Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 366: 366

Hearing that the shopkeeper Zhao Tingyu was Zhao Tingyun's younger brother, all the friars were shocked!

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at this moment, all the friars thought of Zhao Tingyun's life as a soul charmer, and his body was shivering!

If Zhao Tingyun knew that they had insulted his younger brother so much, he was afraid that they would never have a peaceful life, and they might not even live today!

"But Zhao Tingyun has disappeared for 30 years. Is he still alive? "

A Friar's brow is slightly heavy, immediately thought of what, hesitated to say.

When the monk had been dead for more than 30 years, all the things had disappeared

"Yes! This Zhao Tingyu is just deceiving us

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"This old boy has counseled, so we are afraid to move out a guy who has been dead for many years as an excuse! "

" it's rubbish. Seeing that he is not the opponent of Chen Feng, he uses such rubbish means to scare us away! "

"Chen Feng! You have to kill him! Such rubbish is not worthy of living in the world


All the friars looked at Chen Feng and roared!

And some friars look at Zhao Tingyu with disdain in their eyes!

Hearing the roar of all the monks, Zhao Tingyu was furious!

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Zhao Tingyu said angrily, "my brother is still alive! You brutes just don't know where his name is! "

With that, Zhao Tingyu sneered and said, "if I encounter any accident today, my brother will definitely pursue you to the ends of the earth, and will never let you see the sun the next day! "

" and you

Zhao Tingyu's eyes fall on Chen Feng. His eyes are full of happiness!

It seems that Chen Feng will let him go when he hears the name of Zhao Tingyun, and even kneels at his feet to apologize!

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"Now, I can give you a chance to atone, little beast!"

Zhao Tingyu's tolerant and magnanimous appearance, but looking at Chen Feng's eyes is a face of cold!

"Oh? Let's hear it! "

Chen Feng mouth raised a trace of banter smile way.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Zhao Tingyu was immediately convinced that Chen Feng was afraid. He immediately sneered and said, "you little beast, as long as you kneel down in front of me, break your feet and hands, and abandon your cultivation, I can forgive you!"

Zhao Tingyu sneers in his heart. How can the humiliation he suffered today be so simple that it can be finished?!

He wants to watch Chen Feng break his limbs and cultivate himself in front of him, and then kill Chen Feng bit by bit!

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Even, he would make Chen Feng a stick and torture him for three days and three nights!

But some friars saw Chen Fengmo's silence, and immediately felt a tremor in his heart and said, "don't you Chen Feng is really going to kneel down to make atonement to Zhao Tingyu, cut off his limbs and abolish his accomplishments?! "

all friars are unbelievable!

Chen Feng such a arrogant person, really because a do not know whether really still alive a strong person, from the broken limbs, from the abolition of cultivation?!

They don't know what Chen Feng is thinking now!

But at this moment, Chen Feng is smiling, this smile let Zhao Tingyu immediately frown!

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