Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 257: 257

The guests… well, they were those who were close o her.

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Leslie and Brian.

Jake France and Elloise Coleman.

Blake, Devon and Aldger.

Mathew and Gee Anne.


And finally, all their closest family members.

It was a small scale compared to Glenn and Madison's wedding, but both of them prefer this than being publicized despite being an Empire themselves.

If this were to be found out everyone would surely be shock.

Ashton was the young master of an Empire but his wedding was so simple that it couldn't even compare to the other noble families.

The moment she looked forward, she felt like everything became a blur except for that one person standing over there.

He was wearing a white tuxedo while his aura emits both coldness and warmness.

His eyes staring directly at hers and she can see that it reflects the happiness she was feeling now.

Everyone took his or her position and the wedding started.

When she took her first step towards him, tears just came out naturally.

The memory of their first meeting came in her.

~Soon she couldn't help but frown, "I am a person, please stop staring at me," she said after a long while, she could feel a stare.

He was startled, he was curiously looking at the doll in the gazebo, thinking who would be leaving such a doll in here. Then 'it' suddenly spoke and opened her eyes. Her chestnut colored hair with her amber colored eyes, she really looks like a real doll.

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He just looked away and went his way. Amber looked at him curiously, he has a face that could make anyone fall for him instantly. His jet black hair and black eyes makes one to think that they were looking into a whirlpool, like it was sucking you in.~

She was actually captivated by him back then, he has an outstanding look after all.

Then the day of where she entered the database of the school.

And the day where she confronted him.

~"Don't take my sister's life like a game," he said in gritted teeth. He was currently on top of her. In one swift motion he was actually able to pull her off the sofa she was sitting in and pushed her to the floor behind it.

"Do I look like I'm playing with her life? When I am gambling even my own life in this?" she replied not planning on looking away from him.~

She chuckled, that day she was so fearless that she didn't feel any type of fear towards him.

Maybe subconsciously she knew he was not the type of person who would hurt anyone without proper reason.

And the memories of them together keep coming to her.

There were happy ones, sad ones, frustrating ones.

Ashton nodded and her hand was handed to him.

Ashton chuckled seeing her tears, he wiped them with his thumb and smiled at her, she glared at him but she was still smiling.

"Let's get this over with," he told her to which she happily nodded.


The wedding itself ended and everyone was now in the reception, in a restaurant in that same beach.

"Gosh you truly are beautiful, I can't take my eyes off you," Leslie said as their group stayed together.

"Don't fall in love with me now. Brian is already glaring daggers at me," Amber said teasingly.

"Huh?? What are you suddenly talking about?" Brian instantly complained.

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"Stop that will you?" Leslie added.

Amber raised an eyebrow, she can see it clearly compared to the day weeks ago when she had them do something for her, the atmosphere around them was a bit awkward.

But she decided to ignore it for now, that is their problem not hers, if they wanted to fix it then they should fix it on their own.

Then her eyes went to Blake who was silently sipping his juice, he was injured but it was not too serious that he couldn't attend this wedding.

Let's just say that he was injured to the point of almost collapsing but with the rest from yesterday till latte today, he can manage to stand up on his own and attend their wedding.

"How was she?"

This had been the question she wanted to ask him the most upon knowing that they have come as well.

Blake looked at her before he slowly shook his head.

In reality, he was not tasked to update her of everything. He knew it was because she didn't want to interfere in anything she plans to do. That is why she has no idea of anything at all.

Everyone looked at him in curiosity when he shook his head.

"Why?" Amber asked.

"She… can't draw."

His words were like bomb to both Amber and Alissa.

The others didn't know of the story yet so seeing the look of the five of them who was in Kuiper, even Mathew and Gee Anne, they can say that this was bad news.

"What happened?" she asked but somehow she already felt what the answer would be.

"It couldn't be PTSD but maybe because of what had happened to her and everything she experienced, subconsciously she was blaming her talent and was rejecting it," Blake answered.

He didn't feel pity on her when he found out that she betrayed Amber but upon seeing all her struggles he couldn't help but to feel bad for her.

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From Star Country, he knew she was definitely in love with Fashion designing. But because of some jerk, she ended up getting hurt and even betraying her precious friends.

Amber couldn't help but glance at Elloise and Jake France who was also talking on another side. Seeing the look on Jake France, she knew Elloise must have told him of the news as well.

"How was she then? When she realized it?"

Blake looked at them before opening his mouth.


When Hayley opened her eyes, she found herself in an unfamiliar place. She felt panicked when she saw her clothes were different as she tried to remember what happened the night before.

It was still very painful for her, she shook her head and did her best to remember what happened last.

Then she finally remembered it was Blake Thomas.

Blake Thomas was there during the event and he was there after the event when she was crying all alone in the road.

That was what she last remembered before she collapsed of both hunger and fatigue.

'Then could this be his place?' she thought as she looked around.

The door opened while she was staring blankly at the room.

"You're awake? Breakfast is already ready, you can come down after getting changed. I don't know your size but I had the servants buy some clothes for you, it is placed on that cabinet."

After saying this, Blake once again left the room.

Hayley linked a few times before she finally stood up and got changed.

What happened yesterday was still fresh that she couldn��t help but cry as she took a shower.

Upon coming down, Blake was sitting on the table already eating.

"Uhmm… thank you," she started.

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Blake looked up and he could see how devastated she was and he could see that her soul was truly broken by what she had experienced.

"Why don't you sit down and eat first?" he said looking back to his food.

Hayley was already very hungry so she didn't turn him down. Adding to the fact that her mind was still a mess.

"How did you know I was there?" she asked after a while of silence between them.

"I didn't, I was a sponsor of that event. When you appeared I thought it was interesting and helped you out," he answered.

She could still remember, he was a happy go lucky person but currently he looks so serious she couldn't help but wonder if he was the same to the Blake that Amber had always talked about together with Ashton's other friends.

After another bout of silence Blake opened his mouth this time.

"I heard of what happened between you and Amber."


The spoon suddenly dropped upon the mention of this, when Blake looked up he could see how terrified she looked.

'The guilt must be eating her a lot right now.'


Hayley opened her mouth but nothing comes to mind. An apology was not sufficient and an excuse will never be a good one.

She had betrayed them and that's just it.

Blake sighed, after what he saw last night, he couldn't help but to think twice of what he feels towards her.

She was just naïve that's why she was used and ended up hurting the person who saved his life.

"Just eat, you need your strength if you want to continue the plan you were talking about last night."

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