Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 256: 256

Make up is no longer necessary for she was wearing a half mask.

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Her lips were already cherry colored so just a bit of lipstick is enough.

"That's why I am asking all of you, what is this?" she asked to the people who was busy changing through the mirror.

Alissa and Samantha looked at her with a smile before shrugging, "Well it is your wedding day."

Amber had her mouth open, after asking the question a while ago about when the wedding is, she was brought here and was told that today was the wedding.

"Does everyone know about this?" she couldn't help but ask.

Her brothers didn't say anything yesterday, James just found out about them yesterday, so what is going on now?

"I think it was sir Gideon, uncle Kyle and your grandfather who didn't know of it. Your brothers knew of course, they were with us while preparing after all."

Amber didn't know what else to say, the day before yesterday was her 24th birthday, yesterday was her parents' death anniversary and now was her wedding day? Just what is going on through his mind?

"Actually we were also wondering why he chose this day, of all the days, it was after all just a day after your parents death. He said it is because it is the day after your parents died."

"They died and they wouldn't want you to remain mourning for them, that is something he was sure off. That's why he chose this day, it was as if telling you that you can only be sad for a day."

"He will only give you a day to be sad, he was not telling you not to mourn for your parents but that you should be happy most of the time for that is what they would have wanted for you."

Liana was the one who explained it to her, she asked her son about it and this was the answer he had given.

It may seem insensitive but they knew how much thought was put into it, sadness is not a good thing is it were to be prolonged after all.

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Amber could only shake her head in defeat, indeed this was how Ashton would so things.

"I envy you," Alissa couldn't help but said.

Amber looked at her through the mirror, she was already dressed and the color of her dress was funnily enough colored white.

It feels like the color was interchanged, most of the time it was the bride who was wearing white while the others in the entourage are the ones wearing the motif of the wedding. Yet here they are doing just the opposite.

There's no envy in her eyes but instead there was admiration.

"Your making me blush," Amber couldn't help but say.

Alissa smiled and placed a hand on Amber's shoulder, "This is your day just accept all the compliments. You're a narcissistic person after all."

"Are you complimenting me or are you mocking me now?" Amber asked with a laugh.

On the other hand, they heard a sniffing sound on one side.

Looking towards it, they found Samantha who was already dressed as well wiping her tears.

"Why are you crying?" Amber exclaimed.

"I don't know, I am not like this. I am a boyish person after all. Maybe because of hormones? But I just couldn't help but be happy. I know how much Xander cared for his younger sister. And now he got the chance to watch her wedding, I just couldn't help but cry," Samantha answered as she blow her nose.

"Come on now, you already have your make up, you are ruining it right now," Alissa said with a chuckle.

Watching them both, Amber couldn't help but be melancholic there is another person she wanted to be here. But right now, she can't be.

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"It would have been better if she was here," she blurted out.

Alissa looked at her knowingly while Samantha was first baffled before she remembered about Alissa's cousin, they have told her about her story.

"I know if she knows of this, she would surely be congratulating you on her own way," Alissa told her as she once again handed another tissue to Samantha.

Amber just smiled and once again looked at her reflection. Her hair was almost done, it was not styled too much but the stylist made her curls more pronounced.

She asked her to let it down and don't put it up, she felt comfortable with that.

A veil was not included as well.

Well she didn't want one for she has a ma after all.

She actually didn't know a lot for this was a complete surprise wedding.

She didn't know the place where the wedding would be held or where the reception is.

She also didn't know who the guests would be.

She couldn't help but sigh, in reality the one who told her to finally have a conversation with James Scott was Ashton.

'No wonder he asked me to do it now instead of delaying it. The wedding was already the very next day,' she thought with a defeated smile.

"What's wrong?" Liana asked seeing how she sighed and having such a defeated smile.

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Amber looked up at her, "Nothing sometimes I just couldn't compare to him."

"Well I think what you lack is what he has and what he lacks is what you have, that's how much you two compliment one another."

"I am actually feeling scared right now," Amber finally opened up after looking back at her reflection where the stylist was already done with her hair.

"Scared?" Liana asked looking down at her.

"My first relationship was with him, but most of the time we were apart from one another. Now we are about to move up our relationship, I don't know what to do," Amber answered while playing with her fingers.

Liana smiled at this, "Sometimes most brides felt the same. We are scared, what if we were unable to fulfill the duty of being a wife. But you see, it is not about being a wife who cooks or prepares their clothes. It is about a wife who can be there for them during the toughest times."

"Just as how they should be with us. It is about loving one another unconditionally and being the greatest support of one another. Fights is inevitable, just how you two fought before his proposal."

"But just as you did, talk about it and see to it that you would be able to fix it up. Marriage is not a law where you must do this or you must do that, marriage should be something magical where to people completes the story of one another."

Not just Amber but even Alissa and Samantha were listening to her.

Seeing them, Liana once again smiled gently, "We all have our own fears when it comes to entering such relationships but aren't fears there for us to overcome? You'll see as time pass by, as long as you love one another. Marriage is not a scary thing at all."

Somehow the fear she had been feeling started disappearing within her and Amber calmed down a lot.

"Mother, it is time," Ashley finally said seeing as the time has finally come.

"Go get change now and take their breaths away," Liana told her.

After getting change and coming down from where they prepared, Amber saw her brothers and their grandfather waiting for her outside.

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The three men stared at her in amazement, she looks like a goddess descending down from heaven.

"Father would surely cry once he see this. Mother would be wailing at that time," Timothy said as he approaches her.

"You've really grown up now," Xander added.

Amber smiled, "Well, what do you think?"

"You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen as of now," Xander answered.

Amber chuckled, 'As of now.' It was because he and Samantha didn't marry yet.

Timothy held her hand, "To think that we are able to witness this is the best blessing we could ask for. Be happy sis."

Amber stopped herself from crying, she could see all the emotions in their eyes as they spoke to her.

"Am I really suitable for this?" James asked looking so nervous.

"You are more than suitable to walk me down the aisle… grandfather," Amber said as she walked towards him.

James once again became teary eyed, he really has his grandchildren with him right now.

He really has his family right now.

He couldn't help but to look up the sky, "Thank you for this wonderful gift."

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