Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 526: 526

See Chen Hu hand as expected holding some powder like things, suddenly Chen Feng is Mou Guang Sen Han!

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If Chen Hu dares to approach wanhuoyan God Dan Ding, Chen Feng promises to kill him instantly when he does some actions!

But just when Chen Hu was about to get close to wanhuoyan God Dan Ding, the elder of Chu immediately took hold of Chen Hu. His eyes were extremely cold!

Chen Hu instantly hit a cold war, then lowered his head, he can see the cold warning in the eyes of old Chu!

He wanted to hide from elder Chu, but he didn't expect that elder Chu could be so sharp!

And in the eyes of elder Chu just now, there was a trace of senhan's killing intention!

"Is Chen Feng really valued by the elder Chu?"

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Chen Hu's heart is first startled, then is the expression of sinister to the extreme, looking at Chen Feng's eyes full of resentment and jealousy!

He really wants to kill Chen Feng now, but he has no way to disobey elder Chu!

If he really wants to kill Chen Feng on the spot, I'm afraid that old Chu will kill him directly!

So Chen Hu can only gnash teeth at Chen Feng, not dare to have other thoughts!

Chen Feng glanced at the elder of Chu and sneered at him!

It has to be said that old people become fine. If it was not for the elder Chu holding Chen Hu, Chen Hu was already a cold corpse at the moment!

Old Chu is more frightened at the moment, if not he found fast, otherwise Chen Hu would have died!

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Although he didn't want to be disturbed by Chen Feng's Alchemy, he didn't want Chen Hu, a talented alchemist, to die so young!

But think of just now from Chen Feng felt that flash of violent killing intention, he is a little scared!

A young man, unexpectedly has such a powerful momentum, unexpectedly is lets him all is in the heart a tremor!

It can be said that the elder Chu saved the furnace of pills, but also saved the life of Chen Hu!

Unfortunately, Chen Hu didn't know the good intentions of the elder Chu!

At the moment, the liquid and aura in the cauldron are weakened at the same time, and even the resistance is reduced a lot!

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At the moment, Chen Feng's eyes brightened, and a powerful aura poured into it, and the flame in the cauldron became furious!

All the alchemists on the scene were upset!

Because they know that Chen Feng will fight back at this moment!

I saw the flame burning in the cauldron, madly forced the liquid medicine and aura together!

The endless flame roasts the two crazily, and a large amount of steam is emitted, but with the evaporation of steam, the resistance of the two is becoming weaker and weaker!

Chen Feng keenly sensed the time when the strength of the two weakened, instantly controlled the endless flame and launched the general attack!

The endless flame rolled towards them, and the two forces were actually failing, and there was no strength to fight back at all!

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Chen Feng took advantage of the situation to pursue, and immediately defeated the last point of their resistance. At the next moment, the endless power of medicine was integrated into the liquid medicine. The furious fire attribute aura was also instantly integrated with the liquid medicine!

In an instant, Chen Feng released a breath of aura to wrap up the liquid medicine. It turned out to be a pill shaped pill, and then gradually solidified!

"This is It's going to be Dan

All the friars were shocked, looking at the scene of wanhuoyan God Dan Ding, they were shocked!

Elder Chu is also shocked to see Chen Feng, eyes are staring round!

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