Upside Down

Chapter 106

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Honoka again calls for a team of our back up and asks them to take our bags to the car. Frankly, I'm glad she did since there are so many of them that we were struggling to carry them all, even with Shiori and Kanna helping.

And after all of that shopping, I'm starving.

"Mayumi, why don't you pick a place for us to eat?"

She shrugs and says, "Okay, but I'm good with getting a cheeseburger and french fries."

Sofi asks in a hopeful tone, "McKings?"

I don't really mind either way, so I shrug.

Chinatsu says, "Sound good to me. Nee-chan?"

Honoka says, "I'm good with anything."

I say, "McKings it is then."

Walking over to the elevator, we take it down to the first floor and head over to the food court. At McKing's we wait in line for fifteen minutes. We get our orders and find a place to sit down, which isn't easy since this place is always packed. They have damn good burgers here, so it isn't all that surprising. Looking around, we find a place with enough seats for the seven of us and sit down to eat.

Chatting while we eat, I ask Mayumi, "Are you off Saturday?"

"No, I have to work the day shift. Why?"

"We're going to the water park Saturday and I hoped you could come."

"Sorry, it does sound like it would have been fun."

I grin at her and say, "Even more so if Kazuto went with us too. He could see just how sexy you are. Of course, he'd have to be blind to not know that already."

"I wish we could go too. I haven't seen him since the party, but he has called me almost everyday."

"Good, it shows that he's really interested in you. Make sure you ask him about Okinawa, I'll ask Dad to talk to the director about giving you the time off then. If Dad does it, I'm sure he'll give you the time off."

"Sora, thank you. I'd really like to go with you. If Kazuto can come too, well, I don't think I need to explain."

We all chuckle and I say, "Of course you don't. It'd be a good way to get closer to him. Umm… How about next Saturday? We're all going to the Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival and I'd love it if the two of you come as well."

"I'd have to see when the schedule comes out Sunday, but I'd love to go."

"Okay, call me when you know. I hope you can."

"Alright, I'll call you Sunday evening and…" A boy interrupts as he squats down beside Honoka and asks, "Hi. I'd love to take you out sometime. Can I have your number?"
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Now, I have to admit, he's not bad looking, but truthfully, Jim is far better looking and better built.

Honoka smiles pleasantly at him and says, "Thank you for asking, but I'm already seeing someone."

He smiles sadly. "That's too bad, but he's very lucky." He nods at all of us. "Alright, well, ladies, have a pleasant evening."

Honoka tells him, "You as well." He stands and walks off.

I grin at Honoka and say, "See what I meant when I said you look even better than before Nee-chan?"

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She giggles and tells me, "I could get used to this."

I laugh and tell her, "It's not as if you have much choice. Nee-chan, you're seriously gorgeous, so this will probably be happening quite often from now on."

Mayumi tells her, "Sora's right. You're gorgeous and you have excellent style, so boys will definitely be doing this a lot more."

"My style is thanks to Sora and Chinatsu. I never had one before I met them."

Grinning, I jokingly tell her, "Oh, you had one, it merely wasn't very good."

She groans, "I know, please don't remind me."

I look at her with a serious expression and tell her, "Nee-chan, you're definitely not the same girl that we met at the water park. Look at yourself. You chose three bikinis today and didn't even bat an eye. You happily wear skirts and dresses now too, not only that but you choose your own and don't fight us about every piece of clothing we buy you. Not to mention how feminine you've become. You've come a long way from who you used to be."

She smirks at me. "Most of that is thanks to my very pushy little sister."

I giggle and tell her, "I can't deny that I'm pushy. Nee-chan, as long as you're happy that's all I care about."

"Don't worry, I'm very happy."

Finishing our dinner, we throw our trash away and head out to the car. Once we reach it. I tell our security teams, "Thank you very much for coming tonight. I didn't think there would be a problem, but I didn't want to take the chance."

Jason tells me, "You're more than welcome and I'm glad nothing happened, but better safe than sorry."

I nod. "You all have a good night."

They smile and nod. We load up and head for Mayumi's apartment building. There, we find her bag and I give her a hug, kiss her cheek, and tell her, "I'll have the clothes delivered soon. Good night. Remember to call me. I love you."

Smiling, she says, "I will. I love you too. Good night Sora."

I get back in and we head home. Once we arrive, we carry in the multitude of bags and sort them out. Chinatsu and I take ours into our room and hang up our swimsuits. Then I take out my phone to text Ryu, 'We're home now. Please come get us.'

A few moments later, my phone chimes with a text from him, 'I'll be there in a moment.'

Putting my phone back in my purse, I check myself over in the mirror and tuck a few loose strands of hair behind my ears. Picking up the perfume we use, I put a dab on my finger and place it behind each ear. I do the same for Chinatsu, who smiles at me in thanks. Taking her in my arms, I give her a long, deep kiss.

After I break it, I nuzzle her neck and whisper, "I love you so much. You have no idea how happy I am."

"Oh, I wouldn't say that. I have a fairly good idea. I love you too. You know, I'm looking forward to all of us being together again."

Smiling, I look at her and say, "Me too."

The door intercom chimes and we head downstairs. As we pass by the living room, I tell Mama, "We're going over to Ryu's."

She tells us, "Alright, be back by 11:00."

"We will. Love you."

I open the door to a smiling Ryu and literally leap into his arms. He catches me and I wrap my arms and legs around him. Holding him as tight as I can, I kiss him deeply and fiercely. I hear the door shut and break our kiss a few minutes later.

I tell him, "I missed you," and slide off him so Chinatsu can have a kiss as well.

He smiles even bigger and tells us, "I missed you two as well." He takes a second look at me and says, "My God Sora, you look amazing," which makes me smile brilliantly. I was so hoping he'd like the way I look in this dress.

He then pulls Chinatsu to him and kisses her. She wraps her arms around his neck and melts against him. She refuses to allow him to break their kiss when he tries, so he slides his hands down her back, grabs her by her extremely cute butt and picks her up. She wraps herself tightly around him as they continue kissing.

All I can do is smile at her and think, 'She really does love him.' I always knew Ryu had a big heart, but this shows just how big it is. Loving two girls is no easy task, especially when they are as close as us, let's not even mention how sexually demanding we are. Both of us girls are fairly easy going and I don't think we're all that demanding in most circumstances, but I can guarantee you that in the bedroom neither of us will ever compromise and I believe he might even know it. He tried his best to satisfy us last night and did a damn good job one on one. The threesome was simply awkward, even if it was enjoyable. We have a lot of work ahead of us figuring out our relationship.

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She finally breaks their kiss. She nuzzles and kisses his neck and tells him, "That was wonderful. Sora did an awesome job teaching you how to kiss." She unwraps herself from him and he gently sets her down.

"Sora's rather demanding when it comes to things like that, so of course I would pick up how she likes things done. Come on girls, let's go to my house. Sora, Mom wants to talk to you for a few minutes."


We each take a hand and we walk to his house. I palm the lock and Chinatsu opens the door. We announce ourselves as we enter and take off our shoes. Maki calls out from the living room, "Welcome. I'm in the living room."

At the entrance to the living room, I stand on my tiptoes to kiss Ryu and then tell him, "You two go on up. I'll be up soon." He nods and leads Chinatsu upstairs. Going by the look in Chinatsu's eyes, she's going to jump him the moment they are in the room. I almost feel sorry for him since he has two extremely amorous girlfriends.

Smiling, I enter the living room, walk over to Maki to hug her. "Hi Mama-Maki. You wanted to talk to me?"

She lets me go, sits down, and pats the seat beside her. I sit down and she says, "I wanted to find out the schedule for tomorrow's shopping trip."

"Oh. Okay, well, I thought we'd leave at 10:00."

"Alright, sounds good to me." She looks at the entrance to the living room and then back to me. She smiles and asks, "Guess who was flirting with me again today?"

I smile. "The same guy who's training you?"

She nods. "His name is Kinji and he is so handsome."

"Are you going to go out with him?"

"Is it alright?"

"Of course it is. Just don't let your relationship affect work. Other than that, have fun. Mama-Maki, you were stuck in a bad relationship for a long time. You're allowed to be happy, so date him. Hell, take him to bed if that's what you want. Life's too short to not be happy."

"I filed for divorce two days ago. You don't think it's too soon?"

I shake my head and state, "Chinatsu broke up with Ryo yesterday and within half an hour she was Ryu's girlfriend. Was that too soon?"

She shakes her head and smiles. "Point taken. I want to go out with him, I really do. He asked me out for drinks this Saturday."

"So go! Ryu will be with us on a date and I'm sure Ryo can take care of himself for a few hours. We'll buy you a really cute and sexy dress tomorrow, alright?"

"If this is what it's like having a daughter, I wish I'd had one."

"Mama-Maki, I'm far from the typical girl, but I'd be very happy if you think of me and Chinatsu as your daughters. We'll be your daughters-in-law in the future anyway."

"I said it before, Ryu is very lucky. Twice over now. Look at you two. You're both gorgeous, elegant and well mannered."

"Thank you. If you don't mind, I'd like to go see Ryu. We have to be back by 11:00."

"Of course. I'll see you later."

"We'll say goodnight before we leave. See you later."

I stand and go upstairs. I tap on the door, announce "It's me," and a few moments later, Chinatsu opens it. Once inside, I see both of them are flushed and sweating, she locks the door, kisses me fervently and immediately begins undressing me.

Tonight was simply beyond comparison. I gave Ryu three blowjobs and happily swallowed every last drop he gave me. I lost track of how many times Ryu and Chinatsu brought me to orgasm. We also forbade him from masurbating from now on. He laughed and asked us, "Why would I need to?" We knew he was telling the truth, but all we could do was giggle uncontrollably.

We did figure out one thing that works for us last night. He lays down as one of us gives him a blowjob while the other moves over him as he licks us and massages our jewel. We kept him extremely busy all night. We were surprised that he kept up with us the first night. Tonight he astounded us with his stamina. Even when Chinatsu and I were making love he joined us instead of resting. Chinatsu may have had to show him how to please us orally, but my God, he learns so quickly! I'll simply say all three of us were exhausted, but very satisfied and happy by the time we had to leave.

Chinatsu and I gave Maki a hug as we told her, "Good night." She kissed our foreheads and told us, "Good night," and that she would see us in the morning. Ryu walked us back home, gave us both long, deep kisses and told us, "I love you." We both told him, "I love you too," and went inside and off to bed. It didn't take long after we cuddled up for us to fall asleep.

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[Friday, July 19th]

The alarm wakes me at 6:00. Reaching over, I turn it off, stretch and yawn. Reaching over, I brush Chinatsu's hair out of her face and kiss her to wake her. A few moments later, she returns my kiss.

Smiling, she says, "Good morning, my love."

I caress her cheek and reply, "Good morning. Come on, let's go bathe. We didn't take one last night and I feel icky."

"Sounds good to me. I feel the same way. Umm… By the way, what did Maki mean she would see us this morning?"

"We're taking her shopping for clothes. She doesn't have the right clothes for work, so I told her I would take her today. Of course, it isn't simply going to be work clothes. There's a man at work who asked her out, so we'll be buying her some clothes to go out in as well. She has a date for Saturday."

She smiles and says, "Oh ho… Maki isn't playing around."

I smile and nod, "She filed for divorce a couple of days ago. She meant it when she said she was done with him. She tolerated his bullshit far longer than she should have, in my opinion, and she damn well deserves to be happy. I plan to do everything I can to make sure she is."

"I've already said it, but Sora, you have the biggest heart of anyone I know."

"I don't know about that, but I do want the people I care about to be happy. I may not be able to do much to help, but I'll do what I can… Kiss me and let's go bathe. Today's going to be busy again."

Fast forward ninety minutes and all four of us are dressed and our hair done. In the kitchen, Chinatsu makes coffee, then helps Sofi set the table as Honoka and I get everything ready to make omelets, hash browns, biscuits and gravy. After she and Chinatsu set the table, Sofi takes over making the biscuits while we continue the prep for everything else.

I'm just about to send Chinatsu after Mama, Daddy and Chiaki when they come into the dining room and take a seat. Everyone exchanges "Good mornings." Chinatsu brings each of them a cup of coffee and Honoka and I set the serving platters on the table.

Everyone serves themselves and we begin eating. A short time later, Dad announces, "We have an appointment with the design firm for the house Tuesday morning at 9:00, so everyone make sure to leave it open."

Everyone nods and I say, "Umm Daddy, I was thinking about what Mama told me in the car the other day about people I love being used against me." He nods and I continue, "Can we build a house for the Ueno's on the property as well?"

"I'd already planned on it. They are too close to us to not do it. Sweetheart, do you really think I'd let someone use them against you?"

"I don't know, but it scared me to death thinking that someone would hurt them to get to me. Ryo pisses me off, but I still don't want to see anything happen to him."

Mama chimes in with, "Language young lady."

"Sorry Mama, but my point still stands. I know we can't do this for everyone who gets close to me, but the Ueno's are especially close."

Dad nod and says, "I know. That's why I already planned to have a house built for them as well."

Relief washes over me and tears start running down my cheeks. Scrubbing away my tears, I sigh, and vehemently state, "Damn it! I am so tired of this!"

Mama cries out, "Sora!"

"I'm sorry Mama, but I'm sick of crying over everything! It doesn't matter if I'm happy, sad or whatever, I cry and I'm sick of it!"

Mama looks at me for a moment and says, "Sweetheart, there are a lot of women who cry over everything. You're not alone. It's simply something you're going to have to deal with."

"I was never this way before, so why now?"

She shrugs. "Who knows sweetheart. Some women and a few men are that way."

"This is so embarrassing."

Dad says, "Sweetheart, it's not embarrassing, it's merely part of who you are now."

"It is! What's going to happen when I cry at a meeting at work?! They are going to think I'm a baby!"

Dad gets up and comes around to hug me from behind. "Sweetheart, the only people who think that are the one who don't know you. If it gets to be too much for you, excuse yourself and take a break. Then go back in to the meeting. You're the boss, so you're allowed to do that."

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I've no idea why Dad hugging me and talking to me like this makes everything better, but I calm down and tell him, "Thank you Daddy."

God knows, I'm still getting used to actually interacting with people. Yes, I do pretty well overall, but it's still a little hard for me. Is it any wonder I love my family like I do?

He stands back up, ruffles my hair and I cry out, "Daddy! Do you know how much work goes into styling my hair and then you mess it up?!"

He chuckles and says, "Sorry sweetheart."

"Hmph. Please, don't do that again. Mama, can you fix it after breakfast?"

"Of course."

We finish breakfast and I'm told to go get my hair fixed rather than help clean up. Mama takes me back to her room, takes my hair down, brushes it out and does my hair in a waterfall braid. After she's done she clips it at the end with the bow I had. I've never had my hair done this way and I have to say it's really cute.

"Thank you Mama. You do remember that I told you I'd be taking Maki shopping today?"

"I do. Have fun. By the way, your ends are splitting, so you need to get your hair trimmed."

"I condition my hair all the time."

"It still happens. Don't let them take too much off, but get it trimmed, alright?"

I pull my hair around to look at it. She's right. Sighing, I say, "Alright, Mama." Turning around I give her a hug as I tell her, "Thank you for fixing my hair. Daddy should know better than to do that."

She chuckles. "Whether he should or not doesn't stop him. He used to make me so mad doing that to me. He still does it as you see."

"He needs to stop it, it takes a lot of work to get our hair to look good."

She chuckles, "Good luck getting him to stop. I've been trying for fifteen years."

"I need to finish getting ready. Thank you Mama."

She hugs me and kisses the crown of my head. "I'm always happy to help you, sweetheart. Be safe and have a good day."

As I finish getting ready, my phone rings. I pick it up and answer the call, "Hello?"

"Hello Ms. Kobayashi. This is Mrs. Furukawa."

Hi Mrs. Furukawa, what can I do for you?"

"I'm calling to let you know that I'm sending the money transfer shortly. The island, companies and such were transferred into your name yesterday. The jewelry and other small items will be delivered to your house today. By the way, due to the amount we're transferring to you, your bank will probably be calling you about it."

"Thank you for telling me, Mrs. Furukawa."

"You're quite welcome, Ms. Kobayashi. Have a good day." She ends the call

Chinatsu asks, "What was that about?"

"That was the court clerk letting me know that they transferred the large items I chose into my name yesterday. The small items will be delivered today and she's making the money transfer shortly."

I'll skip a lot of the details of shopping for Maki. First, we took her to get measured, then we bought her all new bra and panty sets. While heading over to another store my bank called me to confirm the transfer.

When we first started picking out skirts and dresses for her, she hesitated due to the skirt lengths we had chosen for her. After explaining she's now a single woman who is rather good looking with long, very sexy legs, she agreed to let us choose what we thought best for her.

We got her a dozen skirts, the longest of which reaches mid-thigh, two dozen blouses of varying styles to go with them, and an even dozen one-piece dresses of varying styles for work. That finished, we went on to choose ten going out dresses for her, but the one we spent the longest looking for is the one for Saturday. It's a silk, backless, halter top skater dress, the skirt of which barely reaches a third of the way down her thigh. I really want to emphasize those long legs of hers to Kinji. We also got her several styles of sandals and pumps, along with ankle and knee boots. Finally, a couple dozen pairs of stockings of varying colors and styles.

Afterward, we went to a salon where I had 5 centimeters cut off from my hair and my bangs trimmed. Maki had hers shaped and trimmed as well.

This little trip cost me a little over ¥860,000, but you know me, it's not like I really care about the cost. We enjoyed shopping together and her smile as we did all of this makes it all well worth it to me.

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