Unusual world

Chapter 52

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The strange man Rummaged through his coat he made all kinds of bizarre noises when he did it made Desmond wonder what he had hidden under there. He throughout a bunch of bottles, sacks filled with bees, and other strange things.

The strange man searched through his stuff for some time with no luck of finding what Desmond asked for "where did I put those books I know I have them hidden some were". He searched a little bit longer until a monkey's palm fell out of his clothes.

The strange man used some kind of spell to make it levitate closer to him as he inspected it. "I forgot I had this on me that makes searching easier" Desmond didn't know what he meant, but Ragnar just shook his head as he muttered the word idiot's under his breath.

The strange man used the monkey's palm and made a wish "I wish for all the books on charms and illusion spells that I own to be teleported in front of me" one of the fingers on the monkey's palm curled down when he finished making his wish and immediately after over 2 dozen books popped up out of no were toppling over onto the pile of gold on the floor.

"Carm and illusion magic isn't what I'm skilled in so I only have scattered knowledge on the subjects, but it should be more than enough to get your foot in the door".

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Desmond was surprised wish granting items actually exist in this world even more so that the strange man would waste a wish on him. "why would use something that powerful on me?".

The strange man while sucking back all the items he throughout except for the books Desmond asked for answered the question with another question "Why would I use trash to help trash is the same reason I do anything, who really knows? Cursed monkey palms aren't that useful plus they always distort the user's intended wish in some way. Now that you have your books you can start working off that debt you owe me".

Desmond wasn't sure what to say after that "debt I thought you did this to help me".

"Don't you remember I saved your life would you really let a life debt go unpaid. Before you were unable to repay me, but after some time you will that's why I helped you".

Ragnar's face turned into a wolf as he bared his sharp fangs at the strange man "you said no tricks remember" Ragnar hated that he let his friend do what he pleased with his customer, but he also knew what he said was true nothing was stopping him from doing the same thing in the middle of the street or Desmond's home. So he thought he might as well watch over everything to make sure his friend didn't cross a line.

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The strange man looked over at Ragnar breathing out large plumes of smoke "I never once went back on my words nor did I use some trick to hide the true meaning. I spoke plain and clear I help him on his path towards being a mage so that he may reach the point he can pay off hid debt. That was the deal whether he accepted or not he would still owe me his life for my the kindness I showed when sparing his".

Ragnar and the strange man argued for a bit after that while Desmond was crouched on the floor stacking all the old books the strange man gave him. Desmond let out a long sigh while stacking books the joined into the argument those two were having about him. "Please stop Ragnar I accept whatever payment this man requests of me. If magic is involved I will do whatever it takes to learn more".

Ragnar turned to Desmond while snarling than said: "the last thing you want is to be in debt to this man you never know what he really wants".

"Regardless I still accept I'm not exactly in the greatest position to refuse help from strangers no matter how shady they are".

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The strange man laughed "see Ragnar there's no problem here I'll even tell the man what I want right not to ease your mind". He then turned to Desmond and said in a cold tone "A life for a life I want you to grow up big and strong climb as high as you can up the bodies that pile up beneath you then add me to that pile.

When you become interesting or strong enough I'll come to seek you out. If you can not manage to do that than you can also find a way to entertain me, but I warn you I've done many things in my life so finding something I haven't done that may be hard. This is a simple request don't you agree?".

Desmond was a bit shocked by the request the strange man made, but he already agreed so he can't back out. "You want to have a battle to the death or for me to find some way to entertain you"

The strange man shrugged his shoulders "you said it not me, now let me mark you so I can find you when the time is right. This mark will also give you a bit of encouragement when you're down on your luck and thinking of backing out of our deal by doing something stupid like dying too early".

The strange man's coat parted away inside was nothing, but darkness and giant meaty raven claw bigger than my whole body with talons that were blacker than night. He extended a talon to my forehead than drew back what was probably his leg back into his coat.

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Ragnar was mumbling to himself in anger before he spoke again "making that same request to people why don't you walk up to a rank 4 magi if you're looking to die so much. No one has been able to complete your request in how many years yet you still give it to people what do you even want them to do?". The strange man looked at Ragnar and puffed smoke in his face than replied not saying a thing to anyone than left out the front door that seems to always be stuck.

The room was quite only Ragnar and Desmond remained it seemed as though it was going to stay that way until Desmond spoke. "Ragnar was that man a magi" Ragnar looked at Desmond than through a book at him that knocked him on the floor.

"You should have listened to me now your involved with him and to answer your question it's both yes and no. He is a strange guy that is hard to understand he is a treasure hunter that's all I'll say on the matter"

Desmond rubbed his butt that was in pain from suddenly getting knocked on the floor "fine don't tell me can I at least buy some books than".

"What you got isn't enough"
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"Of course not I need spells for all kinds of situations that's why I would like to see all your beginner grade spell books and any books you have on the human anatomy".

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