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People run around the places, scared to death by the sudden events. After a span of time, help came along with police officers who was summoned to investigate the incident.

As the stretcher exited the restaurant, a lot of people caught a glimpse of the young lad being carried out. Countless gasps and cries could be heard, even for a little amount of time, news travelled fast and now, no person was left uninformed about the fallen beauty.

They mourned for her sudden death. Even though it was still unanounced, a lot of gossip mongers claimed that the poor lady died. Only few people stood up and believed she is still alive.

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Inside the busy hospital, nurses and doctors was flabbergasted at the sight of the girl being ressurected. They felt hopeless for they indeed took a liking to her beauty. She was a sight to be hold, but then again, hef life span was short enough to let herself be known.

Netizens that quick witted, found a hole on the sudden event and took the initiative on pressuring the restaurant into why and how did she ended up frozen to death. They claimed that she was being plotted.

But who would have thought that it is indeed like how they think. They demanded explanations from the owner and workers, they even went far on accussing them that they were the ones who slandered her.

They believed that it was not just a mere mistake and that the culprit is someone who will gain something in this crime. Unbeknownst to them that the suspect isnt just inside, they did not even suspected the fact about the magazine's replacement.

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In the middle of their pain, someone is indeed rejoicing. Glad to hear the knews about someone's misfortunes or you can just say that the former was unlucky enough to fall for the latters trap.

"Do you think im wicked?" Mina asked the little assistant by her side.

"No miss, youv'e done well. Like you always been" her assistant had always been used to approve and support to everything she do. What can she possible say? A mere assistants holds no title on some peoples mind and Mina is not an exception to that.

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Unless you were the CEO or some kind of personalities. Then she would rather die than lowering herself to such persons.

She smiled to herself as she thought of how good she is in her perspectives.

She glanced at the wall clock and furrowed her brows as she still hadnt recieved the call that she was expecting.

"Why didnt they called me? Are you sure you bribed the producer?" She gritted her teeth in annoyance as her assistant just nodded her head, nervous that she'll set fire to the furious ladies heated head.

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Sometimes, she wants to think that Mina had some lose screws in her head. She had always been this irrational.

Too impulsive. She thought, that this attitude might cause her big problems in the future. And she didnt know that she was indeed right.

Mina had just crossed the wrong bridge. And this bridge does not have options of turning back.

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