Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 314: 314

He had pleaded and kept pleading as he once again embraced her tight, but at the same time with carefulness as if he would break her. He kept pleading and apologizing over and over again.

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Slowly, very slowly, the light in Russel's eyes returned and upon feeling that familiar warmth. The same warmth she felt when he was about to go and study.

The tears she had been stopping, the tears she tried her best to stop came rushing out and she started wailing like a child while hugging Harvey back as tight as she can.

Amber, who heard this, looked back at her and tears came together with a smile, as Ashton pulled her head to his chest looking to where Harvey and Russel was.

"I'm sorry, it's fine now. I am here now, I'll stay here always, don't go again. Please don't leave like that again," he kept whispering as he caressed her back and the back of her head.

Soon the ambulance left while Ashton and the others were following with their cars.

Upon arriving in the hospital and finally getting a good look at Harvey, they sent the best doctor and had Russel be checked. Then after tending to all her wounds, she was brought in the VVIP room of the hospital.

Nurses and doctor alike started murmuring to one another why Harvey Carter was there together with Russel Bareford.

Harvey didn't bother with this and remained by her side, he was so mad at the fact that Russel was truly tortured so much, even her precious hand was wounded.

Aldger whispered to Ashton that the family was taken to their hideout in city B and the people taken by the police were the minions of their family.

Ashton nodded, "Thank you, you can go and rest now."

Aldger gave Harvey a pat in the shoulder before he left, he had been running around as well so he really needed that rest.

Amber just looked at Ashton and understood what was going in his mind. He walked to Harvey and placed a hand on his shoulder, "You can be the one to get back at them if you like."

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His eyes turned cold as he held Russel's uninjured hand tighter, "Then let me take that burden. The burden of getting her revenge."

With Russel's personality, Amber could tell that she is someone who'd rather have those people in prison than take revenge on them herself.

But she and the others weren't like that.

As she watched Russel together with the other two. She uttered coldness exuding from the three of them, "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a torture twice than what was give."

She didn't bother having an equal pay back to this people for they had been doing all of these since Russel was young. The torture they did today? It will be returned ten fold.


"Can I take care of her?" Amber then said pointing at the shivering Gwyneth.

"Very well, shall we recreate a scene then?" Amber slowly walked out of that room while two other person carried the now screaming Gwyneth to follow her.

Harvey and Ashton followed her with their eyes.

"That woman will surely taste a hell within a hell," Harvey couldn't help but say.

"Others thought I was already cold but they didn't know that she is much colder than I am. Much blood thirsty and anyone would rather have me torture them than her," Ashton commented.

With everything that Amber went through, it would be a shock if she didn't develop this kind of attitude towards other people.

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"I'll leave this people to you then, I still have a few things I need to look into," Ashton then said.

Since it is the first time that he came to the underground of Achernar country, he needs to take care of it properly.

When Gwyneth could finally see, she was stunned to see Amber right in front of her and when she checked, she was also tied on the ceiling just like when Russel was brought in.

She can also feel her head aching and somehow could feel that something was dripping at the back of it. That's right, she had also passed out when she felt tremendous pain at the back of her head.

"Hi," Amber said with a cold smile.

"I'm sorry about your head, I was trying to hit you to make you unconscious but ended up smashing your head to the wall. Does it hurt?" she innocently asked as she pointed behind her head.

"It was actually bleeding but don't worry you won't die with it," she then added.

"You b*tch!!!" Gwyneth said in gritted teeth, it was so painful.

The back of her head is so painful she just wanted to cry.

"I've heard that a lot, somehow it became my second name," Amber replied with her oh so sweet smile that even those from the underworld that was with her couldn't help but to shiver.

What more for Gwyneth who lived her life filled with nothing but people trying to befriend her and be on her good side.

She had people here and there who would do her bidding and she didn't need to even raise a hand to make them follow her. She watched people being tortured in front of her and all she had was a smile on.

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Yet now that she was in such situation she knew that her smile was nothing compared to Amber's smile.

"Now then I have heard that you had her whipped the moment she woke up, how about that? Do you want to try?" she asked.

Gwyneth's eyes turned wide, the sweeter Amber looks the more she feared her. She slowly shook her head.

"N- No... please d- don't."

And with that answer Amber smiled even sweeter reaching the depths of her eyes, "Indeed you would love to right?"

"If you please," she then nodded at the two men who was also there, though these two couldn't help but to have that fear in their heart as she watched her. She was but a devilish person and they could tell that the person tied up would end up in no condition to have a wonderful life.

Gwyneth watched the two people holding a whip and she wanted to scream the moment their whip landed on her skin.

"Please, we only had one man to whip her," she instantly defended.

"Hmmm, but you see I love doubling everything. My efforts, my work, my money and my vengeance," Amber answered as she look at her nails.

And goes the screaming of Gwyneth that if not for the thick walls, would have reached the whole building itself. Might even reach the upper ground.

"How fascinating," the two men then heard her say as she watched them from her chair and when they did looked back at her, they once again shivered for her eyes was truly enjoying what was going on with Gwyneth.

"It should be time now," Amber then said.

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The two men untied Gwyneth and placed her on the chair, tying both hands on its arm rest.

Gwyneth understood what this meant and she started shaking her head vigorously, "Please, please I am begging you. Don't do this. Please, I will do anything, everything. Just please release me."

"I'm sorry once I got my hands on something, I really didn't like letting it go though," she answered as she brandished the knife she was holding.

"I wonder how long it would take to cut the bones with this? Do you know?"

She looked at the two men who was now busy shaking their heads to answer her just so her eyes would leave them.

On this day, these people from the underworld would forever remember this person. Someone who was never involved with them had actually such sadistic side, much scarier than most of those whom they have already met.

"I see, well, that's too bad. You haven't seen something like that yet?" she asked again while even tilting her head to the side.

The two men kept shaking their heads.

"Very well, shall I show you for the first time then?" she smiled once again and the two men just wanted to leave this place, she haven't started yet but they knew t would be a very very bloody one.

Amber took her time as she walked to where Gwyneth is and the later was shaking her head and crying even.

Amber smiled, "You see I have a motto. It was a wonderful one. Want to hear it?"

Gwyneth wanted to shake her head but Amber's eyes told her that she must nod and she did, Amber's smile turned even sweeter.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life. But don't get me wrong, you threatened her life, that only means one thing to me. A threat is the same as taking one. But I shall take my time in taking yours."

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