Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 525: 525

When all the friars saw this change, they all exclaimed!

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"What's the matter? The strength of the drug has been weakened

"After joining the demon core, the spirit of the demon beast didn't attack the Dan Ding, but attacked the medicinal power instead?"

"How could that be possible?"


All the friars are staring big eyes, simply do not understand, why there is such a strange thing!

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Chen Hu is also a big change, looking at Chen Feng's eyes full of resentment!

"How could it be? Is this true? Is everything he said right? "

Chen Hu's heart issued a roar!

At the moment, Chu Chang Lao was a light in front of his eyes, and his expression was excited: "it was really successful!"

"The will of the demon beast in the demon core originally wanted to attack the Dan Ding and form a spirit uprising, but it was cleverly suppressed by you to the liquid medicine. The spirit in the liquid prevented the external force from eroding, so you chose to divide a force to resist the aura of the demon core! "

old Chu said excitedly:" in this way, the drug riot has been greatly weakened! In this situation, the strength of both will be weakened, and you can take advantage of it

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The elder of Chu said to Chen Feng. He was really amazed by Chen Feng's boldness and wisdom. Even convinced!

All the friars were shocked to see how excited the elder Chu looked. But after hearing the elder Chu's analysis, they suddenly realized and were shocked by Chen Feng's means!

Chen Hu is looking at the excited color of Chu Chang's face, as well as the admiration of Chen Feng from the bottom of his eyes. Suddenly, his heart is full of jealousy!

Looking at Chen Feng's eyes, there is a trace of cold and resentment!

He was the most talented alchemist of the alchemist Association. He had already reached the five grade alchemist at the age of 25. He was the most famous alchemist genius in the whole alchemy Association and even the whole imperial city!

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But if the news of Chen Feng refining eight grade precious medicine, or even refining six grade pills, his name of genius will be robbed by Chen Feng, which is how he can not accept!

"He can't be Dan Cheng!"

Chen Hu knows that the pills refined from eight grade precious medicines are at least six grade pills!

If this pill is successfully refined, Chen Feng will be able to obtain the certificate of the six grade alchemist directly. What is the concept of a liupin alchemist who is younger than him!

He Chen Hu will be nothing!

Since ancient times, the first person has always focused the eyes of all monks in the world, and the second person will not be cared about at all!

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How could he have tolerated the crown of the young first genius alchemist!

Suddenly, Chen Hu is toward Chen Feng in front of the Dan Ding to go, in the hands of the obscure grasp of a powder!

Chen Hu's eyes twinkled with a trace of cruel eyes, and said in his heart: "even if you can't fry the stove, you should also reduce the quality of your pills by several grades! "

thinking so, Chen Hu looked at Chen Feng with a sneer and said," even if the drug force of eight grade pills has been weakened a lot, it is estimated that you can't practice any good quality pills! "

Chen Hu said is toward the fire god Dan Ding, but the moment Chen Feng is smelling a fragrance!

Chen Feng has the olfactory control skills given by the system. He is very sensitive to the taste. In addition, he is proficient in Dan Dao. He knows the taste of any lingzhibao medicine very well. He looks at Chen Hu in a moment!

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