Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 209: 209

"Xander, they could no longer care," Timothy repeated.

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"I've heard that the first time, you don't have to repeat it while crying. Are you that hurt to find out? We were abandoned remember?"

Seeing just how difficult it is for Timothy to speak, Kyle cleared his throat.

"Would your anger be appeased if they are dead?" he asked seriously.

Xander's eyes shifted, he gritted his teeth, "Would that change anything? If they were alive they are still not here."

"It would," Kyle kept going.

"Seriously what is going on right now?" he asked in confusion as Liana was still crying, Timothy stopped but his eyes were still on the verge of doing so.

Kyle stood up and held both his shoulders, "Would you be happier if they were dead?"

Seeing the look in his eyes, Xander didn't know how to answer.

"What is it… just tell me straight," he asked after some hesitation.

"Cause they are no longer here, if their death would appease you, then be appeased because they are no longer in this world," Kyle said seriously.

Xander just stared at him, he heard him but at the same time he felt like he didn't.

"Did you hear me?" Kyle repeated when Xander remained silent.

"Your parents are dead. For eight years now, they are dead. Sarah and Nathan are dead!!" Kyle shook him and repeatedly said.

"Enough!!" Xander who slowly snapped out of his shock break free from Kyle's grip and took a few steps back.

He stood there a few steps away, with utter shock and disbelief in his eyes. His eyes went from the couple to his brother who had been acting strange after they entered the room.

No, not just after they entered the room.

He had been weird ever since they were kidnapped, on that day he first asked about those two. Something he never did.

Xander blinked a few times, he didn't know what to do or how to react.

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He took some deep breaths but there was still nothing.

It just keep repeating in his mind, 'They are dead, for eight years now.'

Silence revolved around the four of them, Timothy has his head down. Liana has her silent sobs while Kyle was watching Xander closely.

He was ready to stop him when he decided to runaway.

All of them, Alissa and them, they didn't want these two brothers to runaway from this.

Amber had been fighting on her own all these time, it is time that her brothers be there to support her as well.

As an individual there are only so much one can do.

Xander covered his mouth, before brushing his hair up.

"You… You knew about this?" he finally spoke looking at Timothy.

"Before the kidnapping," he answered.

Xander took another deep breath and brushed his hair up, it started getting messy after he run his fingers through it.

"Xander there is something else you have to know," Kyle started.

Dropping another bomb would be too much but waiting for him to recover might make him runaway instead.

"You said they were dead, how… how about Nathalie then?" instead of listening he asked.

"Sit down first, then we will talk about everything," Kyle said.

"Tim," Xander didn't listen and instead went in front of Timothy.

"You already know, then what about her? Tell me where is she?"

"Sit down first, Xander," Timothy repeated what Kyle had been saying to Xander.

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"DAMN IT!! JUST TELL ME WHERE MY SISTER IS!!!" Xander lost it and roared.

Kyle looked at Liana and Liana understood what he wants, so she silently stood up and left the three of them to talk.

"She is fine," Kyle answered and the relief was visible in Xander's face.

This though made Kyle sigh internally, without knowing the reason, Xander still has his hate for their parents.

'Just what kind of mess have you left your children, Nate,' he thought.

��Tim?" Xander looked at his brother and asked.

After hearing that their sister is fine, he suddenly felt that something was amiss.

"Will you listen now and sit down? How am I supposed to tell you everything if you are standing there?" Timothy sighed as he replied.

Soon the three of them are sitting down opposite each other.

"Can you do it?" Kyle asked.

"Have you heard everything from her?" Timothy asked instead.

"Let me do it."

Ashton came in and said.

"You're here," Kyle said.

"She is resting now," was his answer.

Xander once again furrowed his brows, "I really feel like you all are trying to play with me. I would no longer be shock if Amber knew of this as well."

All three of them looked at him seriously as Ashton sat down.

"What? Am I right? Wow nice family story even a stranger knew of it," he scoffed feeling irritated by this realization.

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"Stranger," Ashton laughed as he repeated this word.

Timothy looked at him, he heard bits and parts of what had happened from Alissa but if they were to ask someone other than Amber herself of the story of what had happened, Timothy knew that Ashton would be the best choice.

"You always say that your sister would always look after you, watch over you," Ashton finally started speaking.

"And?" Xander replied.

"Where is she now then? If she had survived what happened back then, where is she now then?" Ashton kept going.

"She was 16 Ash, she was still young. Who knows what kind of place she was brought in when the accident happened. We have to ask the hospital she was brought in after the accident," was his answer.

"I have to inform you, the accident was never known by anyone outside of that assassination. The car disappeared, the bodies even the killers weren't seen and not a single soul knew of the fact that something terrible have happened over there."

Timothy clenched his fist after hearing this.

Alissa told him that Amber buried their parents on her own, does that mean she did her best to hide their bodies before everything were erased by the people sent for them.

But how? Why isn't it that no one was trying to search for them?

This time Xander remained silent, he didn't reply and waited for Ashton to continue.

"Before we get to that, in the past, have you any idea of what her sickness is?" Ashton asked.

He wanted to explain all of these to the two of them, Amber was still unstable when it comes to her brothers knowing of who she is.

What more if she were to explain everything that had happened to the two of them? She would surely be even more tired.

"How would I know, that was almost twenty years ago," Xander answered.

"Try and think back, being a doctor now, have you ever seen that same sickness to other people who was brought in your hospital?"

Xander turned silent as he tried to think back before he slowly shook his head, "I don't think I have seen anyone with such sickness before."

"Are you sure?" Ashton probed.

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Xander thought back even more, slowly realization dawned on him, "Ashley!!"

This group of friends actually knew of Ashley's sickness but kept it as a secret while trying to search for a cure to help them her as well.

"Yes, remember that I left Celestial for a three year promise. And have returned after Ashley was cured…"

Ashton trailed off allowing Xander to think about it himself.

Ashton left more than ten years ago to wait for the three-year promise. He returned after the promise was fulfilled, which was fulfilled almost 8 years ago.

"Impossible!!" he exclaimed as he started connecting everything.

"Thalie had the same sickness as Ashley but after two years of research within your laboratory they still didn't get anything. So what would be their next step?" Ashton kept going.

'Thalie, how nostalgic,' Timothy thought upon recognizing the way Ashton calls Nathalie.

As children within that span of few days, they became quite close and Ashton ended up calling her Thalie. The only one who could call her that way and at some point the two of them became quite jealous.

"There are so many things that we would think were impossible but was actually possible," Ashton said upon seeing his reaction.

"So you are saying… you're saying…"

He was glad he had sat down, for all the strength in his body left him upon reaching this point, as it slowly dawned on him everything.

~"You should just hate the reason, not them."~

It was something like that, it was what Amber had told them when they first met, when they started talking about their parents.

He looked at Timothy, Timothy was just looking at him.

"Did they… did they leave..."

Knowing what he wanted to ask, Timothy nodded his head, "They left for her sickness."

Xander bowed his head, "We hated them… because… but we… we weren't abandoned… we..."

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