Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 365: 365

Four hundred more faith points!

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Chen Feng mouth slightly Yang, his belief points at this time has reached nearly 1000 values, suddenly let Chen Feng mouth slightly Yang!

That's a system function that can summon demons to drive!

Chen Feng is really looking forward to it!

As for the function that these belief points can be converted into experience value, Chen Feng did not intend to use it.

After all, he can get experience easily, but he doesn't know how to get belief points!

But he already had some ideas in his heart!

If you use these belief points to summon a demon, then form a demon, as the secret power of heaven, I'm afraid it can play a very powerful role in the critical moment!

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In Chen Feng's heart, when he was dreaming of summoning a group of demons, the shopkeeper smashed into the mountain, and suddenly a powerful momentum burst out, just as if the God of fire was furious and the heavenly palace fell. A breath of death suddenly enveloped Chen Feng and the monks around him!

"Damn it! Damn it

As the owner's voice came, the owner's body rose directly into the sky, with a pair of eyes flashing evil light, and looking at Li Mu's eyes full of hatred!

"Dead and alive things! Do you know who I am

The shopkeeper's eyes twinkled with cold light, watching Chen Feng almost devour him alive!

Chen Feng sneered and said, "I care who you are? What kind of a thing are you

"I didn't want to say that for the second time, but if you have to insult yourself, I will satisfy you!"

"You are an old dog, old man!"

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Chen Feng mouth slightly Yang, looking at the owner's face that gloomy, Chen Feng heart is very comfortable!

When the friars around heard Chen Feng's words, they were immediately moved by Chen Feng's words, and once again the real arms cried out!

"Old dog! You should be killed quickly

"Old man! Do you want to fight against our God Chen Feng? What kind of thing are you? "

"Old trash! You'd better go ahead and explode! Go to hell

"You are a waste of air to live! It even pollutes the air! Can't you do something good? Make us comfortable and comfortable? "


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All the friars laughed and said, as if they were teasing the shopkeeper, but the sarcasm and disdain in his voice were like a steel knife, which pierced into his heart!

"Old man! Zhao Tingyu is the twin brother of Zhao Tingyun, who is the soul of Yan Luo! "

The shopkeeper looked at Chen Feng, his eyes full of fear!

Chen Feng just that foot, already let him realize, Chen Feng's real strength, even if he can not win Chen Feng!

Otherwise, he will not move out of Zhao Tingyun's name at this moment!

He just wanted to frighten Chen Feng and let him escape, so that he could move to rescue soldiers, capture Chen Feng and kill him, in order to repay his shame today!

But Chen Feng obviously did not have what panic, instead is a face of sneer!

When those friars heard Zhao Tingyu's words, they immediately changed their faces!

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"Zhao Tingyun Zhao Tingyun Zhao Tingyun, the soul of Yan Luo

Zhao Tingyun! Isn't that the name of a young genius that appeared 50 years ago? "

"Thirty years ago, Zhao Tingyun made the name of" enchanting the soul of Yan Luo ". He was famous in the whole huoxuan Kingdom, and even was summoned by the fire emperor!"

"Zhao Tingyun's younger brother! The shopkeeper is Zhao Tingyun's younger brother


All friars feel cold at the moment!

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