Unique Legend

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: The First of Three

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Location: Atlantis Time: 3:21 PM

My escape journey only lasted a short time.

“Didn’t I tell you to stand still? What are you running for?” That weird girl immediately appeared in front of me in less than half a second. Her white kimono fabric drifted around before my eyes; even I, who didn’t know a thing about fabrics, could tell that this clothing was definitely very high-grade. Then, she opened her mouth: “Wait, it can’t be that the stinky brat taught you to run whenever you see me?”

Stin, stinky brat?

For a moment, I didn’t exactly know who she was talking about. In short, it is absolutely not me: “Uh…I think you mistook me for someone else?” After looking closer, in addition to being very beautiful, this girl also had a terrifying oppressive demeanor and strange evil aura, causing me to dare not run away.

“Who would mistake you for someone else? Everything in this school has been imprinted in my mind no matter what it is, including every person and name.” Waving her fan, the girl in front of me said. Nearby, those spectators who originally still wanted to watch on were glared away by her: “Chu Ming Yang, kiddo from grade one. Not long ago, that kid of mine was even your guide…Ha, he said something about how he wouldn’t do it, but in the end, he changed his mind when he got back from the original world. You’re quite something.”

Her kid?


I took a step back, then another step. The kid she was talking about couldn’t be the one I know…

“Who are you to Senior?” Looking at the strange girl in front of me, I fearfully took another step back. Senior, why are all the people you know so weird?

“Oh, that kid of mine is now his own master and guardian in name. He used to live with us together, but it’s a pity that kids are simply rebellious. He grew just a tiny bit older and ran off to the school. Last time Xiao JingJing came over, he got to see him. Since he won’t come back to play with us, I simply came over to find him.” She shrugged. I don’t know if it was my misconception or not, but her face behind the fan was covered with an evil smirk.

Wait a minute…The other person in her home is Senior’s master?

Last time the one who came to see Senior was Director Jing…which means that…

“You are Direc—” I widened my eyes and was so scared that I almost shouted it out. I only said three words, and that girl immediately pounced over and slapped her hand over my mouth, dragging me off to a sparsely-populated place in complete disregard for my struggling.

“Shhh shhh shhh! You shouted so loud, you wanna die!?”

Upon reaching a place without people, she finally let go: “Damn you, if I got recognized, would I still be able to play today!?”

Widening my eyes, I fearfully looked at the girl in front of me. She’s even a little older than Director Jing. Her clothes are very similar, but I can’t tell that she’s a director at all!

Flinging the fan open, the girl waved it while narrowing her eyes. A mysterious terrifying smile curved up at the corner of her mouth: “I am *Shan. If you want to respectfully call me Director Shan, you can. Unfortunately, since I secretly sneaked into the school today to find that kid of mine, you can just call me Shan.”

[T/N: Meaning “fan”]

My mind was blank and I couldn’t figure out what to do.

At this time, I actually bizarrely met one of the three directors…Did she have nothing better to do? Why would she disguise herself as an ordinary person and sneak into the school? If this got out, I guarantee that every student would be horrified.

Remembering the kind of scene when I first saw Director Jing at school, I felt so even more deeply.

“You, you…” I don’t even know what to say. Maybe I should say hello and ask how she’s doing first?

In the past when I was studying (in middle school), it seems like you always have to loudly greet the principal, director, or supervisor whenever you meet them at school. What should I do now?

“There’s no need to think about how you should greet me. I’m not like Xiao JingJing and the others. You can spare me that kind of protocol. Help me find that kid of mine first.” Saying that, she tugged my shoulder, completely ignored my wishes and once again dragged me toward a more crowded place.

“I, I’m also looking for Senior…but I can’t find him…” Director Shan was too strong. I was practically dragged into walking, unable to slip out of her hands at all: “He doesn’t seem to like Winter City…” Director Shan suddenly stopped and turned her head toward me.

“Winter City?” There was a bit of surprise in her beautiful eyes before they narrowed: “So that’s what happened. It’s quite rare for him to take the initiative to run over to watch it. He hates that story.”


Unexpectedly hearing this news, I suddenly understood a bit why Senior would abruptly leave the theater halfway through.

But it’s not like it was a horrible rape/homicide story, just an ordinary little legend. Is it necessary to hate it to this degree?

“Fu Cheng’s story is already no longer true. Forcing yourself to watch a story you were once familiar with will only make you dislike it.”

Smiling faintly, Director Shan suddenly let go and set me free. She waved her fan, her eyes looking at the other side.

Following her gaze, I saw a goldfish-scooping booth, but that booth definitely wasn’t as kind as an ordinary goldfish-scooping one. The small pool he put on the ground for people to scoop out of was even a bubbling swamp!

The worst part was that the person currently looking after the booth was familiar enough to make my head hurt a little.

“Hey! Yang~did you come specifically to support this uncle’s booth!”

Next to the five-colored rooster head was an additional grinning maniac.

I looked at the ground. There were five little pool areas, and each one was a supernatural swamplike color and even emitted bubbles and a terrifying marsh gas…Did the person who originally proposed this even understand the difference between goldfish-scooping and swamp scooping?

Wait a minute…I get it now, this is actually a new way of playing, where you find the goldfish corpses in a swamp, right!?

“Yang Yang, long time no see!”

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Leido, who was originally crouching on the ground in a white robe, jumped up holding a small pitch-black basin: “Yado and Yido didn’t come, so they let me come to say hello.”

“Oh, oh ah, it’s been a while. Yido should be doing okay these days?” Although I knew this wasn’t very polite, when I was speaking to Leido, my eyes still involuntarily drifted over to that small black basin in his hands.

Just what the hell is this!?

I actually saw a sea urchin-like thing stretching out its eight legs and rolling around in the swamp mud. There was even a twisted starfish spitting out swamp water beside it.

“He’s a lot better now. He wanted to go out on some easy missions at first, but got blocked by that group of guys from the temple.”

Leido shrugged, then glanced over at Director Shan beside me: “Your classmate?”

“No, this is…mmf…”

Before I could say it, that Director Shan, who said she was here to find Senior, directly covered my mouth before throwing me aside like I was a huge piece of trash, and laughingly chatted with the other person herself: “I’m his friend, what are you guys playing?” Saying that, she smoothly pulled up her skirt and settled down on the little chair on the ground.

If I tell everyone that she’s one of the three directors now, I bet all of them would be scared silly.

“Oh, scooping goldfish.” The five-colored rooster head took out a paper net that honestly looked exactly like the one you would see in a night market: “It’s covered with poisonous mud, and the second the things inside touch you, your whole body will become paralyzed. By that time, whether or not you’ve scooped one up will be your personal problem. This uncle’s highest scooping record is an entire pool. Whichever guy surpasses this uncle will also get an edible freebie. Right now you need only one broken coin for one net, a great deal, huh!”

…This simply isn’t goldfish-scooping, right!?

The goldfish need poisonous mud to be scooped up?

“I want to play!”

The person said to be the oldest director of the school very straightforwardly paid: “Yang Yang, sit down and play.”

She actually even called me to play together.

And also, I’m not that close with you?

“Yang~I bet you won’t be able to scoop one up, so I’ll give you three extra for free. Don’t thank me too much.”

The person who was currently the shopkeeper handed me three nets in a completely disdainful tone.

For a second, I really wanted to smash all of the nets on his colorful hair: “Thank you so much!” Directly snatching the paper nets, I threw some change over.

The five-colored rooster shrugged, yelling at a kid nearby not to use his hand to scoop, or he’ll be dragged away!

Holding the paper nets, I fearfully looked at the small swamp below. There shouldn’t be any deadly creatures inside, right?

Seeing as how all the ones Leido caught appeared small, there shouldn’t be any danger.

Right after I thought this and bravely put the paper net into the swamp, a very distinct “kacha” sound came from below, and I immediately pulled the paper net out…Actually I didn’t need to pull it out, because only the handle was left!

Holding the handle, I raised my head to look at the five-colored rooster head with a very serious gaze: “Are you sure there are goldfish in here?” They’re actually sharks, right!?

“Yeah, this uncle’s group put them in at a one-to-ten ratio. Unless they were eaten, there’s definitely goldfish inside.” The five-colored rooster head swung his hand out and snatched a tanghulu from Leido, grinning.

May I ask what sort of thing that latter “ten” in your one-to-ten ratio is?

Sitting beside him, Leido shook the basin in his hand, then carried it over: “Is this tail-eaten one the goldfish you were talking about?”

I looked over at his basin and saw the starfish, which had just been been spitting out swamp water, with half a goldfish tail in its mouth.

Can I give up and not play.

“Oh, that’s the one. Goldfish don’t seem to really escape. Since this morning till now, several dozens have been eaten already.” The five-colored rooster head said in a disappointed tone.

If they can’t escape, you shouldn’t have put them together with other things!

“Aih? Is this also a goldfish?”

Director Shan, who had been quietly scooping her own things nearby, suddenly let out a sound, and three people and six eyes immediately turned. I saw that her paper net had something extremely familiar, familiar enough to make me think that maybe my eyes were cramping up and I made a mistake?

While I was unwilling to face reality, that thing issued a noise on its own—

“Chirp~” Why would the white ballfish be here!?

Director Shan, who picked up a ballfish that couldn’t be considered “light” with just a paper net, shook the paper net in her hand and that white ballfish stained with swamp water also shook back and forth.

“Chirp~” I saw those mung-bean-sized eyes of the ballfish desperately looking over at me. I don’t know where this instinct came from, but I kept thinking that this ballfish seems to be the same one I met on the ship.

That’s too godly!

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“Strange, this uncle doesn’t remember putting this sort of thing in.”

The five-colored rooster head peered at that additional white ballfish, a look of confusion.

“It’s my first time seeing a white ballfish.”

Leido leaned over, and a stunning glow suddenly burst from his eyes: “This truly is the masterpiece of the god of art…”

A discolored ballfish is a masterpiece?

I once again questioned what was going on with the Fairy’s eyes.

“Do you know him?”

Grabbing the ballfish and shaking off the muddy water, Director Shan directly passed it in front of me: “This ballfish says it knows you.”

You can even understand a ballfish’s words?

Sure enough, directors are indeed directors, always a level above other people even in a place of nonhumans. I bet even Senior definitely wouldn’t be able to understand a ballfish’s words.

Looking at its mung-bean-sized eyes, I really didn’t want to ask a ballfish this sort of question: “It can’t be that you’re the one from the ship…”

“Chirp~!” The ballfish cried out in joy.

Sure enough, it is. So what should I do now?

“It says it can follow you around for the time being, how about it?”

As if she thought it was fun, Director Shan held that ballfish and swayed it around. With her other hand, she tossed the broken net back to the five-colored rooster head, grabbing a new one to keep on fishing.

“Aih…Then just release it.”

I simply can’t imagine having a ballfish following behind me while I walk!


Glancing at me, Director Shan pressed the ballfish toward the swamp—

“Don’t release it there!”

It’ll die!

This will definitely die right away if it goes down!

I instantly grabbed the ballfish back and simultaneously discovered a mysterious mouth in the swamp that missed its target, resentfully retreating.

Director Shan shrugged and happily continued to fish out an unidentified black thing from inside.

“Can you give me this?”

Leido’s eyes beamingly approached, his line of sight entirely on the white ballfish, as if seeing some kind of treasure.

“Scram! Don’t steal from this uncle’s underling.” The five-colored rooster head directly kicked his face.

Speaking of which, who’s your underling!?

I heard a nearby mother telling her kid not to look over there, before quickly walking off.

The whole goldfish-scooping booth didn’t have a lot of people. Apart from us, there were a couple of people who looked like students, however, most of them ran off again after playing for a while. This made me considerably suspicious about what other scary things are in here.

“We can talk this over, or I can help you carve a statue in exchange for this ballfish.”

Leido, who was strangely fixated on the ballfish, began to bargain.

“Carve your dead bones, this uncle is still alive here; the hell do you want to carve!?”

The five-colored rooster head immediately turned him down.

Speaking of which, Director Shan gave me the fish. You guys should directly ask me or the ballfish’s opinion.

“I can help you sculpt your hair—”

A fist greeting sound came from the side, and I felt that it’d be better if I don’t look over there.

The completely silent Director Shan suddenly widened her eyes and looked at the handle in her hand and the swamp water below: “Yang Yang, I think I scooped something up. Help me find a bigger basin.”


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A bigger basin?

Beside us, the five-colored rooster head had already started fixing Leido. I guess he probably doesn’t have time right now. Looking around, I saw a slightly bigger iron box nearby, and after dumping all the loose change inside on the ground, I hurriedly took it out.

“This isn’t big enough!”

Director Shan kicked the box away: “Forget it, move away!”

Just as I had no idea why she said this, Director Shan already tugged that handle up—in that second, I saw a huge black stick that simply couldn’t be put in a fishing pool at all being pulled out. The main point was that the black stick made me feel a weird familiarity.

“Ziray! Why would there be sea people in there!”

I interrupted the five-colored rooster head’s stabbing motion and pointed to the two-people-tall black sea person that fell on the ground with a slap.

This sort of thing shouldn’t appear in goldfish-scooping at all.

“Oh, that’s what this uncle caught when I was out on the surging waves two days ago. It seems to be a lost little imp. Since there’s no place to release it anyway, isn’t it great over there?”

Casting aside Leido, the five-colored rooster head used an ahaha-you’re-overreacting tone to smack my shoulder hard.

Not great at all!

What if an ordinary person passing by accidentally scooped it up!?

…Wait a minute, where did you go for “surging waves”?

“This is pretty cute. I think I’ll find a place in the school to raise it…Aiya…”

Just when Director Shan crouched down on the ground nearby to observe it, then became interested in the sea person and made the above statement, a boot suddenly kicked her back in a very impolite manner, and a black mark immediately appeared on her white kimono.

“What are you doing here!?” A very familiar icy tone drifted over. Looking upwards from that boot, I saw a certain person who’d caused me to search for a long time just now.

“Se, Senior.” Carrying the ballfish and jumping aside, I fearfully looked at that Senior who popped out of who knows where. His face was very, extremely hostile, as if going closer would cause you to be kacha-ed by him.

Red eyes coldly glanced at me, making me once again retreat a long distance away on the spot.

I should remember not to randomly crouch in front of Senior next time, otherwise I wouldn’t even know where I’ll roll off to if I get kicked hard.

The kicked Director Shan very slowly stood up, then turned around at a strange speed.

They probably wouldn’t start fighting here, right…

“It’s been such a long time. Your has grown a lot.”

Flinging her fan and slowly waving it, Director Shan curved into a weird smile and actually stared back at Senior without any anger.

“Why are you here?”

Not wanting to chat at all, Senior asked his question from just now again.

“Hey, you puppy who only clings to your master, you really don’t want to see me? We’ve lived together for a good amount of years, at any rate. Wouldn’t such an undisguised loathing be a little too rude?”

I don’t think Senior’s appearance is that of loathing. That expression has already reached an “as soon as he sees them, he becomes disgusted” look.

But I never thought Senior would be familiar with Director Shan to this extent, to actually kick her…

A normal student probably wouldn’t dare to just kick her. If it’s lifelong, wouldn’t they be doomed?

“That’s right, I don’t want to see you. And Chu, you better shut down your brain and stop thinking nonsense!”

Ferocious red eyes suddenly came over to me, and I immediately didn’t dare to think nonsense.

“But I really want to see you. Xiao JingJing and the others have all come to see you. Of course, I’d want to come too.”

Director Shan closed the fan in her hand, then suddenly stuck it on Senior: “You didn’t come at all, I’ve missed you~”

Saying that, she even put her hand on him too.

I heard the sound of jaws dropping all around us.

Because Senior appeared here, many of his fans had naturally sneaked over to watch too. Now that a Director Shan disguised as a student had directly pasted herself to him, a lot of people were scared to the point of half fainting.

“Hey hey, don’t flirt in front of this uncle’s booth, you two!”

The five-colored rooster head issued a shooing sound that would make people completely misunderstand: “Scram to a place without any people. Whatever you do then is up to you!”

I looked at the five-colored rooster head and began to question where in the world he learned this from.

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Similarly noticing the many people watching nearby, Senior let out an impatient hmph, abruptly grabbing Director Shan’s collar and walking out.

“Ah ah, you really are so rude!” Saying that, Director Shan suddenly reached out and grabbed my clothes.

What does this have to do with me!?

And so, Senior dragged along Director Shan, Director Shan dragged along me, and we shook off the crowd of people and reached the White Garden of the Wind just like this.

Because all the students were centered at the booths during the school fair, not even half a human shadow was here, making it very clean.

As soon as we reached the location, Senior immediately threw Director Shan off, and Director Shan also let me go.

Speaking of which, why the hell was I dragged here?

“You brat, you’re boorish and rude; you really turned out the same way as your master. If I knew this when I brought you home that time, I would’ve taken care of you myself. You seriously aren’t lovable at all after being taught into this.”

While tidying up her slightly messy clothes, Director Shan complained.

“Forget it, I don’t want to be instructed by you.”

Senior, who clearly had strong enmity toward Director Shan, coldly laughed.

I looked at Senior, then looked at Director Shan, and felt that it’d be better if I leave early to let them resolve their personal grudges.

Just when I was thinking this and was about to slip away, that person who was said to be a mighty director suddenly pounced over and directly grabbed my back: “Yang Yang, you see how this brat even talks back to me. Back then, if it weren’t for the people from his family paying us silver to protect him, he wouldn’t have a life to be arrogant here right now; not even knowing how to be grateful, how can you get along with this kind of person!?”

I really want to know how I got along with him too…

Wait, to protect Senior?

Turning my head, I don’t know if my current expression looks surprised or not, but at any rate, that was how I looked at Director Shan, completely taken aback by the words she suddenly said.

“Aih aih, I know he hates me for almost bankrupting his family, but it’s an equivalent exchange. His life is worth quite a lot of money.”

Curving into a wicked smile, Director Shan turned to look at Senior, whose face was already half dark: “Little brat, being so young, you shouldn’t lose your temper so easily…That said, you’re not that young anymore, and yet you still don’t know how to respect your elders.”

“…Go back right away, or else I’ll just ask Master to come over.”

Very boldly walking over to me, Senior icily glared at Director Shan.

Director Shan shrugged, “Alright, I’ll stop joking.”

Saying that, she pulled me to sit down in the same spot: “Little brat, come over to listen too. This matter has a lot to do with the two of you.”

I saw Senior frown, but he also sat down next to us.

The White Garden was still the same as when I first came here and saw it, clean and beautiful. You can almost hear a sound like the wind singing in the air.

“What’s the matter?”

Senior glanced at the white ballfish in my hands, then asked.

Confused, I was looking at Director Shan as well, not understanding why it was suddenly related to me.

“Our limitation is that we cannot interfere with everything that happens in space, but I’ve promised the people in your family, so I have to tell you something no matter what.”

Director Shan looked at Senior, then drew open her fan and waved it every now and then: “The Temple of Nothingness has received some news. In the near future, the Ghost Tribe will be working hard.” Senior’s eyes narrowed: “That’s too fast, Bishen thinks her force is enough?”

…Wait, am I allowed to listen in on this topic?

…I keep feeling like I heard something terrible…

“It’s not enough, so it will be small moves.”

Laughing, Director Shan glanced at me and continued to speak: “Their primary military force, as of now, isn’t enough to even contend with the school, but I’m guessing that some events will definitely happen soon, so whether it’s you, you brat, or Yang Yang, it is best to have a second person accompanying you for as much as possible.”

“Why do I also have to?” I hastily asked, then froze for a moment, because I suddenly thought of something that I shouldn’t think of.

Yǔ lǐ said, that I am part of the Dark Cult.

Almost at the same time, Senior’s red eyes immediately looked over at me, and the two of us simultaneously locked eyes.

So, I really am?

“You’re not!”

Senior turned his gaze.

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