Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 192: 192

The woman smiled, "There's something on this dress that she haven't told you."

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"The reason why Royals was the name of the dresses was because… a crown is designed within them. Are you aware?"

Marks' confident look started to crumble.

He glanced down at Fiona and Fiona could only shake her head, she was there when the clothes were being made and there was nothing.

"Seeing your looks, you must have not altered it at all. But you didn't see anything right?" the woman's smile became wider.

She then faced everyone, "Do you want to see? They were unaware that a crown was within these clothes, so if I would be able to show it, that only means one thing."

She looked at the two of them, "These clothes are made by my friend instead of miss Fiona."

Her eyes turned vicious and hatred filled them.

"Who are you?" Mark asked once again.

"The friend of the person you have deceived for so long and have listened to you stupidly without listening to those who really cares for her. The friend of the real designer of this dress."

The dress wasn't made of silk or such kind of fabric. Not the solid one but it was made out of fabrics like laces.

They were only layered that they actually looked solid being the skirt of the gown.

"Go on and show it then, there is no such thing," Mark answered with confidence.

They double-checked everything before the final creation of the design and there was no such detail in it. No matter how small.

The woman gave another smile before she walked close to Fiona and lifted the skirt at the right height, it doesn't look inappropriate in Fiona's height.

'Or maybe I should have just raise it higher?' the woman thought before she extended her hand to those below the stage.

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"Can I borrow a flashlight from any of you?" she asked.

When a phone with its flashlight on was handed to her, she thanked the person without looking at who it was.

He just looked at her with amusement, he never thought that she would actually come here in such get up and still be rational in dealing with this situation.

'No wonder you truly are her friend, all of those she gets chose to befriend are unique on their own,' he thought as he watched her do what she's doing.

The woman, Hayley, started folding parts of every layer before pressing together the four layers of the fabric.

"Can you please turn off the light within the stage?" she asked and just on cue the stage lights were turned off.

She gave Fiona and Mark one last look before placing the flashlight behind the fabric and lighting it up towards the ceiling.

Gasps were heard around them, indeed a crown have appeared at the projection.

Mark and Fiona's faces turned pale upon seeing this, they never thought that the dress have such secret in it.

Hayley looked up at him and smirked.

'Ah, I really am stupid. All of them are right. I really really am stupid,' she thought before standing up.

"Go on then and bring those two other dresses out and I will show you just how much of a jerk and a bitch you two are," she then said with mock while looking at the two of them.

'Just what kind of stupidity was this? Just what kind of person have I become,' was what was running on her mind as she thought of all of these.

'Regrets indeed, I would truly regret everything, I just want to cry now.'

"Go and bring the other two dresses out and if what this woman was saying is true, then we shall banish these two from the entertainment industry now until they die," the man who lent her his phone then commanded.

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The person in charge instantly told them to bring the dresses out.

"I'll give you one last time, are you really planning on embarrassing yourself even more than this? Or would you leave this place with your tails between your legs?" Hayley looked at them and said.

Mark glared at her, "Where is she? Why are you here? Why isn't she the one facing us?"

"Oh, do you think you still have the right to see her after what you have done? After telling her all those plans knowing full well just how stupid she was that she would surely follow every word you say," Hayley replied.

~"I will surely find you even if there are millions of people out there."~

Hayley laughed inside, 'I really am stupid for believing every word he would say.'

Just after she said this, the other two dresses were brought out.

"One last time mister Peterson, tell us the truth or shame yourself. Even you miss Heart," the man asked as he glared at them.

It was not only Hayley who got hurt because of these two but even the person who had saved his life without thinking twice.


Mark still didn't want to believe that the fame he was gaining was now going down the drain.

Fiona looked left and right and saw all the mocking gazes everyone was throwing at her.

"I… It was him, he told me to do it. I was fine being a model but he insisted that no one would know."

With all the pressure, she just blurted everything out.

Hayley looked at Mark with mock, just look at what you got after playing with me.

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Mark couldn't believe his ears as he stare blankly at Fiona, both of them were together in this from the very beginning. What the hell was she talking about now?

"Are you speaking up or not? Your partner have already said her part," the man who had been helping her with her presentation asked.

Hayley was still focused on the matter at hand that she haven't noticed the man beside her.

She haven't notice that if she just look at him, she would know just who it was.

That he was someone whom she had been acquainted with in the past.

That if she didn't leave with Jake France, he would have been her student council president in the fashion designing department.

"Aren't you afraid? Afraid that I would just tell the whole world, just who it was that was designing all of these? Just who it was that was breaching their contract?"

Being backed in the corner, Mark finally snapped out and decided to tell that Hayley was designing for him while being in contract with Capa at Kuiper country.

Since she had decided to shame him using her friend, then he can just go and tell the whole world just what she had done.

"Oh, have you not watched the news?" Hayley laughed as she said this.

Mark looked at her in confusion.

"The person you are referring to was already fired. Fired by her president for breaching the contract," she then added.

Mark lost all life in him, so he has nothing to hold on now? Hayley found out of his lies and now his career is going down the drain.

He can't even pull her down for she was already down.

"So that's what this is all about? Since she was already down she wants to pull me along? She could have just rot in hell on her own," Mark suddenly roared.

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Before Hayley could speak, the man beside her chuckled.

When they looked at him, they can see the ruthless look in his eyes.

"You decide to deceive her and the world and now that you are found out, you blame everything to her. Why not look at yourself first?"

After saying this, he took the mic from Hayley.

"From this day forth, Thomas incorporation won't do any dealing with any company that would hire this bastard and this woman."

"We would even pull them to the drain if they try to help these two in any way."

After saying all of these he turned around to leave.

Hayley who was shock to see him returned to her senses, the mic was already with her again.

"The collection shall continue. I have all the legalities on this matter. The person behind all these designs have signed a contract with me."

"As for what brand it would be, it shall be called Guilt. Just as what I have shown you, the trademark would still be a crown within the dresses."

"I shall took upon myself to take what this man had taken away from my friend and those around her," after saying this, she turned around to leave as well.

Surely the next day, news of this would spread all through out the country.

Luckily, Crown was still only known within Helios, it haven't reached the outside yet.

Hayley who went to a restroom to remove her disguise and put them in her bag was now walking by the road.

In a bit, she received a call from Mark, the one who haven't answered all her calls since yesterday.

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