Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1210: 1210

"It seems that we can only make a quick decision!"

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Chen Feng's eyes suddenly burst out a line of Jingguang, behind the whole person is an instant six wings spread out!

Wings of fire!

Wings of angels!

Demon wings!

Six pairs of wings spread out, Chen Feng's whole person is directly in all Wuzu rush to kill!

When Chen Feng's flame wings touch a Wuzu, the flame above will instantly burn that Wuzu into a fireball, which can't be extinguished in any case!

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This flame is the ultimate fire contained in the flame ancestor Fu, which can not be extinguished except for Chen Feng!

And the big wings of the demon swept a Wuzu, and the Wuzu instantly turned into a pot of meat mud!

The wings of the big wings of the demons weigh more than a billion Jun, and the power of a collision is even more terrifying. No Wuzu can bear it!

But the angel's wing meets a Wu Zu, but in an instant, the light energy on the angel's wing is purified into nothingness!

It's horrible!

Eleven Chen Feng will solve the last ten Wuzu in an instant!

Chen Feng wants to kill them, none of them can escape!

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At the next moment, Chen Feng directly rushed to the fighting crowd below!

I saw several elders of the ancient temple fighting against a general at the level of martial god. Hu Zhan and the two elders were fighting two generals one by one. Blue Lily led the alchemist to appear at the side of every wounded Friar and sanxiu from time to time, giving them a pill!

But many alchemists themselves are also injured!

When Chen Feng arrived, he immediately said with a smile: "next, it's time for us alchemists to perform."


Chen Feng said with a smile.

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An old man who looked like an elder in the alchemist said, "if you poison, the monks in the ancient temple and those casual practitioners will also be poisoned!"

"Don't worry, I'm free to do it!"

A smile flashed in Chen Feng's eyes, and then the fire god's sword in his hand was cut out again and again. The sword of the array was instantly launched, and the array was instantly blessed on the monks and other monks in every ancient temple!

The strength of the sword of array lies in that it can directly extract energy from the air and turn it into a magic array instead of using various materials to construct the array!

This is the magic formula of the emperor level chopping God. Each sword formula corresponds to a magic sword move!

Tens of thousands of Dharma arrays took shape in an instant. Every furious friar did not know what the effect of the array was, but they still fought to kill the friars of the Yanlong royal family!

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Anti poison array!

At this moment, Chen Feng's eyes flashed a smile and said: "poison!"

Seeing that Chen Feng suddenly blessed all the friars with the anti poison array, these alchemists were shocked and took out the poison elixir without hesitation. Every Alchemist's expression was a little unbearable!

But now is the war between the ancient temple and the Yanlong royal family. Their alchemists have always supported the ancient temple. This is an alliance that has never been broken since ancient times!

In an instant, all alchemists smashed all the poison pills. In a moment, a large piece of powder was scattered with the wind and inhaled by all the friars!

Of course, the friars on the side of the ancient temple with the blessing of the array and the poisonous powder in front of the sanxiu were instantly thrown out by the light of the array!

The monks of the Yanlong royal family are very ugly at the moment, because they even feel dizzy and swollen, and some even directly spit out a mouthful of black blood!

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