Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1209: 1209

"Who the hell are you!"

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All Wuzu looked at Chen Feng, but they all roared with fear!

But Chen Feng laughed and said, "it doesn't matter who I am, because you just need to know that I am the one who killed you!"

Chen Feng's voice is very cold, all Wuzu's back is chilly. Just one look makes them wet with cold sweat!

Almost, they are to be their own already began to shiver teeth to the tongue!

But Chen Feng is a little smile at the moment, a flash of light in his eyes suddenly!

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The next moment, Chen Feng in front of unexpectedly is suddenly appeared a black hole, that black hole actually is has several golden light to shoot out!

In a flash, Wu Zu, who had released more than ten pieces of Saint's treasures before that time, felt the more than ten pieces of Saint treasure again!

Wu Zu's face changed greatly and said, "no! Get out of the way

He even found that he had no time to regain control of these holy treasures!

And those saints' treasures appear from the black hole in front of Chen Feng!

In a flash, those Saint treasures appeared from the black hole and rushed to more than ten Wuzu!

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Those Wuzu were obviously in shock and panic, and their bodies were somewhat dull. The next moment, they were pierced through the body at the extreme speed of the saint's treasure, and even killed the spirit!

The murderous spirit of Wu Zu converged on Chen Feng. Chen Feng kept a cold smile and said, "today, none of you can escape!"

The emperor Yanlong in the sky looked at his own side of Wuzu was slaughtered one by one!

He had no idea that Chen Feng's strength had reached such a terrible level that he could kill Wuzu like cutting melons and vegetables. There were only more than ten strong people in Wuzu's realm!

Obviously, these Wuzu are not the opponents of those eleven Chen Feng at all!

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In a flash, a terrible force broke out in the body of emperor Yanlong. He even shook the elder Chen Yuan open with one hand, making Chen Yuan a little stiff for a while!

The elder suddenly realized that it was not good, and the whole person roared in an instant, and there was a very violent flame in his eyes!

"Oh --"

the elder finally wants to display all his strength at this moment, and the whole person instantly becomes a huge giant flame turtle that blocks out the sky and the sun!

Chen Yuan showed the body, no longer rigid body restrictions, an instant out of a turtle claw, towards the emperor of the emperor!

That huge claw is like a pillar supporting the sky, falling down in an instant, with the power of terror that can penetrate the earth!

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Emperor Yanlong didn't expect that the elder would become a giant tortoise to break his own restrictions on him to save Chen Feng. In an instant, he was shocked. The whole person turned to the giant claw in the sky and blew out a violent blow!

One person and one tortoise made a huge shock, but Chen Yuan didn't want to let the emperor Yanlong separate to kill Chen Feng. Just for a moment, it was a continuous attack towards the emperor!

Emperor Yanlong can only parry!

The two fight back together!

However, Chen Feng's eyes twinkled with cold light and said: "it seems that we can only make a quick decision!"

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly burst out a line of Jingguang, behind the whole person is an instant six wings spread out!

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