Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 315: 315

Easily torturing them through their bodies and mind, playing around with them was enough to break them apart.

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Though he wasn't satisfied for they were so easy to pass out, he could only satiate it with whatever means he has.

Now, the three of them were outside the room and was waiting for Amber to come out on another room when the two people she was with came out with weak legs, even stumbling on the floor and pale face.

"Could it be that people from the underworld couldn't take Amber's torture?" Aldger gulped after seeing this.

The two of them then slowly looked at Ashton, who started walking to the two men.

"What happened?" he asked looking at them as they stood up once again with the help of the wall.

The two men looked at one another but had no idea how to relate what they have witnessed inside.

Just then Amber peeked out from the room and blood was even on her face, she looked around and upon seeing the two men, she came out. Gaining some gasp from Aldger and Harvey.

Her clothes were filled with blood, her hands were dripping with them and her face together with her mask were splashed as well.

But she was looking like an innocent woman who was just painting and everything that was on her were but paint.

"I told you, I need your help in holding her down, why must you runaway from me? We were only able to cut six of her fingers, there's four more to be cut," she placed her hands on her waist and berated the two men who wanted to run behind Ashton in order to get away from her.

Then her eyes went to Ashton and the other two, "You guys are done?"

Harvey and Aldger subconsciously nodded their head.

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"That's too fast, what kind of torture did you do? Did you made it easy for them?"

The two men shook their head once again.

Ashton sighed, he knew she has a talent when it comes to torture, he just didn't expect she would be this talented.

He walked towards her and that's when he saw the condition on the room, blood were splattered every where. Buckets of cold water were lined up, something to wake Gwyneth up if she passes out.

He pulled out his handkerchief and took the knife away from her, before wiping the blood splattered on her face.

"You should have let them do the bidding. Why must you do it yourself?" he said as if scolding a child.

"My anger wouldn't be satiated unless I do it myself," she replied, the smile that scared the two men no longer on her face.

This time it turned serious and cold. She looked back at the room and gritted her teeth.

She looked at his eyes, "I will never forgive those who do such act for their own devilish thoughts. She was an innocent child born from two people loving one another. Yet she had to grow up in such a vicious family."

She felt Ashton patting her head, "Calm down, just instruct this people on what they need to do more with her. That is more than enough even for Russel."

Amber pursed her lips before sighing, "I understand. You two come here."

The two men walked towards her, Amber passed them the knife, "You have to finish it. Then have her treated, after that it is up to you to destroy her body even more before destroying her mind. Just make sure she won't die with whatever it is you will be doing."

The two men gulped, once she was done destroying her body she would go after her mind. Terrifying for someone who looks like an elegant lady, too terrifying.

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They had to wait for another half an hour to have a change of clothes for Amber before they were able to leave that place.

"I shall go back to the hospital," Harvey then told them to which the others agreed.

"I shall go and have that rest," Aldger then said.

He was told to rest by Ashton but was called back instantly since both Harvey and Amber wanted to have a look at the three people already, since Ashton still have no idea where they were placed, Aldger could only accompany them there.

"Have I scared them?" Amber couldn't help but to comment as she watch the two cars moving away.

"Don't worry, they should be more in awe than being scared at you. Let's go and have a rest already as well," Ashton answered as they rode his car.

"Since you're almost done here, where do you plan to go next?" he then asked as they hit the road.

"I guess, I need to return to Celestial now. Need to do a few things before checking on the well being of the company," she replied.

"Do you already have a solution for that problem?" he then asked.

Amber shook her head, "Still thinking about it. Though I wish to start the last phase during the year end event this time but I guess it was of no use. I'll postpone it a bit more."

"Don't worry, you'll surely find a solution to that," he replied with a smile while holding her hand.

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When Russel woke up the next day, it was already close to noon. She could feel her whole body being in pain.

She tried to move but then felt a pressure coming from her right side, looking towards it, it was Harvey who was sleeping with his head resting on his arm. While his hand was holding hers, she knew he must have stayed late watching over her.

"You should let him rest more, he just fell asleep when I arrived around ten in the morning," Amber then said after noticing that she had woken up.

"Brought you some clothes and necessities, your unit below mine was already fixed," she then added pointing at the paper bags beside the bed side table.

She and Ashton went back to City A last night, it was around midnight when they arrived and she woke up around seven in order to get everything ready. Ashton was frowning as he looks at her but she just smiled at him.

He was surely saying through his eyes that she didn't have to do that.

But she wanted to, she wanted to do it and so with a grumpy old man, they once again travelled for another half and a hour to City B.

"You shouldn't have troubled yourself, I can feel your husband must be cursing me for having your sleep shortened," Russel replied while trying her best not to move.

"Leave him be, he'll get over it eventually," Amber shrugged.

"What happened to them by the way?" Russel soon asked her face turning serious.

"Do you really want to know?" Amber asked in return and Russel could tell through her eyes that she wouldn't really want to know.

She can tell that Amber joined in herself.

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"Did he do it, together with you?" she instead asked.

"Yup, done quite a great job," Amber replied.

The silence enveloped the two of them before Amber sighed, "Never do that again Russel. When you know that your life is still in danger, never do that again for I swear I will be the one torturing you instead."

Before Russel could open her mouth, Amber continued, "You have no idea how scared that man was when you disappeared yesterday and when we found you being kidnapped. Both of you may still have that wall around you but you need to understand."

"No matter how thick that wall is, you are still connected one way or another. Especially with the emotions you two have but didn't want to face. Just face it already, talk it out and finally get a closure to what happened years ago."

Russel just smiled, "I know."

"Oh, and before I once again forget," Amber then said after remembering something.

"What is it?"

"You asked me why I didn't want to have some trusted body guards," she replied with a sad smile.

"It was simply because I have lost too many that I no longer want to lose anymore."

Russel was stomped for words, for the first time since meeting Amber, she could clearly see the sadness swimming within her eyes.

Amber once again smiled, the sadness disappeared, "Maybe someday, we can talk about me and my past."

Russel chuckled, "I shall be waiting for it then, the time you are ready to finally tell me who Amber Wood really is."

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