Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 208: 208

Alissa who had been crying her eyes out suddenly stopped.

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At first it didn't register to her what he meant by his question.

She started worrying that he might really be in danger.

But after his tone was registered in her mind, she couldn't help but to cover her mouth in shock.

"Will you Alissa?" Timothy asked again after hearing no answer on the other side.

Tears of happiness followed the just then stopped tears of relief.

"If you are willing then I will die with you," was her reply.

Her parents are gone, Elloise still has Hayley.

And right now, Timothy was the most important to her.

He heard a low laugh coming from him, something she didn't realize she had missed after hearing it again.

She had been worrying all those two weeks that has passed, everyday that she didn't hear from Amber or Timothy, additional boulder of worry would appear in her heart.

She then heard him sigh, a sigh of contentment, "If I can I would fly to where you currently are now but we still have things we have to face."

"Finish that first, I won't go anywhere else."

But a thought appeared on her mind, 'Either I will remain or I myself would appear before you.'

"Then wait for me a bit longer," was his answer.

"But are you really fine now?" she asked.

"Yes, she is one hell of a person indeed."

His voice turned to that of sadness again.

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"She… must have tried her best to survive from those assassin. And the best way to do it is to kill them instead."

"That is a story I don't know of, you should ask her yourself. How did you live your life with our parents? How did you live the ten years of continuous pursuit?" Alissa suggested.

"That… somehow scares me," was his reply.

"It would be better to know of it instead of guessing and making yourself worry more by thinking just what had she been through to get where she is right now?" she said.

"That I suppose is right as well. Others may not see it as necessary but I think for me and my brother's case, that is something we'll have to face."

"Then be strong, surely it would be one hell of a roller coaster ride, you are scared of that after all," she even teased him trying to lighten up his mood.

Timothy hissed upon hearing this, "I have a trauma."

"I know," was her gentle reply.

"You know? I never said anything about it. Did Ashton tell you?" he asked in confusion trying his best to wrack his brain if he indeed told her.

"You didn't but your savior did, ah not a direct contact savior but the one who tasked another to go and check on you. Quite a scary intuition she has there," was her answer.

Timothy's eyes grew wide before his head snapped inside the house.

"That was back when she was eight, that is…" he couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"This is so unbelievable."

She had been watching over them since who knows when.

"I really didn't whether I am the eldest or if it was her," he then added.

"Try to be the eldest from now on then," was what Alissa said with a smile.

She was genuinely happy, not because the two of them now understood one another but because everything is somehow falling into place.

Amber already has her brothers… well half for they haven't spoken with Xander yet and they still have no idea just what reaction he will have.

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"Can we speak to the two of you?" Liana came out and looked at the two of them, asking them in a gentle manner.

Xander who still couldn't get through looked at her in confusion while Timothy bid Alissa goodbye.

The two of them looked at each other before following Liana inside and there in the living room was Kyle also waiting for them

He has a smile on his face as he beckoned them to have a sit.

After they settled down, Kyle finally spoke up.

"How have you been?" he asked.

Xander instantly looked away while Timothy just shook her head.

"I guess it was indeed a very difficult life you two have threaded, after what happened," he continued.

"Can we not speak about things regarding the past? I don't think that is important at all," Xander butted in.

"Xander, there is something you have to know," Kyle was still patient as he spoke to him.

He knew just how difficult it was for these two and the two of them, Liana and him, have no right to say that they know, for they weren't there.

They didn't extend a helping hand when these two were left behind.

For they too was mad at Sarah and Nathan for leaving their children just like that. For dropping everything without informing anyone.

They thought that they would just become busy that is why the two of them left the key of that vacation house by the beach in their care

"We too were actually mad at them," Liana spoke.

"What of it? I am not even shock to know that more and more people are getting mad at them," Xander scoffed as he stood up, ready to leave.

"No, we indeed got mad. But all of it have dissipated because of one thing," Liana continued.

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Xander looked at her with furrowed brows before looking at Timothy and this confused him even more.

Timothy looked sad just like Liana and Kyle.

Both of them noticed this as well.

"So you really…" Kyle stared.

"Yes, I have heard," he said as his eyes turned red.

Xander suddenly became frustrated, "Why must all of you be speaking in a language I don' understand? I am here!!"

"Sit down first," Timothy said pulling him back in a sitting position.

"And listen properly," he then added after Xander went back to sitting down.

"What���s wrong with you?!?" Xander asked again.

"If this is about them, I don't care!! I don't know if you have gone soft towards them but I no longer care!! Stop messing my mind about things regarding them!!"

"Listen first Xander," Kyle said.

"No!! What? Were you actually sent to ask us if we are okay? Well look at us now, being a thing inside the empire!!"

Timothy held unto him when he was about to once again stand up.

"Let go!!" he brushed him off.

Timothy almost mocked himself. This was how he had reacted back then towards Alissa the only difference is that Xander is currently still clueless.

"Just tell them that we are fine, being abducted by our own kin and being used all they want. THAT IS WHY WE ARE COMPLETELY FINE!!!"

He can be cool headed but every time a talk would go towards their parents, he would instantly lose his cool getting mad at everything and everyone.

Liana did her best not to cry in front of them, but it was too much to see how much they have hated their parents.

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"Please just listen for a bit," she could only beg.

Xander shook his head, "I am grateful towards all of you for saving us but please don't make me repeat myself, just tell them stop caring!!"

"They could no longer care, they could no longer care for almost 8 years now," Kyle looked at him straight in the eyes and said.

"Then what is this all about now?"

He tried to act cold but after hearing that they no longer cared, his eyes still shifted.

"Xander calm down and listen," Timothy said holding unto him tighter.

Liana who was completely overwhelmed by the hatred she could see on them, could no longer hold t in as she suddenly bursted into tears.

It was already painful enough to suddenly find out that your closest friends have died, yet seeing as even in their deaths they are being hated by their own children pains her even more, for she was a mother as well.

Sarah and Nathan did what they could in order to save their youngest yet they received the wrath of their other children.

She couldn't help but to cry even more for their sister faced them witnessing their hatred but couldn't do anything about it.

Each person have their choices and Amber chose to leave her brothers out of what it is she was planning.

But she was still a human who gets hurt.

"Did she stayed strong while facing all of these?" she asked while crying.

Xander became even more baffled while Timothy slowly nodded.

"Oh my poor child," she blurted as she bent over and Kyle could only rub her back.

Timothy could no longer hold it in as well, as tears started falling one after another.

"Why are you all suddenly crying??" Xander felt like he was in a whirlpool, everything was completely confusing.

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