Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 524: 524

"To use the will of the monster in the demon core to kill the spirit in the treasure medicine? It's beyond my imagination. "

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" Why have I never heard of such a way to fight drug riots? "

"Nonsense! I have never heard of this method, and there is no record in ancient books! "


All alchemists are a look of disbelief, all when Chen Feng's words are nonsense!

Especially Chen Hu, at the moment is a face of sniffing!


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Chen Hu sneered and said: "every alchemist knows that when refining pills, putting in the demon core with the same attribute as Lingzhi Baoyao can only promote the fury of the medicine. If you want to neutralize the fury of the medicine, you should use the demon core which is equal to the nature of Lingzhi Baoyao to neutralize the power of the medicine!"

"I dare say that you will be defeated today!"

Chen Hu asserts, look very contemptuous!

He more and more believed that Chen Feng was a half baked alchemist who did not understand the nature of medicine!

"That's why you are a five grade alchemist!"

Chen Feng took a cold look at Chen Hu, and a little anger appeared in his heart. He said, "he can only refine alchemy according to the guidance of his predecessors. In this life, he is doomed to surpass his predecessors."

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"If you want to surpass the predecessors, you have to find a new way to create unique or more perfect pills. There are also alchemy methods!"

"I use you to teach me!"

Chen Hu suddenly calm face way: "only ask you to smelt when the furnace fails, do not affect my alchemy Teachers Association!"

Chen Hu only wait for Chen Feng to make alchemy failure, looking at Chen Feng is what kind of end!

He is ready to ridicule Chen Feng!

All the friars were also nervous and panicked. If the eight grade elixir were to blow up the stove, I was afraid that the whole alchemy guild would be affected by this powerful and violent medicine!

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Only the elder Chu looked at Chen Feng's eyes with admiration at the moment!

What Chen Fenggang just said is exactly what he thinks in his heart!

If a alchemist only refines pills according to the way of predecessors, the ultimate achievement is just the acme achieved by predecessors!

If you want to really surpass your predecessors, you have to surpass your predecessors' accumulation. Don't eat the steamed bread that your predecessors chewed, but make a new one yourself!

Chen Feng put the demon core with the same attribute as countless fire god flowers into it, and said such a theory that all alchemists have never heard of, which immediately shocked the elder Chu!

But he is from Chen Feng's words, heard Chen Feng that endless self-confidence!

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Even he, have some believe that Chen Feng's theory has some practicality!

At the same time, four demon cores were put into the Dan Ding, and the flame burst and burned. The shell of the demon core instantly turned into fly ash, leaving only pure spiritual power!

But at the same time, the four wild breath of fury spread in the whole Dan Ding, and all the friars could feel the wild and wild full of monsters!

But it is at this moment, when the violent medicinal power and the wild spirit power blend, the instant is the change that shocked all the alchemists!

I saw that the fierce spiritual power belonging to the demon core was suppressed by Chen Feng, and the violent medicinal power to the countless Huoshen flowers suddenly changed suddenly!

All the friars saw that the power of the medicine was actually a kind of medicine which could resist the spirit power of the demon core and merge with it, and the resistance power of attacking the Dan Ding instantly weakened a lot!

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