Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 294: 294

They went out to check some ingredients and all when Russel suddenly asked about Jackson and Ashley.

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"Why should I be? Isn't he doing his best in watching over her?" she replied with a smile.

"Are you playing cupid here?" Russel asked.

Amber just smiled, "Not entirely but the only one who can currently help Ashley is him."

"I somehow feel hurt hearing you say that," Russel couldn't help but say.

Amber laughed, it was Russel who brought Ashley here and Amber understood why she did that spur of the moment thing. It is because Ashley was being driven by her desire to become a part of the culinary world.

And this drive was what made Russel take her with her at the same time, it was what made Jackson watch over her all this time and even helping her out right now.

"Well I guess people of the same age would undersrand each other more than us adults," Russel said with a sigh.

"Not really, it's just us adults never tried to see what the young ones are trying to see. We forgot that time was changing as we grow older. That not everything was like before."

"We had forgotten that we should not use anything like back in our time for it was years passed already, times and trends are changing. They see things we couldn't because of this. That is what I think."

Russel was silent for a bit before she once again opened her mouth.

"Why Jackson then if you are not intending to use his age?"

Amber thought for a bit, "Intuition?"

Just as she dropped this word, both of them were shock to hear gunshots.

And this gunshots were aiming at them.

"Russel!!" Amber shouted when Russel was hit in the shoulder.

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'Damn it, so this is how they lose their patience?'

But she understood, the reason why Russel was only shot in the shoulder. They were just scaring her, scaring her of what they can do.

She rushed to where Russel was and helped her out as she sent Ashton their location in an emergency manner.

If she was not wrong then he would surely arrive in another ten minutes. They need to hang on until then.

"Can you still use a gun?" she asked looking down at Russel.

"Hell, this is painful but I think I'll manage."

They both brought out their guns and started moving while having the cars as their shield. They could hear the footsteps of the people trying to chase them.

Amber hid the moment she saw a man with a gun just around the car they were currently at.

The moment the man stepped into view she swings her hand holding the gun and hit him hard in the nose, he staggered back but she didn't give him time to recover before kicking him in the stomach next.

She then dragged the man to behind the car hiding him from the view of his companions.

Russel was breathing heavily as she pressed on her wound, she was indeed shot but it didn't penetrate but went pass through her, a deep graze.

Amber took out her handkerchief and helped her with her wound.

"When you grabbed my wrist for the first time. I thought you were already strong, never thought that you were in a really different level," Russel commented.

"Let's just get this over with shall we?" Amber asked as she took the gun of the man before disarranging it.

Then they once again slowly made their way, the car they used to come here was where they were at a while ago. So currently they are furthest to it.

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And obviously, those would be around there making sure they wouldn't be able to escape using the car.

Just as they moved forward, two more men appeared in front of them.

Amber raised her gun and shot them simultaneously. She couldn't be startled by the circumstances, she needs to be alert and be mentally prepared that an enemy would suddenly appear in front of her.

She then heard Russel shot another behind them.

Their guns didn't have any silencer on so those shots were obviously heard by their enemies.

They braced themselves when more gunshots were heard.

Then a hand came and covered Russels mouth, the moment Amber turned another covered her mouth while wrapping another arm in her waist.

The panic she first felt disappeared instantly the moment she felt these arms. She will never not know whose arms these are.

Then she was released and she approached Russel who was still fighting against the one who was covering her mouth.

"It's fine, relax. They are with us," she said making Russel calm down.

"Why would you be here, as well?" Amber then asked looking at Ashton's companion.

She could still hear fighting a bit of a distance from her but that is no longer her care.

"I was with him when you sent your emergency. It's been a while so I thought it is not bad to join in."

Just as she was about to reply, Russel finally lost her consciousness. Maybe because she knew that they are finally safe.

The one standing beside her caught her before she fall to the floor.

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"Woah, this one is injured. I'm amazed she was able to struggle like that a while ago."

"We need to bring her to the hospital Harvey," Amber said.

It was indeed Harvey Carter who appeared with Ashton and seeing them holding their guns, they must have entered the battlefield a while ago before they came to where she and Russel were.

The four of them rushed to the hospital and got her treated. She was still unconscious while they are in a private room.

"Why do I feel like I knew her?" Harvey couldn't help but ask as he look at Russel.

"If you are seriously following the culinary world then you should have seen her in a lot of awards already," Amber answered.

"Oh, Russel Bareford."

Then after realizing her name he looked at Amber as if wondering why they were together.

"Preparations," was her answer.

Harvey remembered what she told them during their wedding.

"How far are you now in your preparations in this country?" he couldn't help but ask.

Amber just smiled at him but didn't say anything, Harvey looked at Ashton but got no answer as well.

Harvey was curious, she became a major shareholder at Cooper Empire and made Capa big enough to be a third entertainment company.

A company big enough to battle with the other entertainment companies of Kuiper country.

So where was her company here? Who was she here?

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She then received a call from Aldger.

"They finally made their move," was what he said.

"Good for we are now going to make our own move and pull them out of their hiding. We have no idea who everyone was yet so shall we throw the bait now?"

Harvey blinked a few times upon seeing her look. He never thought that despite the mask covering half of her face, she could still exude such look.

A look that will make anyone want to runaway from her scheming.

He finally understood the reason behind all of her achievements. It was because this is her, a cunning young lady with the brains that could contend if not even smarter than Nathan Price, the one who reined the business world in the past.

Amber gave the address to the hospital and thought that it must be time for her to step out for Russel as well.

She had asked him to bring Russel's mother in the hohspital.

After giving this order she had some of those under Ashton and his group spread a rumour in Hughes Empire.

That the share held by the Cage family were a lie and that another person was holding it.

Cage was Russel's paternal family name.

The one she was using now was the family name of her grandmother.

That is why they knew who she was but not everyone in the world knew what her background is.

After all these, she looked up at Ashton and Harvey before smiling, "The clock in this country will start moving now. The time to make my move."

Harvey shuddered, he didn't know what he should expect from this. He felt like he would be pulled into this for some odd reason.

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