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In the midst of ressurection, inside the busy emergency room, the doctor noticed the unresponsive patient.

He was about to declare her death when a man in a grey suit walked in. He pushed his glasses up and cleared his throat. Not in their wildest dreams did they ever imagine that he will declare an earth shattering and such news brought them to their grave yards.

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"His highness wants the mistress alive, not even a scratch should be left out. Leave the mistress breathing and unscathed. You might want to keep this hospital running."

With just one single mistake, they knew their work and life is on the line. Brushing off the thought that she wad unresponsive, the doctor who was gloomy turned paler than vampire as he got up on the bed and performed a cpr.

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They dont even want to think of giving up. If they have to pull her from hell, they have to, for the life they are in need to save is probably the boss' important personel. But due to the fact that the unwavering and silent man inside the room, the man who called this lady as their mistress.

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It cant be denied that they felt honored and yet the nervousnes and fear of making a little mistake, they also felt unlucky. If anything goes wrong. They knew even if they all pile up as a consequence. Their life does not even count as a payment.

Feeling a little teary as they havent seen any improvements, their hearts started to shake and was about to wail when a miraculous sound of heart beat enveloped their ears.

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They had never felt so happy on someones life. They wanted to kiss her sole feet as she had given them the privilege of being alive.

After further examinations, when she was stable enough. They turned to move her to a room when someone, or should I say his highness came with his destructive looks and earth shattering grace and aura. @@
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