the book had gilded gold words on it.

This time, I was able to read them, but the clear words made me hesitant about whether or not I should borrow it.

The large gilded typeface on the book told me its title—”Black History Record”

“This is a record of some stories from many generations ago.”

Helping me translate the book, Lily put the book in my hands: “Especially the war against the Ghost Tribe. Since this is the simplified version, the majority of them are written in fairy tale and ballad format. I don’t know if this will be any use to you?”

Looking at the red cover in my hands, I felt a bit dazed, and after hearing what Lily said, I suddenly came back to my senses: “Ah, nn, I understand. I’ll just borrow this book first then, thank you.”

Lily showed a wide smile: “It was nothing. If you’re interested in any other books, I can help you find them too.” After thanking Lily again, I held the book and walked out of the library.

In that instant, I began to feel nervous all of a sudden.

Not being able to wait until I reached the dorm, I found a small garden courtyard without people near the library, then I hurriedly walked in with the book before immediately sitting down and flipping through it.

Due to the school barrier, I was actually able to miraculously understand the meaning of the words in the book that I shouldn’t have been able to read, logically speaking. And the fact that it was the vernacular version meant that I didn’t have any difficulty reading it.

Opening the book, there was no war picture. From the start, it was a couple of ballads, which were probably praising some ancient deeds.

Like the Fairy Clan prevailing over the darkness, the Beastmaster Clan freeing itself from control, etc.

At the time, the world was not as clearly divided as it is now. Many races lived together, and all kinds of different people could be seen everywhere, such as the Elves who seem to be running across the streets.

To be honest, I don’t understand why Yǔ lǐ told me to find this book. Besides the many fairytale-like stories or those stories inside, there wasn’t anything special.

When I flipped to the middle or so, a certain word made me stop turning the page: “Ghost King’s Tomb of the West”

If I remember correctly, this should be the place we went to last time.

And so, I slowed down and started to carefully look at the story recorded on it.

The same as what I knew from the start, what was written in the book wasn’t that far from what the others told me. It was pretty much just the Ghost King being buried in a glacier and sealed in the Ghost King’s tomb after he was captured.

A large number of people died in that battle, and the Guild also intervened at the same time to handle it.

The Guild?

That’s right, I remember Andy was once a member of the Guild too, which means that the Guild was already in existence a thousand years ago?

It really has an established history…

While thinking this, I turned to the next page without realizing. After the battle ended, there’s actually a followup?

Unexpectedly looking at the next story, I remembered that there does seem to be something like that. At that time, Senior or someone said…

But what happened after that?

Didn’t they all live happily ever after when the fighting stopped?

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After the war ended, a new continuation of the story appeared on the second page, and it began with change.

After the battle with the Ghost King, the Elf Clan, which suffered the heaviest casualties, let their companions sleep in the Ghost King’s Tomb until time ends and the Lord God welcomes them back.

The various races that came to assist began to exterminate the escaping branches of the Ghost Tribe everywhere, and the twice-hit Ice Fang Clan was under the protection of the Valley of Flames…

Wait, twice?

If I’m not mistaken, I remember that there should only be this one time with the Ghost Kong’s Tomb, right?

Quickly flipping to the back of the book, I saw that it was still only that time with the Ghost King…

Which means that there’s probably another time that got cut off?

But why would they make such a big revision to a book that normal students read?

“Chu Ming Yang! What are you doing here!?”


Just when I was thinking hard about the possibility, someone behind me suddenly shouted, and I immediately jumped up. The book in my hands flew out and directly fell on the ground.

I’m going to die, I dropped the library book; I don’t know if something will happen to me!

“Why are you slacking off here? Isn’t your class still cleaning up?”

Bending down to help me pick up that book, Liliya, who was wearing a small formal dress today, was still standing fiercely behind me.

That’s right, I heard their class seems to be doing garden art or something…

“Uh, I accidentally almost got chopped to death at the haunted house today, so Miao Miao and the others told me to go back and rest first.”

Staring at that book, I awkwardly laughed.

“Pft, your life is pretty strong. You won’t even die from that; I heard a sea of tickets has already died in 2A’s haunted house.”

I don’t know if she was praising me. Liliya’s tone was still as disdainful as usual.

Speaking of which, the reason I wasn’t chopped to death is probably somewhat related to me knowing Senior and the others. I bet if we had nothing to do with each other, they definitely would’ve randomly chopped down without any hesitation.

While I was thinking this, Liliya had flipped through the book in her hands: “How come you’re suddenly interested in the Black History? This type of book for normal students doesn’t mention anything at all, okay? Sure enough, at your level, you can only read this sort of book.”

Saying that, she directly tossed the book back to me: “Perfect timing, take out your weapon and let’s have a showdown here!”

Hastily catching the book, I instantly took a large step back: “Another time, I almost got chopped to death today!”

“…That’s true. If I win, they’ll say I took advantage of your weakness.”

Liliya humphed, which should mean that she’s giving up on it for the time being.

“Then we’ll determine the victor on the fourth martial arts platform this Sunday!”

Don’t decide the time on your own!

“I, I might have something to do.”

Before she change the date, I immediately took that book and changed the topic: “You said this Black History record doesn’t mention anything, meaning that you’ve read a more complete version before?”

That’s right, Liliya is a white robe, so I guess she probably knows about the common version Lily was talking about.

Liliya glanced at me and her expression turned confused: “Of course I’ve read it. There is a whole set of the common language versions in the library for white robes. Although they have also undergone revision, they’re definitely more complete than the general market ones in circulation. Having said that, why are you so interested?”

I assessed it for a moment. Liliya isn’t that close to us. It’s probably unlikely that she would tell Senior about this. After thinking a little, I decided to first ask her for now: “Nn…Because I want to find information about that battle of the Western Mound Ghost King’s Tomb a thousand years ago, but I don’t know why I can’t find much on it.”

Plus the fact that asking people wasn’t too useful, “You also know about it…When we went to practice last semester, the Ghost King suddenly came to life, so I want to look at that record.”

“Is that so…”

Not doubting it, Liliya tilted her head and thought for a moment: “Based on the rules, I can’t tell normal students about robe level data, but you are also related to the Ghost King incident…

She was hesitating.

“I promise to not spread it.”

I hope my brain doesn’t malfunction and gets heard by Senior, otherwise I’m sure I wouldn’t even know how I’ll die.

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Liliya blinked, then narrowed her eyes halfway. She suddenly spoke with a bit of a stutter: “This, this lady is only telling you out of respect for her mortal enemy. Otherwise, people who don’t know me would say that I have an advantage as a white robe.”

Okay, okay, whether or not I’m currently your mortal enemy* or your living enemy is up to you: “Thank you.”

[T/N: He’s making a pun here, the characters for mortal enemy could also be translated as dead enemy]

I finally found someone willing to say it upfront. To be honest, I’m pretty happy right now.

I don’t know whether or not it’s because she isn’t used to being thanked, but Liliya froze for a long time, then turned her head right away, “Wha, what are you thanking me for!? Being thanked by someone like you isn’t a good thing.”

“Nn, I know. What is that Ghost King’s Tomb data in the white robe library like?”

After asking her to sit first, I sat down in the seat opposite of her, with the red book placed in the middle of the table. Staring at that red book, a short while probably passed before Liliya slowly opened her mouth: “Before I say this, you have to first promise that you will not spread the robe levels’ data.”

I nodded. At any rate, even if I want to spread it, I don’t know where to spread it.

Speaking of which, I probably don’t need to swear an oath, right? Seeing her appearance, she doesn’t look like she’s going to tell me to swear an oath either.

A couple more seconds later, Liliya once again opened her mouth: “As for the white robes’s data, this is what it records: that was the terrible news that happened at Western Mound. The intelligence team received a warning from the west. Ghost King Yelu crossed over from the Prison World and landed in the land of the Elves. They established the Ghost Tribe there, and the people who were unable to leave were slaughtered by the Ghost Tribe. With each passing day, the Ghost Tribe’s power grew. At the time, the Guild system was not fully complete. While the Ghost Tribe entered the sealed world, we also discovered that the medical team’s leader had defected.”

Medical team…I guess this is probably referring to Andellar.

Pausing for a moment, Liliya continued speaking: “At the time, the Guild was shocked by the traitors, and because the traitors led a large number of Ghost Tribe members to attack the Guild, the Guild was unable to immediately assist Western Mound at the earliest time possible.

A few days later, we received a message; the Elf Clan formed an allied force and was heading out toward the land of the Ghost Tribe. Many Elven aristocrats participated, and along with them, different races from various places faraway had put down their preexisting hostilities, creating an allied force together that pointed straight at the land of the Ghost Tribe.”

“At that time, they discovered that the Dark Cult, which should have disappeared a long time ago, had joined the Ghost King’s army.”

Hearing these two words, I abruptly froze. That name I care very much about…

Noticing my reaction, Liliya stopped at the same time too: “Do you still want to continue listening?”

She blinked, not knowing why I froze.

“Uh, okay.”

Hastily coming back to my senses, I then realized that the sky outside was already beginning to darken a little: “Ah, or we can continue tomorrow?”


Liliya looked at me, puzzled.

“Nn…If that’s possible. Are you able to borrow this book?”

I suddenly really, really wanted to see that content with my own eyes.

Just what was the war between the Dark Cult, Ghost Tribe and Elves…

“Of course I can borrow it. Don’t look down on me.”

Liliya said with a humph, then also noticed that it was getting late, so she stood up: “But tomorrow is the sports competition. If you want to see it, you’ll have to make time to come by yourself. I’ll be busy tomorrow and won’t have time to bother with you.”

This sentence seems to be one that I often think about. It’s rare for Liliya to take the initiative to not bother with me. I really wish she would think like this whenever she wanted to duel, then our world would be beautiful.

But that said, today’s fair has already turned out like this. I suddenly became a bit scared of tomorrow’s sports competition. It can’t be that I’m going to end up half dead if not fully dead?

“Or how about this…During the sports competition’s break, I’ll find you again to read the book?”

If I’m still alive by break time.

Looking at me for a while, Liliya nodded: “Then we’ll arrange to meet up here, when no one is around. This lady doesn’t want other people to see me with someone from Class C.”

She tugged at her hair, then walked out of the garden: “And that’s it, I’m going back first to see which team I’m in tomorrow.”

“Eh? What team?”

Her words abruptly made me freeze for a long while again.

Liliya turned her head: “The entire high school department is going to be divided into two large teams to fight in the sports competition tomorrow. Tonight the teams’ sportswear will be randomly delivered to our rooms. Don’t tell me you don’t even know about this, idiot.”

After saying that, she ran off, directly sweeping away as fast as the wind. I simply didn’t have time to stop her.

Divided into two large teams to fight?

In that second, I think I’m starting to feel a little dizzy.

Can I report in to say that my injuries still haven’t healed and I can’t compete…

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