“Makina and Basleigh-sensei know that my skill is called [Jack-of-all-Trades] …… No, it’s called [Super Jack-of-all-Trades].”

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When I said this, Oburaien narrowed his eyes and snickered.


“Huh? Isn’t that a failure skill? There’s no way you’ll be able to use my [King Straight] with that.”


I’m not particularly bothered by the reaction, since it’s exactly what I expected, but I showed him the plate I received when I was given the skill, showed him the King Straight again, and punched through the broken wall.


“I’m sorry, Lux.”

“I-It’s fine.”

“…… How can you use my skill ……”


While Lux and Obubaien shuddered, Fath-san and Himmel-san opened their mouths.


“The plate only says [Jack-of-all-Trades], but why [Super Jack-of-all-Trades]? Is that the secret to being able to use other people’s skills?”

“I’ve heard that you’re amazing from His Majesty, Lars-kun, but I didn’t know you could do that. Did you know about that, Basleigh-sensei?”

“I’ve never heard of it either. Well, It’s not that he was hiding it, I guess it’s just that he never had a chance to use it.”


Basleigh-sensei smiled at me and I nodded.


“You can believe it or not, but my skill is that the more effort I put into it, the stronger my magic and skills become, and this is my [Jack-of-all-Trades] ability. You know this because there are people who say they had it a hundred years ago. But my [Super Jack-of-all-Trades] can learn skills that are visible.”

“Could it be that my [Kaiser Knuckle] also?”


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When I swung his fist, the traces of Kaiser Knuckle appeared, and Makina’s eyes widened. 


“Wow, it’s definitely the same as mine ……”

“No, It’s not as strong as Makina’s because I don’t use it at all. Of course, it’s the same for [King Straight]. I just used it to create an opening.”





Makina puts her finger to her lips and tilts her head, and Sephiro on her shoulder and the baby bear in her arms bend their bodies in imitation. How cute!


“Well, I could use it, but skills are usually unique to yourself, right? I basically don’t use them because I think it’s disrespectful to the person. I use skills like Yogus’ [Appraise] once in a while, though.”

“Since you’re at it, you can use whatever you can because it’s convenient at this time, but it’s just like Lars-kun, isn’t it♪”

“Hey, don’t pat my head …… Well, and that’s how I use your skill. Are you satisfied?”


I made eye contact with Oburaien and asked him the question, to which he responded with a shake of his head and a cold sweat.


“…… There’s a different kind of fear in you than there is in the Lord Founder, you know.”

“What do you mean ……?”

“If you can get any kind of skill to see, how much power do you think you can get by yourself? If training makes you stronger, and if you’re drugged or taken hostage and brainwashed into becoming a tool, in the place that you pass on, there’s not even a blade of grass will grow.”


Oburaien said with a serious look on his face, and I certainly couldn’t dismiss that possibility.

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“I’m going to give you this advice as an apology for almost killing those two. From what I’ve heard from you, it’s best that you don’t talk about the background of the [Super Jack-of-all-Trades] from now on. You never know where the Lord Founder will find out about you, especially if you’ve been involved with the Gospel’s Descent. If that man finds out, he’ll do whatever it takes to get you.”

“Is he that bad?”

“Yeah. I’ve silenced people I didn’t like and people who talked back, but this guy is on a different level. Besides, he’s surrounded by the state, so it’s hard to touch him.”


Then Himmel-san put his hand on his chin and asked Oburaien.


“Hmm, I was going to ask you about it during the transfer, but I guess this is a good time? How many of you Gospel’s Descent are there? And I’d like to hear about your connection to Berias.”

“What are you going to do with that information? Are you going to start a war? It’s better not to. At the very least, we should stay out of it ……  I don’t think they keep track of members like me, because they die and change all the time. It’s just that the Lord Founder has an entourage, and that entourage–“




Oburaien was just about to say the information when fresh blood spurted from his mouth! There was an unpleasant sound and the tongue that belonged to Oburaien rolled on the floor.


“Ogah, gah, gah ……”

“Stop talking! !”


I pry open Oburaien’s mouth and cast a spell on him, splattering me with blood. If his tongue is cut out, he will bleed to death, and even if he survives, he will not be able to speak! If this is the work of the cultist, it’s a horrible thing to think about. If you see something like this in front of you, you will be traumatized, and it will instill a sense of fear and punishment that will make you wish you had died immediately.


“Damn it, he’s bleeding too fast …… I need to close it up faster! , !”


I use my magic again and again, just like I did with Ryuuze. By doing so, I was finally able to stop the bleeding.

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“Whew ……”

“L-Lars ……”

“I’m okay, Makina.”


I took Makina’s hand and patted her on the back as she shivered from the worst possible scene. Sephiro clung to my leg, and the Wolf and Baby Bear rubbed their bodies beneath me.


“…… It’s regenerating a bit.”

“Are you sure!?”


I was surprised by Himmel-san’s words, even though I had done it myself.


“Lars-kun, your healing is amazing. Thank you for your help …… I’ll have to inform His Majesty about this soon.”

“What should we do? Lux-kun’s inheritance is still intact.”

“He’s also lost too much blood and will need to rest. I need more information.”

“I don’t know if he’ll talk, though ……”


Himmel-san, who looked unusually reluctant at Fath-san’s words, called out to Zanbia.


“I’m sorry, but I need you to lend me an available room, preferably one with a lock and as small as possible. Sonia in the basement should be in the same place.”

“I-I understand ……!”


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The stunned Zanbia got up immediately at Himmel-sensei’s suggestion and scurried out to get a maid.


“…… How scary.”

" "

“Yeah, the Gospel’s Descent …… and the Founder, huh.”


I muttered to myself as I held Makina’s hand.

There were many tragic scenes, but now it was really all over, I breathed out in my heart.



Ahhhhhhhhhhh! The manuscriiiiiiiiiiiiiiipt!


Thank you for reading!


[Afterword Theater]


“My eyes, my eyes are blurry …… There’s not enough blood ……!”

You’re fine because you just need some wine ……

“Cheese too, give, me ……!”

How luxurious ……!


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