Chapter 563: Makeup

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Third Aunt took Lian Fang Zhou’s hand and moved it up and down, left and right, to look more closely. Her eyes glowing, she tsk-tsked with a smug smile and said: “Our Fang Zhou looks like this, tsk-tsk! I’m not even bragging, how many big family daughters can compare to my family’s daughter? With this outfit, hey, I don’t even dare to recognize her!”

“Yes, yes!” Xi Niang stepped forward with a smile. “I don’t know how many brides I’ve painted since I started this business. Of all the brides I’ve seen come out, I have never seen such an outstanding one! Be it the person or the clothes, she really is more beautiful than a fairy in a painting! Oh, this groom is blessed!”

“This is our Fang Zhou, the best girl in the world! Whoever marries her is blessed!” Third Aunt said triumphantly. The women laughed and agreed.

Smiling, Su Jin said: “It’s getting late. Please, Xi Niang, quickly put on Miss Lian’s makeup! When the auspicious time comes, she will need to go out!”

Xi Niang smiled and agreed. Helping Lian Fang Zhou sit down in front of the vanity mirror, she said: “That’s right! When I saw such an outstanding beauty like Miss, I was stunned and forgot what I was supposed to do! Fortunately you reminded me in time, otherwise the groom will complain about me until his old age!”

Her words coaxed them all into laughter and even Lian Fang Zhou couldn’t help pursing her lips. This Xi Niang’s mouth was really eloquent!

Xi Niang chatted and laughed with everyone but her hands didn’t stop for a moment. They were like nimble swallows flying over Lian Fang Zhou’s dark hair and after a while, she formed an elegant and dignified eternal knot bun.

Lian Fang Zhou looked at the unfamiliar bun in the mirror in a daze. From today on, she would be a married woman.

She just didn’t know if the two of them would have the fate to grow old together and live a happy life.

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Lian Fang Zhou’s mood was a bit complicated. Joy and sweetness also carried a touch of strange worry.

But no matter what, he loved her now. People would always change but they could solved this in the future.

Right now, only he was worthy of her love.

After combing her hair, Xi Tang used a thread to twist the hair on Lian Fang Zhou’s face. Lian Fang Zhou grit her teeth in pain but she was not allowed to cry out or show a painful expression. She hadn’t expected this to hurt so much!

After that, it was time for makeup and jewelry.

Xi Niang carefully pulled out a pair of wings and flying flowers made of pure gold with long tassels that hung over Lian Fang Zhou’s forehaad from the middle of her bun. The long fine tassels were like a curtain, covering half her face and adding a sense of graceful beauty.

Everyone praised her again, saying words of congratulations and blessings.

Xi Niang’s mouth was as sweet as honey and the auspicious words flowed out one after another, adding to the festive atmosphere in the room.

There was a burst of firecrackers and Third Aunt clapped her hands, laughing. “I’m afraid the groom is here!”

Chun Xing and Bi Tao quickly went out to look and after a moment, Madam Li came up in a hurry. Smiling, she said: “Miss, are you ready? The bridal sedan chair is here! Second Young Master and Third Young Master are blocking the door and the groom is drinking the penalty wine.”

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Everyone hurried to get ready, throwing red handkerchiefs embroidered with colorful phoenixes and gold threads over Lian Fang Zhou until nothing but the hem of her skirt and the tip of her shoes could be seen.

When the auspicious time arrived, Xi Niang helped her out of the room while Chun Xing, Bi Tao, Third Aunt, Lian Fang Qing, and the others followed.

When preparing her dowry, Lian Ze knew that Lian Fang Zhou would leave the Lian family in the future and was extra careful. The dowry was prepared very generously.

Following the principal of not revealing one’s wealth, most of this was banknotes, which were kept in small boxes and not seen by outsiders.

But the things on the surface were enough to make people talk about it for more than half a year.

Specifically, it was the bear skin, tiger skin, and reishi mushroom that Ah Jian had given as his bridal gift that attracted the most attention.

The sound of firecrackers burst through the air over the praises and shouts of the crowd. The sound of people talking and laughing merged into a stream and the noise was extremely lively and festive.

Under the bright sun, the vivid red color was even more dazzling.

Among the crowd, Yang Huai Shan looked at the bridal sedan chair moving away and a look of sadness flashed in his eyes.

If he had been more persistent and firm, would he be the one riding the horse in front of the bridal sedan?

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He couldn’t help but cast a look at the groom, who was sitting tall and straight, full of vigor and extremely handsome, very outstanding.

Yang Huai Shan sighed. Only such an outstanding man could catch her eye.

The bridal sedan entered the Lian family’s house and the couple worshiped the heavens and the earth. Lian Fang Zhou entered the house surrounded by everyone. Along with Lian Fang Qing, Li Juan, Zhang Yan, Su Jin, and the others. There were bursts of lively laughter from time to time, but it had nothing to do with her.

Eventually, the sky darkened and the bright red dragon and phoenix candles were lit, basking the room with a red glow.

Lian Fang Zhou breathed a long sigh of relief and her waist relaxed. Smiling lightly, she said: “You two go eat, I’m fine by myself!” She wasn’t driving them out so she could take off her veil or lie down, just so they could eat.

Since the wedding rules and customs of this time were strict, she had no intention of disobeying them and didn’t think there was anything wrong with them.

As they said, when in Rome, do as the romans do! It was auspicious.

Chun Xing smiled: “Miss, don’t worry about us! Someone will bring food later, if Miss is hungry, she can also eat.”

“What if someone who doesn’t have eyes tries to break in randomly, what would we do?”

Hearing this, Lian Fang Zhou was a little startled. Smiling, she said nothing.

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Sure enough, after a while, Madam Li brought in a food box and said: “Miss, you have been busy all day, hurry up and eat something! These are from the banquet outside.”

Lian Fang Zhou smiled: “Thank you, you eat too! Chun Xing and Bi Tao are enough here.”

“Don’t worry, Miss. I will wait until you are finished.” Madam Li smiled and helped Bi Tao and Chun Xing to carefully take the food out and offer it to Lian Fang Zhou, while explaining everything. “Steamed whole chicken, steamed pork ribs with seasoning, pork vermicelli with cabbage, stir-fried twice-cooked pork, Si Xi meatballs, and stir-fried spring bamboo shoots. Chun Xing, Bi Tao, eat while it’s hot! I will pack up the dishes later.”

Lian Fang Zhou thanked her with a smile, insisting that she didn’t need to sit and wait. Madam Li gave in with a smile and left.

Chun Xing scooped half a bowl of rice and asked Lian Fang Zhou which dish she wanted. Placing it in the bowl, she passed the bowl and chopsticks to her under the veil.

Amused, Lian Fang Zhou ate with her head covered, which was a bit fun.

After she finished eating, she rinsed her mouth while Chun Xing and Bi Tao hurried to help.

Madam Li came back to collect the dishes a little while later. “It’s still lively outside, I’m afraid it won’t be over soon Hey, those people are all toasting the master, I don’t know if he will be drunk!”

Lian Fang Zhou’s face became slightly hot and she hummed lightly without speaking. With the veil covering her face, no one could see her expression.

Naturally, she also couldn’t see the two little girls Chun Xing and Bi Tao winking.

After waiting for more than an hour, the door was gently pushed open. Chun Xing and Bi Tao, who had been sitting in a daze, hurriedly bowed and saluted: “Master Jian!”

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