Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 297: 297

David Carter cleared his throat, "Since you came by my summon, I suppose the rumors are true the real major shareholder is not among you three but this lady over here."

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"She stole it," Fatima instantly answered back.

"This wench had her father give her the inheritance when all along it should have been for my Gwyneth."

Then she started crying as if she truly was wronged, "We kept trying to bring her back or just to give us half of the shares. She was not the only daughter but she was so greedy taking everything for herself."

"Calm down, Fatima. She must have taken from her mother, to act so brazenly when all along the money was from the Cage family. I will never accept you again as my grand daughter. I have no such grand daughter as you," Peter coaxed Fatima who was crying.

Though Russel must admit that when she did cry, Fatima would get the attention of all the people and would be pitied by them.

But she didn't say anything, she did learn something from Amber. Keeping quiet and just staring at them would agitate them even more than when you open your mouth.

"Why don't you say anything? Isn't this what you had been planning all along, how much money do you think can we spend while you spend as much as you want. It was father and grandfather's sweat that made all those money, yet look at you not being filial at all."

Gwyneth who found her silence irritating started talking as well. She also started crying.

And just like her mother if other people were here to witness it they would surely side with them. A pair of white lotuses.

Russel just smiled but still didn't say anything.

David was watching this as he tries to think on what to do with this situation. It is not like he had a care on how the family would live. What he cares about is the fact that the Empire might get affected by this.

"Bring it in," he then said in the intercom.

The family was still having their little act when a man came in with papers in his hands.

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Russel knew him but she just took a glimpse and nothing more.

The man was shock to see her, she was just in the hospital two days ago yet here she was in front of some wailing family whom he knew as the ones in the center of the rumor.

He walked past them and went to give the papers to his grandfather.

Gwyneth who was just having a few tear drops started crying even more and bowed her head a little.

Russel wanted to laugh as she just raised her eyebrow with a smile, she knew what Gwyneth was doing. Despite not being the heir, Harvey Carter was still a dashing man with good credentials.

'Must be his own bias. Favoritism indeed,' she thought.

Harvey who stepped aside not once looked at Gwyneth instead he was looking at Russel with a puzzled look.

And she can feel it, he was puzzled why she was here, 'Did my face change so much or he really didn't care back then?'

Russel was deep in thoughts when David Carter started speaking.

"Back then when you Peter Cage was the one handling everything, the family's matters started going down the drain."

"No that is because-"

He couldn't continue for David Carter raised his hand.

"I didn't say that it all went bad and when your son took over it started going up again even advancing more than your father did. That is why for this to finally die down, the best solution is for you to take half of the share each."

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"Why must we give her half? She haggled everything for herself for so long. That should have been her share already," Fatima instantly retorted.

She will never accept it, she had fallen in love with that man yet he never spared her a glance. He even needed a whole doze of alcohol on the night Gwyneth was conceived in order to sleep with her.

Just how humiliating was that? And now everything was given to this wench and not a single penny for their daughter?

She will never accept it.

David Carter sighed he knew this would be harder because of the greed of these people.

"Miss Russel," he finally faced the one who never spoke a single word since a while ago.

"Oh sir, must I bring my credentials to you? I was a scholar and a part timer while staying in the university. Not once have I touched those shares."

"You dare to lie!!"

Russel didn't even look at Fatima and stood up placing more files in front of David Carter.

This files were records of the shares resting in the bank, it never showed a thing about it decreasing but instead it kept rising.

"As you can see in there. Do you think I would be lying sir?" Russel continued asking.

"Then why not give them half of it, each of you will have half the share of the Empire."

Russel once again wanted to laugh, Amber had told her this, since they are the second highest major shareholder. Second only to the Carter family, David would surely do something like this.

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Their family are at odds so even if the shares were to be halved it won't go to only one hand.

"I can't do that sir," she smiled.

"You- Just how much greedier could you get!!" Peter pointed at her his face turning red out of anger.

"Oh no, I was not being greedy here. My father just told me to get everything I can from this shares. We can get the lawyer if you want, he was the one present when my father did his will. Too bad for you old man, you trusted him too much."

Peter's eyes grew wide upon hearing her address him in such a way.

"Don't be too shock now, this was my father's vengeance you see. For restraining him too hard taking everything away from him. His happiness and his peace," after she said this she took another glimpse to Harvey who was still looking at her.

Harvey's eyes shifted, her glimpse told him something, 'Just like you, being restrained by the family oh you love so much.'

He then frowned, 'Who is she for her to look that way towards me? What does she know about me?'

"Miss Russel," David couldn't keep quiet as well.

Russel looked back at him with a smile then commotions came from the outside of the office.

"Miss you really can't get in there."

The security was trying to stop someone until the door opened.

"I say mister David Carter, is this how your Empire treat your major shareholders?"

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Harvey was once again shocked to see the person who came in. She still has this mask on but that gave her demeanor more authority.

"Who are you?" David frowned upon seeing her but he felt like she looks familiar.

"Well, I didn't think you'd remember me from the year end event but currently I am here as a major shareholder. Though I must say I had encountered a lot of resistance."

Looking outside they saw some security on the floor and more were coming up.

"Major shareholder? I never saw you before," David answered.

"That's why I told you sir. I can't give them half, for everything was already bought by her. So I guess it is time for me to step out. You see I still have a wound that needed to be taken care of. It is quite difficult being in the middle of a shoot out."

David stared at Russel.

"Well, I think it's normal for people to try to scare you when they wanted something. Never thought I would be shot in the shoulder though," after shrugging Russel stood up and walked towards the door.

She winked at Amber and Amber nodded slightly.

"What is going on here?" Peter stood up abruptly and roared at Amber.

Amber moved away from him as if she was not yet that far, "Oh please old man stop shouting. I have all the papers and became officially the owner of all those shares."

"What gave you the right!!!"

"Of course the owner gave me the right. Now can we move on? I am wondering why you guys are crying? The shares were passed down legally and was sold legally as well. So I guess you no longer have any importance here, could you step out now? I need to speak with mister David Carter."

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