Upside Down

Chapter 105

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After we dress and redo our hair and makeup, we make our way out to the car. Along the way, two men come walking up to us. Honoka, Sofi and Chiaki move the three of us behind them. The men stop a couple of meters in front of us and Chiaki asks, "May we help you?"

The older man says, "I apologize for the interruption, but I'd like to speak to Sora Kobayashi."

Chiaki tilts her head and asks, "Who's that?"

He smiles and nods at me. "She's the redhead behind you."

Chiaki's demeanor changes. "Sir, I don't know who you are, but I would think that if you want to see this Sora you would probably have to make an appointment."

Apparently, this guy is dense as hell because even I can feel the animosity flowing off Chiaki like water. Even so, he continues to push, "Come now Miss. She's right there. We simply need a few minutes of her time."

Chiaki sighs and tells Sofi, "Sofi, call the police and park security."

Sofi takes out her phone and makes the calls as the man protests, "I only want to have a few words with her," and takes a step toward us.

Chiaki growls out, "Sir, I don't care what you want, but if you take another step in our direction, I'll make you regret it."

I step closer to Honoka and nervously whisper, "Nee-chan, please call our back up and lets leave. I don't like this."

She whispers back, "They are already on their way." She taps her watch behind her back. I look around us because I'm far more nervous than this situation calls for. I figure out why when I see three more men coming up from behind us. Reaching out, I grab Honoka's arm and tell her, "There are three more men coming up behind us." She looks and then moves behind us, reaches under her dress and pulls out her pistol.

Chiaki and Sofi heard me too. Chaiki shakes her head slightly and tells the men in front, "I tried to be nice about this, but you don't know when to quit." She reaches under her skirt and pulls out her pistol. The man who has been talking pales. She keeps it pointed at the ground and tells them, "Leave. Now. Before you get hurt."

Two dozen men come running up behind them as they are turning to leave and Chiaki points out both of the groups. They split off and surround both groups of men.

Mama grabs Chinatsu's and my hands and begins quickly walking to the car as Chiaki takes position behind us with Honoka and Sofi each taking a side. Five minutes later we are in the car and I take out my phone to call Mai.

Two rings later, she answers, "Hi Sora."

"Hi Mai. I have a question for you, did a group from GenTech call for an appointment?"

"Yes. I gave them an appointment to see Mirai in a week."

"Cancel it. While you're at it, give me their number. Who made the appointment?"

She tells me their number and says, "His name is Johan Bekker."

"Thank you Mai. I appreciate it." I end the call and dial the number Mai gave me.

Three rings later, someone picks up. "Hello?"

"I'd like to speak to Johan Bekker please."

"May I ask who's calling?"

I snap at this point and yell, "You damn well know who the hell this is!"

"One moment please."

I take a few deep breaths to calm down when I see Chinatsu's and Mama's expressions.

"This is Johan Bekker."

"I'd like to know the meaning of accosting my family at Playland today."

"I simply wanted to talk to you."

"Is that how they do business where you're from? Would you talk to some people you don't know who stopped you and your family when you are out?"

"No, that isn't how business is done and I probably wouldn't talk to someone who walked up to us either."

"After that, whatever you wanted from me and my corporation isn't happening. I cancelled your appointment with Mirai. After scaring my family today, I will never, ever do business with you."

"Miss, aren't you being overly emotional?"

"Probably, but we don't do business that way here. If you want to see me you set an appointment."

"I tried, your assistant said I would have to go through your vice-president."

"Then you should have seen her and if she thought it was worth my attention, she would have called me. As it is, I will be doubling security at TGR and around my family. I suggest you stay away from us because the next time you accost me or my family, you won't walk away."

"Is that a threat?" He asks incredulously.

"No, that's a promise. Threats and such are my father's forte. You'll probably be seeing him soon and I guarantee that you won't enjoy meeting him after doing this. You had best remember what I told you Mr. Bekker. Have a good day."

I end the call. Scroll through my contacts until I find Hiro's number and click on it. Two rings later he picks up, "Hi Sora."

"Hi Hiro. I'm sorry to do this to you, but I need you to double the guard at TGR. We have some unwanteds from GenTech that are sniffing around. My family was accosted by them at Playland Spa. Mai has more information about them if you want it."

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"Of course. How long do you want it doubled?"

"Until they leave the country. Oh, please post a notice about these people so employees know not to talk to them."

"Okay, I'll do that. I'll find out where they are and detail a few people to keep an eye on them as well."

"Thank you Hiro. I'll talk to you later."

I end the call and drop my phone into my purse. Leaning my head back, I close my eyes, take a deep breath and blow it out.


I open my eyes and look at Mama, "Hmm?"

"You're not frightened?"

I shake my head. "No, I'm livid. This is the first time we've done something like this together in a while and they ruin our day out." I scoot forward and kiss Mama's cheek. "Thank you. Up until then I was having a wonderful day."

Mama pulls me into her lap facing her and hugs me. I slip my arms around her neck and gently hug her back while nuzzling against her neck. I murmur, "Mama, why can't they just leave us alone?"

"I don't know sweetheart, but I'm sure your father will deal with them."

Right then I get kicked in the stomach. Jerking back, I look down in surprise and she chuckles.

"Was that one of the babies?"

She nods and tells me, "Kaede is always active at this time of day. Eri is more active a little later."

"You already know which one is which?"
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"Only by who's active when."

I chuckle and tell her, "I really am looking forward to meeting them."

"You and me both."

Talking to Mama brings back to mind Chinatsu's and my conversation this morning. I cuddle back against her and whisper, "Mama, may I ask you something? It's going to be really personal."

"I don't mind. I don't hide anything from you girls."

"Mhmm. Since you were infected by my nanites have you noticed increased sensitivity during sex, as in it's a lot easier for you to achieve orgasm?"

"Umm… Yes, much easier."

"Okay, that's another correlation point. How horny are you? Would you say it's the same or you're more horny than before?"

"Sweetheart, what's this about?"

"Mama, please answer me. I promise I'll explain."

"I'm far more horny than I used to be. Why are you asking me this?"

"That's another one. I'm asking because from what we read it should be hard for girls to reach orgasm, but it takes very little effort for us. So, we wondered if my nanites might have something to do with it."

"From what you said, it sounds like they could."

I murmur, "I think so too Mama. I'm not hurting you or the babies am I?"

"No sweetheart. You are perfectly fine where you are. In fact, I don't want you to move."

"Mhmm. I'm happy right here myself."

"How did you and Chinatsu remain calm during all of that? I was scared to death."

"Mama, it's not our first time dealing with that. Usually it makes me angry more than anything else. When they tried to kidnap me last time, I was still dealing with my PTSD and that's why I reacted like that."

"That's one of the few times I've felt like you actually needed me."

"Mama, I'll always need you. You know that Chinatsu is my main support and I'm hers, but we both need you. I'm very thankful you're my mama and I love you very, very much."

"I've said it before, but I can't ever see you as a boy. There's a major disconnect between what I see and what I know you were."

"Mama, there's no disconnect. We're seperate people. Our personalities, what we like, etcetera is different. I think of him as being my twin brother, not someone who used to be me."

"That actually makes a lot of sense."

"Mhmm. Oh, by the way, I invited Maki to go shopping with us Sunday. I thought she would enjoy spending time with all of us girls."

"Sora, how in the world did you keep such an open heart after all you've gone through?"

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"I suppose having Chinatsu, you and Daddy is a large part of it. I always knew I could rely on you three. You have proven many times how much you love me. Honestly Mama, I think most adoptive parents would have dumped me off at Children's Services a long time ago. I've put you through a lot in the past few months."

"Sweetheart, we would've never done that. I told you that you've always been a part of our family, remember?"

"Mhmm. Eidetic memory, remember?"

She chuckles and playfully slaps my butt. "Don't be a smartass. Are you wearing shorts?"

"Modesty shorts. My dress is a bit on the short side."

Modesty shorts are worn by girls when there's a chance of us exposing our panties. This dress is short enough that it would only take a mild breeze to expose mine, so I wore them. These are what they call bikini shorts. They are enough to preserve my modesty and still not be easily seen.

"Then why did you wear it?"

"Three reasons. One: you bought this for me. Two: I like how I look in it, and three: Chinatsu likes the way I look in it. I'm sure Ryu will too, but I've never worn it around him yet. He'll see it this evening when he comes over to get Chinatsu and me."

"Huh? Why Chinatsu too?"

"Umm… Chinatsu and I were talking a few days ago about what we would do if it didn't work out with Ryo. I told her that if nothing else I would share Ryu with her." I raise up and look her in the eyes. "Mama, please don't get mad at me because Ryu will never tell anyone. I made him promise and he's like me. He always keeps his promises." She nods. "I told him about Chinatsu and me. I had to, it was either now or later. Either way it was going to come out. Anyway, I asked him to accept me the way I am. I didn't tell him I used to be a boy and I never will. After he said he was okay with Chinatsu and me being together, I asked him to be our boyfriend and after a short discussion he agreed."

Mama looks at Chinatsu. "How do you feel about that?"

"I'm happy Mom. I love him and he loves me, so I don't see that there's an issue. Sora and I are happy to share a good man."

She looks back at me. "Sora, I'm not too sure about this, but I'm not going to interfere. He's so much like your father and in my eyes that makes him a very good boy. I've seen the way you two look at each other. It's the same way your father and I look at each other to this day."

"Mama, one of the reasons we love him is because he is like Daddy. I don't think Chinatsu and I could find a better boyfriend. For a short while we had hopes that Ryo was going to be the same, but you saw how that turned out."

She pulls me back against her and I nuzzle against her neck again. "You may be right about him Sora. You two are old enough to make your own decisions in your relationships, so I'm not going to interfere."

"Thank you Mama. I'm sorry I told him about us without talking to you about it first."

"It's alright Sora. If he had said anything, we probably could have contained any damage, but don't tell anyone else without talking to us first."

"I promise."

She gently rubs my back and says, "That's my girl," which makes me giggle. She pulls me a little tighter against her and I relax within her embrace. It isn't very long between the comforting feel of being held by her and the swaying of the car before I doze off.


"Hmm?" I say groggily without opening my eyes.

"Come on, wake up sweetheart. We're home."

Slowly opening my eyes, I tell her, "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you."

She hugs me and whispers, "I'm happy that you did. I wish you would act like this more often. I enjoy it when you act like the little girl you are."

"Mama, I'm not a little girl."

She chuckles and says, "I know you think you aren't and you damn well don't think like someone your age, but you're still my little girl. I don't care if you are a thousand years old, you'll still be my sweet little girl."

I giggle, kiss Mama's cheek and tell her, "If you say so Mama. You have no idea how happy it makes me that you'll always be here for us."

I climb out of Mama's lap, take Chinatsu's extended hand and stand up. Turning around, I offer my hands to Mama to help her up. Smiling at me she takes them and stands. Making our way inside, we take off our shoes and I tell Mama, "We're going to take a short nap before we go shopping."

Mama tells us, "Have a good nap."

Upstairs in our room, Chinatsu locks the door behind us. Undressing and hanging our dresses so they don't get wrinkled, I set the alarm on my phone for 4:00. We crawl into bed and Chinatsu pulls me against her. Settling into a comfortable position, I kiss her neck and close my eyes.

The alarm going off wakes me up, I reach over and turn it off. Rolling back over to face Chinatsu, I pull her against me and tenderly kiss her. After a few moments of this, she wakes and returns my kiss. When I break our kiss, she smiles at me and says, "Hi gorgeous. Can I have another kiss?"

"Of course, you can have as many kisses as you like." I gently bite her lower lip and release it. Then I give her several soft, short kisses and then a long, deep, sensuous kiss while drawing my fingertips along her back and side. Rolling over on my back, I pull her on top of me and hold her close. She nuzzles against my neck while I savor the feel of her soft, warm body against me.

She murmurs, "Sora?"


"Are you alright?"

"I'm perfectly fine. I simply want to cuddle with you."

"I'm always willing to cuddle with you, but are you sure you're alright?"

"I promise, I'm fine. Those men simply made me angry. We were having such a great day until then. You know I'm going to have to call Jason and Igor to come shopping with us this afternoon, right?"


"Because I'm not willing to take a chance of my sisters being hurt if those men come after us."

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"Do think they might?"

"I don't know, but it's not worth taking the chance… Chinatsu, kiss me."

She raises up and gives me a long, deep kiss as I crush her to me. By the time we finally break our kiss, we are both wet, flushed and breathing a little rough. Rolling over on top of her, I give her a soft kiss. Getting up, I offer my hand to her. She takes it and gets up as well.

"You don't want to make love?"

"I do, but we have things to do. If we make love we probably won't be able to see Ryu this evening. We can have a threesome with him later."

"Now that sounds wonderful. Yesterday was a little awkward, but it was still quite enjoyable."

"It was, but we have to work out how to have sex with three of us. I have some ideas about that, but we'll simply have to try each of them and see how they compare."

"I'm willing to try anything."

"Come on, grab your clothes and lets go clean up."

Gathering our clothes, we head downstairs to the bathroom. We quickly clean up, dress, redo our hair and then head back upstairs. Dropping by Honoka's and Sofi's room, I tell them we'll be leaving soon.

Back in our room, I pick up my phone, scroll through until I find Jason's number and click the entry. After two rings, he answers, "Hi Sora."

"Hi Jason. I hate to do this to you guys, but I need you to call Shiori, Igor and Kanna and meet us at Tokyo Solamachi as soon as possible. You probably already heard about the incident at Playland."

"I did. You don't want me to call Kazuhiko and Akiyoshi?"

"No, you four will be enough. We still have our ready back up, but I'd still feel better with you right there with us."

"Okay, we can be there by 5:00."

"We'll meet you at the main entrance, and thank you Jason."

"You're welcome, Sora."

I end the call and then text Mr. Okami. 'Please meet us at the front gate. We'll be ready within ten minutes.'

I put on my watch, necklace, and touch up my makeup. Opening my purse, I drop my makeup, dress tape, lip gloss and phone inside and close it.

I look at Chinatsu and ask, "Ready?"

She smiles at me and says, "Of course," and holds her hand out to me. Taking it, we head out the door, collect Honoka and Sofi, go down to the living room to get Mayumi and then slip on our shoes at the front door.

We chat about what type of bikinis we wanted to get on the way. Sofi really surprises me when she says she would like to have a small bikini. Honoka says she wants a standard bikini. Mayumi, well, she knows what she likes.

Chinatsu and I already have a good idea of the type we are going to get. We were looking at bikinis online and ran across an advertisement for some brazilian bikinis. They are low rise bikini bottoms and the ones I saw that I wanted had a bandeau top. Quite sexy if I say so myself. I believe Ryu will be very happy to see the two of us in something like them. I also plan for us to have a couple of more new bikinis to wear in Okinawa.

It seems to take no time at all for us to arrive at Tokyo Solamachi and Mr.Okami pulls up directly in front of the main entrance. I look around and spot our security teams moving toward the car. Mr. Okami opens the door for us and as each of us scoots to the door he offers his hand to help us out. I'm the last to get out and I tell him, "Thank you Mr. Okami." He smiles and nods at me.

We walk over to our security. I look at them and say, "Hi. Thanks for coming, we really appreciate it." They all smile and nod. "Jason, I have a question. You'll be coming with us to Okinawa, right?"

"Of course we will."

"Good, I was hoping you were. Alright, how about we get started. I'm sorry, but this is going to take a while."

He smiles and says, "No problem, that's what we're here for."

"Shiori, Kanna, I'd like the two of you to stick with us. Jason, Igor, if you could stay close and keep an eye on the surroundings I'd appreciate it."

"Certainly, we'll follow several meters behind you girls and stay by the entrance of each store to keep an eye out."

"Thank you."

Taking Chinatsu's hand, I lead the way inside and we head up to Pacific Swimwear. They are a huge swimwear-only store. Their catch phrase is, "If we don't have it, it isn't made."

Once inside we head over to the bikinis and I look at Shiori and Kanna, "You two pick out a couple of bikinis for yourselves as well. You'll need them for Okinawa. No arguments." They smile, nod, and say "Thank you." I turn to Sofi. "Pick out three bikinis of whatever type you want. We'll be close by, so don't worry." She nods and says, "Okay, thanks."

I look at Honoka and Mayumi, who are side by side. "Same with you two. Pick out three bikinis each. Like I told Sofi we're all close together. We'll yell if there's a problem." They nod and say, "Okay" and head off to the section for their sizes. Now, for Honoka that isn't very far from us, same with Sofi. Mayumi, Shiori and Kanna have to go to the adults section though.

Taking Chinatsu's hand again, I lead us over to the tan through bikinis section in my size. Hers is also very close by, so she heads off to delve through the racks.

If you aren't familiar with the term, 'tan through,' it means just that. They allow you to tan through the bikini, so you don't have tan lines. It's much more aesthetically pleasing to not have tan lines that show when you wear an off the shoulder dress or things like that which would show them. All of the bikinis we girls are getting will be the tan through type.

As I'm searching through the ones in my size, I find a white brazilian bikini with a bandeau top. I pull it off the rack and hold on to it as I continue searching. The next one I spot that I like is an emerald green one of the same type, the bottom is a thong though. I find a black one of the same type as well and pull it too. I also find several others to try on. The next one is a turquoise brazilian bikini like the first one I found. When I hit twenty swimsuits to try on, I stop and go over to where Chinatsu is.

"I have twenty to try on. How about you?"

"About the same amount. Want to try them on?"

I nod. "Mhmm." I catch Honoka's attention, point to the dressing rooms and she nods.

Chinatsu and I head over to them. It takes a while to try them all on, but I've settled on the three I want. The white one I first picked up, the emerald green one, and the turquoise one. Re-dressing, I step out of the dressing room.

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"Chinatsu how are you coming along?"

"I've picked out two of them I want, I can't decide on the third one."

"Are you covered?"


I open the curtain, step in and close it behind me. "Which are you having problems deciding between?"

"I can't decide between the one in hot pink and the black one."

"Put them on for me." She puts on the black one and slowly turns around for me. Then she does the same for the hot pink one. "That one. I really like the color on you. It really brings out those gorgeous blue eyes."

She smiles at me and says, "Okay. This one then." She picks up the other bikinis, which are bright yellow and silver. "These are the other two I chose."

"I like them. They'll look great on you. I'll wait outside. These dressing rooms are kind of small."

"I'll be right out."

I step outside and a few minutes later she steps out. We take the swimsuits we aren't buying to hang back on their racks. Looking around, I see Sofi and we walk over to her.

"How's it coming lil' sis?"

"Fine. I found the three I want." She shows us three halter top brazilian bikinis, which are bronze, navy blue and mahogany.

"Alright, did you try them on?" She nods. "Okay, let's go find Nee-chan."

Chinatsu takes my hand and leads the way over to Honoka.

As we reach her, Chinatsu asks, "How's it going Nee-chan?"

She's holding several bikinis. One in black, one in gold, a couple of lavender ones and several other colors.

"So-so. I like several of these and they all fit, but I can't really decide which I like best."

Chinatsu asks, "Would you like a second opinion?"

She smiles and says, "Please."

We sort through the ones she's holding. I lay the gold one to the side. Chinatsu lays a black one on top of it and we finally chose a maroon one.

I tell her, "We think these would look great on you, but choose whatever you think best suits you."

She looks through them again and then nods. "I think you're right. Those colors work really well for me." She puts the others back up and picks up the ones we chose for her.

I smile and say, "Okay, let's track down Mayumi, Kanna and Shiori."

We meet Shiori and Kanna as they are coming back to us. Joining up, we look for Mayumi and spot her a couple of aisles away. Heading over to her, I see she is comparing a couple of bikinis.

"Hi Mayumi. Did you find what you want?"

She looks up at me. "Yes and no. I found these two." She holds up two bikinis, one in sky blue and the other in fuschia. The colors will look phenomenal on her. "I'd like to have a red one as well, but the ones they have here aren't what I would wear."

"If you are talking about the style you wore at the water park, Nee-chan has a red one like it that doesn't fit her anymore, but it should fit you fine. You can have it if you want it."

She looks at Honoka and asks, "Are you sure you don't mind?"

Honoka tells her, "Of course I don't mind. I couldn't wear it even if I wanted to. It would be like my bras, both of my breasts would fit in one of the cups." She looks at me. "Sora, I can't wear my old clothes and they should fit Mayumi, so why don't we give them to her? It's better than simply donating them."

I smile. "Good idea. Mayumi, would you like them? There's a lot of very cute outfits in her old wardrobe. Her old stockings won't fit her either, so you're welcome to them too."

"Is that really okay?"

I shrug. "I bought them, so it's fine. Personally, we'd much rather you take them. There's some really cute going out clothes too."

"Thank you. I'll gladly take them."

"Good. Why don't we check out so we can get started shopping for Nee-chan?"

Everyone nods and we head to the cashier. The lady behind the register asks, "Will that be all?"

"Yes, thank you."

She scans everything and says, "The total is ¥246,286. How will you be paying?"

I open my purse, remove my wallet, take out my card and hand it over.

After she runs my card, she hands it back along with the slip to sign. I sign, hand the slip back and put back my card. She bags everything up and says, "Thank you for your purchase. Please, come again."

I won't go into a huge amount of detail about shopping to replace Honoka's wardrobe because it took a lot of shopping before we were done. We bought her an even dozen going out mini dresses of various styles. While Mayumi helped her pick those out, Sofi, Chinatsu and I chose eight babydoll mini dresses for her. She also picked out around thirty mini skirts of various styles and we bought her forty-two blouses to match them. Then she chose two dozen casual one-piece mini dresses. We also bought an even two dozen pairs of stockings in various colors and styles.

Honestly, choosing clothing for her is so much easier now, and her grin as we did so told us how happy she is with her new figure since there were a lot of styles she simply couldn't wear before. How much did I spend? A bit over ¥1.2 million. We might have gone a little overboard buying her new wardrobe, but it's not as if she won't eventually wear everything. To me, her smile as we did all this makes it well worth the expense.

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