Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 129: 129

She had been squatting for who knows how long until she heard the sound of the car.

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She looked up to see his car stopping right inside the gate before he went down.

Without bothering about her messed up look, she run towards him, jumping right into his arms.

This was the first time since she became acquainted at him, that she literally felt so scared.

Even with what happened with Carl, she still has her confidence. Yet that moment a while ago, she just felt like her world was crashing down.

She didn't even know how she still managed to get a jacket before coming down.

All she knew was that she must see him, she must see him alive and breathing.

"Shhh, I'm sorry, it's fine now," Ashton who caught her, hugged her as tight as he caressed her back.

He kept whispering, the same as how he always did, making sure that she would be soothed.

He didn't even bother with the coldness of the night, he didn't bother about carrying her, he didn't bother about anything, all he knew is that he must sooth her.

A lot of times she was hurt, like the world came crashing down on her, a lot of times she watch death right in front of her. He knew why she was so scared and the reason behind her tears.

"No more," she whimpered.

"Don't make me lose more," she continued.

"You won't, I'll make sure of it. You won't," he whispered in return.

"Don't make me lose you," she followed as she hugged him even tighter as if it was not yet enough.

"You won't, I'll always be here, I promise," he answered in return.

She finally pulled away and cupped his face, "Don't promise me but do it, don't make me lose you."

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He too cupped her face, "I will make sure that I will always return to your side. I won't allow this gangs or even the bigger ones, I won't allow them to take me away from you."

She blinked a few times before she pulled him close to her.

She pulled his head closer, giving him a full kiss.

She knew his impact on her, she knew just how much important he had become.

She had fallen for him and she, just like him, will not runaway from it.

Some say this feelings would distract you.

Others would say that this will make you lose sight of so many things.

But she didn't want to runaway, she will face everything.

If she has to write down everything , she will do it.

If she needs to always, in her every waking hour, remind herself about her resolve in taking revenge, she'll do it.

She will not forget about her resolve nor get soft because of these emotions, instead this will be her drive.

He will be her drive to ensure that she would really get back at all of them.

"I love you," after a long kiss she looked straight in his eyes and said.

Ashton was stunned, which was visible in his eyes.

"Don't be scared, for I will make sure to always with every bones intact, return to your side," he started wiping her tears away.

"Don't be scared for I will do everything to support you in taking your revenge, don't feel pressured that you might forget about it, for I will make sure to remind you instead."

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Amber could only look back at him.

"Don't be scared for I will make sure that I will love you from the moment I realised that I have come to love you until the day both of us were to get old and die of old age."

He planted a soft kiss in her forehead, "I will make sure that we would really reach that time."

He then planted another at the tip of her nose, "And that we would be able to live in peace far longer than the time we lived in chaos and pain."

He used his thumb to wipe the lone tear that escaped her eyes.

"I love you too and I will always do," he finished before giving her another kiss in her lips.

The kiss is both a promise and an assurance.

That no matter what happens, they would always be with one another, supporting each other's back.


"Your instinct was indeed right," Ashton said as Amber remained staring at his wound after she applied medicine and put on a bandaid.

Amber didn't speak as she stood up and went to her room.

Not long after she came out bringing with her her pillow, before standing by the door.

She didn't speak as she stood there like a child who was scared of sleeping alone in the night.

Ashton sighed before giving her a smile and patting the space beside him, that's the only time she walked to him and once again sat down beside him.

They sat there for a few minutes in silence before he sighed and carried her instead, putting her to bed before he went in and pulled her to himself.

"Sleep now, I will make sure that I will be here when you wake up."

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He didn't hear anything from her but felt her move closer to him.

It was just a good few seconds before he felt her breathing turned even.

He didn't feel scared a while ago when he almost got hit, instead he was worried about her since she was already having a bad feeling.

The moment he saw her look a while ago, he knew she must have been scared to death.

She was also prepared to leave the house basing from her jacket and the keys she was holding.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered before he too went to sleep, both of them falling asleep the moment they closed their eyes.


"What is going on Ash?" Blake asked looking at Amber who was busy teaching, to be more precise, terrorising the guards.

The next morning, Ashton gave them a call of grouping up, the place was a building within the Wright Empire property, that was surrounded by mountains.

This was east of the city and was an hour away from it.

"Could it be with what happened with your cheek?" Aldger asked this time.

Ashton could only nod.

Amber woke up twice last night having a recollection and a nightmare.

The first was of her parents death, after he was able to coax her back to sleep, in another two hours or so, she woke up abruptly looking at him with her eyes full of fear.

This time it was already a nightmare, it was a dream of him lying in a pool of blood.


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After that, she no longer wanted to sleep, he could only accompany her before she told him that she wanted to train some of his guards.

Everyone was skeptical at first except for Kent, but as she demonstrated everything, even showing how she could make a bullet shot at her change its direction by shooting another bullet to it, they finally yielded and allowed her to supervise them.

Even Ashton and the others were shock in the way she could handle her gun, to which she explained, "I have a weak body and can barely learn those martial arts, I need to find another way to help me protect myself and the others."

That is why, all her life after they left and had the first assassination attempt, she dedicated her time in gun and dagger handling.

"Is it that phone call last night?" Devon started.

"I was in a call with her when the leader almost got me, the earpiece was destroyed and my phone was left in the car."

After his answer the other three could already tell what had happened, she must have been very scared.

"She couldn't sleep properly for she was having nightmares every time she returns to sleep, so this morning when she asked for it, I could only allow her," he continued.

He was also grateful that she chose to sleep with him, if not then she would become even more scared once she was awoken by her recollection and her nightmare.

"Well, in the end, this is still blessing in disguise, never thought she was truly THIS good in handling the guns," Devon pat Ashton's shoulder as he said this.

"Why don't we go and learn from her as well? This will help a lot," Blake added before they walked up to where Amber was terrorising those under them.

"Hey hey, let us join too, we want to learn too," Blake energetically said as they approach her.

"I am a terror, can you handle it?" Amber asked.

"If you are then that would be better," Devon replied as the three of them took their own guns and positioned themselves.

"Good, for I don't want to see anymore bloodied bodies," she commented.

The three of them saluted after hearing her say this.

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