Unusual world

Chapter 51

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Ragnar shot up from his chair, slammed his hand on the counter, and shouted loudly "that is enough". Ragnar looked at Desmond worriedly wanting to warn him about the guy in front of him.
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"You can not accept any kind of help from this guy he is always planning something that results in everyone getting screwed over. So if you want to live to see tomorrow stay away from this man as much as you can". Ragnar gave a clear warning really hoping Desmond listened to what he had to say.

The strange man simply blew a big puff of smoke after listing to what Ragnar said "You make me look like some kind of bad guy. I promise I'm not trying to trick anyone here all I want to do is lend him some aid If you still don't, believe me, I'll even swear it on my heart.

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The strange man then took out his hand from his coat he was wearing a tightly fit worn-out leather glove. In his hand was a red human heart still beating just as lively as it would in a person's chest. The strange man took the heart in his hand swearing wholeheartedly that he was telling the truth and wasn't scheming anything.

"You happy now Ragnar for people at my level words have a great deal more strength than normal that why they can become a binding force that's why we have to watch what we say. If you don't trust me even after that then I'm going to start thinking you just don't trust me as a person. What about me could possibly scream untrustworthy?".

Ragnar had an angry face as he snarled at the strange man with sharp teeth speaking only one word in response "EVERYTHING"

Putting away his heart and puffing more smoke out the strange man turned away from Ragnar once more "well that's not for you to decide now is it if you stop me here there is nothing stopping me from finding him again later." Ragnar snarled and barked at the strange man, but he ignored it.

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The strange man disappeared from where he originally stood to reappear behind Desmond in a blink of an eye. He leaned in close to Desmond's ear and spoke releasing a cold wind down Desmond's neck "So what do you want from me? if it's within reason it's yours".

Desmond was startled away the man moved faster than he could see yet not a single bit of the smoke spread around the room showed a trail for the path he took. Answers to what the strange man did form in his mind and possible ways to counter him if possible, but then Desmond realized how stupid what he was doing actually was.

The same thing happened again Desmond he knew this was a complete repeat of before whenever he pursues magic something or someone steps in his way it happened with Vincent than the mirror man and now the strange man. The only difference is the strange man is offering to help Desmond break out of the loop he keeps finding himself in. But, the price he would have to pay would probably be very great.

The smart thing to do would be to completely turn down the strange man's offer, but Desmond knew he is still a target for Secret Visage and after reading all the books he had at his home knew how terribly outclassed he was. All Desmond wants is to study magic, but he knows he will never get the chance to do it with someone dangerous he couldn't handle popping up every single day.

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So, he decides to do something stupid enough to make even the town idiot look like a genius he accepted the strange man's offer. "What can you give me?".

The strange man released a soft chuckle while Ragnar slapped his face at Desmond's stupidity and blatant disregard for his clear warning.

"I can give you many things you just need to ask" the strange man stood in the spot Desmond once stood unmoving when the sound of a coin falling sounded through the store. The crisp sound became many than a flood. Without warning a tidal wave of gold, magic weapons, gem, and other items filled the room rising up to Desmond's knees. The scene was so dazzling it made Desmond tear up because the light shining off the many items in the room shined directly in his eyes.

"Tell me what you want you can even have all this gold if you desire it" the strange man stood still waiting for Desmond's reply. Desmond activated his magic sight looking at all the treasure around him many of the things around him gave off more magic than he has in his whole body. He then looked at the strange man and Ragnar who both had no magic coming off of them which could only mean they both were hiding their true abilities from him.

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Desmond thought for a bit then said what he wanted " I want magic books on charms and Illusions I only have one book on illusions, but I soon realized it was useless without more knowledge on the subject and I simply have no books on charms". Desmond said what he wanted hoping with all his heart what he does here doesn't bit him in the butt later.

"I see you want to become an illusionist quite risky, the problem Isn't that illusionist are weak well they are especially in the beginning stages just like seers it's just that illusionist are so annoying people choose to kill them first. Finding a strong illusionist is rare just like finding a strong seer because people kill them off before they mature. Are you sure this is what you want you only get the one chance?".

Desmond was kind of faltering on his decision after what he heard, said yes with a weak looking sile anyway. Mostly because he knew if he had the power of illusions and charms it would give him something he lacked ever since he got to this world control. Whether it is control of an enemy or a way to escape with illusions he could do it all.

"Fine then" the strange man scoffs a bit at Desmond while he searches for what he wants "your greed really does have no bounds you seek knowledge yet not power not realizing knowledge is the closest thing to power. I wonder how long it will take until you lose sight of your dream and seek only power this world has a way of making people do that you know".

Desmond wanted to refute with him, but he already knew what he said was true not long ago he started pursuing magic simply for magic itself self now he needs it to protect himself so he can keep chasing after his love.

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