Chapter 564: Newly Married

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Ah Jian nodded, smiling. “Go down, you aren’t needed anymore.”

Chun Xing and Bi Tao blushed and whispered in a low voice before hurrying out. Lian Fang Zhou’s heart thumped, suddenly accelerating!

Her waist subconsciously straightened up.

Footsteps gradually approached as Lian Fang Zhou sat stiff and motionless.

She clearly knew that he couldn’t see her through the veil but she still didn’t move or blink. The footsteps stopped and the red veil moved lightly without wind. Lian Fang Zhou looked down and saw the corner of a pair of men’s shoes and a bright red robe.

Invisible pressure seemed to push down on her as his eyes penetrated the veil to look straight at her. Her face became more and more flustered.

She seemed to feel him reach out his hand to remove the veil and her heart rose, very nervous.

But after waiting for a long time, the hand did not come down. Her heart, which had been gripped tightly for a long time, had to let go slowly.

Lian Fang Zhou couldn’t help but wonder: What was this man doing!?

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“Fang Zhou, is that you…” As she wondered, she heard Ah Jian’s cautious question.

She blinked, completely taken aback. Amused and annoyed, she wondered if he was so drunk he was confused. What kind of question was this? Who else could it be but her?

Biting her lip, she snorted lightly and was about to speak when Ah Jian chuckled. “Fang Zhou, are we really married? I feel like everything is a dream! But hearing your voice, seeing you sitting here, I know this is real! You really are married to me.”

Lian Fang Zhou’s heart was moved but at the same time, she found it very funny. She just snorted, where did he hear her voice? She was covered in a veil, when did he see her!

Her red lips parted slightly and she was about to make fun of him when she suddenly moved backwards without warning. Caught off guard, she subconsciously let out a little ‘ah!’ as she fell.

When she came back to her senses, she had fallen into his arms and was held tightly to his chest. Blinking her eyes, she raised her head slightly and met a pair of long, narrow eyes that were as bright as starts. The eyes were shining brightly with a deep smile and Ah Jian’s expression was slightly drunk.

Lian Fang Zhou’s face immediately turned red, as bright as a peach blossom.

Black hair like a cloud, bright gold ornaments, a heaving chest, and a charming expression.

“You’re so pretty, Fang Zhou.” He whispered, his eyes full of wonder. “My wife, you’re so pretty.”

This was his lawful wife, wouldn’t it be stupid to just stare at her?

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Tightening his arms, he lowered his head and fiercely kissed her delicate lips without hesitation. Her mouth was fragrant, so delicious he couldn’t help himself.

Candlelight illuminated the whole room in a red glow, ambiguous and charming. The temperature in the room also seemed to have risen several degrees at once, making them feel uncomfortably hot!

It wasn’t the firs time the two of them had been so intimate, but it hadn’t felt like this. Lian Fang Zhou seemed to have been drained of all her strength. Her mind was muddled and there was nothing left except her instinctive response.

Ah Jian panted heavily. Pressing her arms, the two of them fell backwards onto the bed.

At first, her hairpin pinched and her dress was tight but as Ah Jian pressed her down and his kisses became more bold, his unscrupulous hands went all over.

It seemed that men didn’t need a teacher on this subject. There was an absolute difference between being married and not!

It was said that men were wolves in sheep’s clothing until they got married, as soon as they tore off their disguise, they revealed their true nature.

Suddenly, Lian Fang Zhou’s chest felt cold. Startled, she instinctive pushed her away and shouted: “No!”

Startled, Ah Jian jerked back and then smiled.

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Lian Fang Zhou stared at him, her delicate lips red, moist, and slightly swollen. Her face was as delicate as a peach blossom and her eyes were watery as spring, like a blossom covered with dew.

Smiling with embarrassment, she whispered: “I, I’m not used to it…”

“I shouldn’t have been too eager and scared you.” Ah Jian chuckled, gently stroking her face and lips with his fingers. Her eyebrows, her forehead, the delicate outline of her face, he caressed them as if they were a rare treasure, full of love and care.

Lian Fang Zhou bit her lip and smiled, muttering: “I don’t know why you’re so eager… soon or later, won’t I be yours? What are you in such a hurry for?”

Just saying these words made her face heat up again.

“You are so beautiful and from today onward, you are my wife!” Ah Jian stared at her, besotted and infinitely loving, as if he hadn’t heard her at all. He leaned forward and lightly kissed her face and eyes.

Suddenly, he scooted closer and put one hand on her waist to hold her close to him, burying his face in the curve of her neck. Taking a deep breath, he said in a low voice: “Miss Lian, did you know? I didn’t sleep well at all last night. How could I fall asleep after thinking about our wedding today? I tossed and turned, waiting for dawn.”

Lian Fang Zhou felt sweet in her heart. Smiling lightly, she said: “I also didn’t sleep well last night…”

“Were you thinking of me too?” Ah Jian raised his head from her shoulder and looked at her with bright eyes and a smile.

She couldn’t stand his blazing gaze and quickly looked away. Raising her eyebrows, she smiled. “No! Anyways, it’s not like I’m going to leave, so why do you need to hurry?”

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“You didn’t think about me.” Disappointment appeared in his eyes. “Oh,” he said with a soft smile, “it seems to be my fault. It must be that I haven’t done enough, not good enough, so my wife didn’t miss me. For tonight onward, I will try my best to make my wife think about me all the time, just like I think about her!”

 Though he was sighing, there was a smile in his eyes and on his mouth. His bright eyes were eager with an entirely different meaning.

Lian Fang Zhou’s body was slightly stiff and her heart was beating wildly again. She wanted to escape but her body wouldn’t move. She could only stare at him blankly, a bit of nervousness on her face.

Ah Jian laughed happily and couldn’t help leaning over to kiss her cheek twice. “Good wife, I won’t scare you anymore. We haven’t had a cup of wine yet, come on! Let’s drink first. Then we can do other things.”

As he spoke, he turned over and sat up, taking advantage of the situation to sit up with Lian Fang Zhou in his arms.

On the table was a small silver jug of wine with the characters ‘Double Happiness’ engraved. There were also two small silver wine cups about two inches wide.

Ah Jian got up to pour the wine and brought the two cups over, one in each hand. Handing one to Lian Fang Zhou, he sat beside her and smiled at her with a soft smile. “My wife, after drinking the wine, I will drink for you from now on. Good fortune and misfortune depend on each other. We will share blessings and woe, growing old together.”

Lian Fang Zhou’s heart was very warm. Nodding, she smiled. “We will never leave, never give up, and never turn our faces.”

The two intertwined their arms and drink the wine in their glasses together.

When the wine entered the throat, it had a slightly cool spiciness. It also had a lingering fragrance, which was sweet and clear, with a long aftertaste.

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