Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 128: 128

"Do you really want to return to Star country?" Amber was berating the person she was having a video chat with.

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"No," was the reply.

"Don't give me that face Jackson," she once again reprimanded.

The one on the other side was looking at his side obviously irritated.

"So what do you want to do then?" she sighed seeing his stubborn look.

"Can't I at least fight back even for just a bit?" he asked looking wronged.

"Jackson," she called making him look at her.

"If you want to get back..." she trailed off.

Jackson was feeling even more bad seeing her look as if it really was wrong for him to get back at them.

"You should be stealthy, you have to do it without making others witness it. Geez what kind of fighting back is that? You ended up being the one reprimanded by your instructors," Amber continued even shaking her head.

Jackson turned agape by her words.

"What's with that look? Come on, I don't have in my vocabulary the word being bullied. If you are under me then you have to do it swift," Amber said matter of factly.

"You really are weird aren't you?" Jackson commented.

He was a 16 year old young man.

"Then why did you look for me in the first place?" she rolled her eyes as she asked this.

As for the story behind this? That shall be a story to be told in another time.

"Anyway, the next time this happens do it swiftly will you? Don't add more problems to what I already have, you do remember the reason why I took you in," she then turned serious and spoke in an elder sister manner.

"I know, I'm sorry," he gave a sincere apology.

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"You have to understand with your talent, you'll garner quite a lot of envy. That is something your teacher have told you, I will help you in anyway I can for surely I will also be needing your help. But if you get swallowed up by all these criticisms and bullying no matter what, we won't be able to help you."

"You need to get over this obstacles if you want to get strong, just know we have your back," she finally advised, her playful aura long gone.

She now acts like an elder sister. A completely different person than the one the others were usually with.

"I understand, I shall keep that in mind," he then sincerely said before bowing his head.

"Now, raise your head for you truly are not in the wrong. Just make sure to graduate properly instead, or I'll throw you back to your parents," she teased, knowing full well how much he hates his family.

"I will do it, just you wait," he glared at her before hanging up.

Amber couldn't help but laugh upon seeing this.

He had always been this awkward, he was the one who actually called her to inform her that he was once again called to the guidance office.

'Jackson Phillips, a good harvest after Ash and the others left,' she thought.

'Well let's think about how I got him once I visit them, for now, I still have a lot of things that I must face.'

She stood up only to stop, a sudden feeling emerged in her heart.

Without second thoughts, she picked up her phone and made a call.

After two rings the other side picked up.

"Done with the other call?" he asked.

"Yes, what are you doing now?" she asked a nagging feeling in her heart.

"We just got in and the others have started fighting on the other side, I am taking another part where the leader were usually walking through."

"You have no companion?" she asked as nervousness became apparent in her voice.

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He slowed down upon hearing this and we a furrowed brow he asked, "What is it? Is there something wrong?"

"I don't know but do please be careful, I suddenly have a bad feeling," she answered honestly.

"I won't drop the call then," he reassured her.

Amber remained silent but her hearing was heightened, she wanted to make sure that she can hear everything.

Yet in the end, her heart dropped when she heard a loud bang and the call ended.

She was in a daze for a few minutes before she tried calling him over and over again but to no avail.

She faced her computer and her fingers flew fast around the keyboard, checking all the surrounding CCTV near the area where they were going.

She couldn't help but curse as the closest was still a bit far from the area itself, she can't see anything.

She stood up and run to her room, taking the keys of her motorbike but just as she stepped out of the door, she received a call coming from Devon.

With thumping heart she answered it, her complexion turning pale.

"Hello?" she answered but it almost came out as a whisper.

"I am fine," was the first words she heard before teardrops came like waterfall.


"Damn it," Ashton cursed when a bullet suddenly flew past his cheeks, grazing it.

The earpiece he was wearing, that was set for a long range wireless connection, also got shot.

And to make it worse, his phone was left on the car for he relied on the distance capability of the earpiece.

With what she just said about a bad feeling, she was right.

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He was kind of not as vigilant as before she called him and he knew that if she didn't call, he wouldn't be able to notice that gunshot that came from a very tricky angle. He would have been killed by it.

With a twist he moved to a corner hiding from where the gunshot came from. Remembering the floor plan of the building, he tried his best to picture just where could that gunner be hiding.

Just as he was still thinking the gunner himself rushed towards where he was.

"I will never bow down to anyone," was what he shouted as he moved from one place to another.

'I never ask you to,' was what Ashton thought before he went into the open.

He faced the direction where the gunner was running and just in time, the gunner was also facing him.

"I never asked you to bow down to anyone," Ashton said as their guns pointed at one another.

"Why are you attacking us then?" he asked.

"To let you all know, that I have arrived," he answered and without warning both shot at the same time.

Ashton was able to jump on the side evading the bullet wanting to pierce through his heart.

On the other hand, he had expected the direction where the other would jump that his shot was actually directed there, allowing him to shot this man in the thigh.

"Checkmate," was his last word before he hit the gun the man was holding and run towards him hitting him in the head.

They really don't kill but they defeat them, for gangs a defeat would still be a defeat and they recognise the power of the one who defeated them.

Now, that his purpose was over he rushed to Devon who was closest to him.

"Give me your phone," he reached out seeing as they were already done on tis side as well.

"What happened? Your cheek," Devon asked worriedly but still handed him his phone.

Ashton didn't answer and dialled Amber's number, the moment the call was picked up he said, "I am fine."

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He didn't hear any reply but he can hear her sniff, before he heard her loud cry.

"I'm fine, I really am fine so calm down, I'm heading home now, just wait for me. I'll be there in ten minutes."

After this, knowing that she wouldn't be answering for she was still crying quite loud, he dropped the call, handed it back to Devon before rushing to his car.

Seeing this no one tried to stop him especially after hearing his words to Amber, Devon knew that the wound on his cheek must have something to do with it.

Amber was still crying and remained standing by the door, the moment she heard his voice, all her strength left her, she could only squat down while crying.

Just the thought of something bad happening made all her fears resurface and so many thoughts run through her mind.

So many what ifs.

What if she no longer sees him?

What if, another bloodied body would be brought to her?

What if he was too hurt?

So many prayers.

'Please don't make me lose more.'

'Please don't take anymore.'

'Please bring him back to me alive.'

'Please, don't make me lose him.'

'Not him, not when he was already very much important to me.'

She cried and cried as relief engulfed her the moment she heard those three words.

She was even unable to reply back as she could only cry.

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