Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 193: 193

"You didn't answer my calls now you have the guts to call me?" she answered, void with emotion.

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"You bitch, you think you're all that great? *laughs sarcastically* You were so stupid to even be deceived by me, just what do you think you can do by doing all these? You are just a woman who was used by me," Mark who lost everything was now venting out on her.

Hayley laughed, he didn't even recognize her voice a while ago, "Well, since I am already at the bottom, why not let you join me? Happy with my gift? I am happy about it after knowing what you have done bastard."

She then threw her phone on the ground smashing it in the process.

She started laughing, it was late in the night and trees were surrounding her. Barely anyone was taking this path.

As she laughed, tears fall from her eyes.

She looked up the sky when rain started falling as if mocking her even more.

"Yes, that's right, I really am stupid. I didn't believe them when they were saying everything for me. I really am stupid for being blindly in love."

Her tears fell as she sat down on the ground crying out loud.

Her hand was trembling as she remembered everything that she has done.

The way she planned to wear Alissa out.

The way she designed halfhearted for Capa that nurtured her.

And most of all for slapping Amber, the one who helped her the most.

She shouted in grief, as she didn't mind being soak by the rain, she just cried and cried while the clock kept ticking.

"If you just cry out of guilt and be ashamed for what you have done to them, why not use it as your drive? You can do so by creating a separate entity from them and make it bloom. Surely one day it would help them one way or another."

As she wallows in guilt, the rain that was pouring on her disappeared and a man's voice came on the side.

She saw a pair of black shoes before she slowly looked up. The water on her face was making it difficult for her to see clearly.

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Added to the tiredness and hunger, before she could see his face clearly, she collapsed.

The man sighed, "Must I always carry you? My duty is just to watch over you, whether you would take the wrong path or not. Why must I take care of you as well?"

A chuckle came from the wireless earphone.

"Since you already accepted this task, just go all the way already."

He handed the umbrella to the man beside him and squatted down to carry her.

"She could only be grateful, I owe you my life."

The person on the other side laughed, "I told you, stop thinking about that."

"Even if you say so, giving me that much blood without a second thought was already generous enough, I could have died back then."

"Well, let's call it quits with this."

"Are you telling me that with everything she have done, you are not mad at all?"

"I am, of course I am. But surely she would blame herself with everything. She would make herself pay for everything she had done, that is more than enough. One couldn't be too cruel to a person who knew how to repent for their sins, Blake."

Blake looked down at Hayley who was still in his arms.

"Increase the heater," he instructed the driver.

"I think you're just too kind Amber," he then replied to her.

"No, if I am then I wouldn't have let her leave this way. This is the cruelest way, her thinking just how much disappointed and angry I am at her. She would think that no matter what she do, I would never forgive her. That self resentment is the most cruel way of punishing someone."

When all along, the people have already forgiven you. You, on the other hand, still think that they still hate you. And would keep punishing yourself for what you have done.

For Amber that is already more than enough.

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"Very well, I'll baby sit this one for now," Blake replied.

"Don't speak like you are being punished here now," Amber laughed hearing the grievance in his voice.

"She was so stupid, that's why she reached this point. Making me baby sit someone like this," he answered.

"Come on now, anyone can change. If she indeed grow after this, then she would surely become a lovely woman," Amber replied as if Hayley was younger than her.

"Anyway, I'm doing this because of you and Ash. At the same time, I will also have to focus in our company, this is already a good excuse to stay out of the battle," Blake said as they enter the house where he lives at Helios.

Being in the fashion designing industry, their family owned properties in every country whose main business is entertainment.

"Who knows, you two might end up being together," Amber teased.

"Yeah right," was all Blake said before he finally said goodbye.

He called for the old lady who takes care of the house, to help Hayley with her clothes and all.

He then took a bath himself and got ready to go to bed.

He was actually in Kuiper, that's where he was deployed and after what happened between Amber and Hayley, he just finished cleaning up the gangs over there.

So he was tasked by Ashton to watch over Hayley instead of sending him to another country.

When he saw her in the bar back then, drinking away, he had the urge to hit her hard.

'You were the one at fault yet you look like you are the one who was in the losing side.'

After getting her back to her hotel, he left the note.

She had always relied on what others say, why don't she just go and take control of things herself?

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Alissa was able to get this trait from Amber, why didn't Hayley get it?

Though when she handled what had happened in the event today, he found her amusing.

She could do such things, without just barging in the event and claiming things, she made her move fluidly and was able to pull all of them down.

Now he will just watch just how she will take the next step after this.

'Well, I guess being the baby sitter is not that bad if the person I am watching over will grow up.'


"You really are a step ahead of me."

After Amber hanged up she faced Ashton who was cooking for their dinner.

She only thought of sending someone to tail Hayley after she had calmed down, but Ashton was a step ahead.

He sent Blake to watch over Hayley the moment he found out that the two of them had a fight.

He knew that no matter what, Hayley was already an important person to her.

"You were just out of it back then, if not you would have sent someone already," he replied as he served a plate in front of her.

She was sitting by the kitchen counter.

He then walked around and sat beside her with his own plate.

This somehow became a habit for the two of them, they would rather eat at the kitchen counter than the dinning table itself.

Amber looked towards him and she ended up staring at his side profile.

This, especially the mole under his right eye, would always captivate her, it was the most charming part of his face.

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Ashton felt her eyes on him, upon looking at her he couldn't help but smile.

She had always been like this, she would stare openly at him and when he caught her staring, she would just grin at him. Not shying away at all.

Just like now, she was once again smiling widely at him after he looked towards her.

Her eyes shinning brightly like that of an innocent child.

He reached out and cupped her face, "Your smile never changed."

His words were gentle, it was not loud nor it was quiet.

It was enough for her to hear the adoration he had for her.

Amber rubbed her face on his warm big hands, "Never?"

"From the child I met on that vacation house twenty years ago, to the one I met again more than seven years ago and the one I am seeing now. Your smile have not change at all," he explained.

Amber grinned this time, "Then have you fallen for me because of this smile?"

Ashton chuckled before flicking a finger on her forehead, "Eat now, you're just hungry."

Amber pouted before she started devouring the food he made himself.

Ashton smiled once again before he too started eating.

Her smile was indeed part of it but she was actually the only one who was able to stare straight in his eyes no matter how angry he was.

Her clear eyes telling him that she would always be there for him.

Her eyes that never changed just like her smile.

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