Aunt Zhang put a two-story high-quality wooden box into a handbag and handed it to the driver who came to pick her up.

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In addition to this heavy-looking box, there were all kinds of snacks in the tote bag, and there was a box of diced fruit.

Those who knew where she was going knew that she was going to school, but those who didn’t would think she was going for a picnic with her family.

In contrast, Wen Ruan’s lunch box was much more normal.

A normal lunch box, with the rice and fruit in it, was stuffed into her schoolbag, and there was a bottle of yogurt in the side pocket of the schoolbag.

It was not that the servants of the Wen House treated them differently.

It was Wen Ruan’s own request, saying that she didn’t want to waste food. With such a large and exaggerated lunch box, she would be embarrassed to death in the classroom.

Their school actually had a cafeteria, but there were still many upper-class children who liked to bring lunch prepared by their own chefs, so it was not unusual for her to bring meals.

After the driver put Wen Long’s lunch away, he bent over to open the back door.

After the two got into the car, he immediately returned to the driver’s seat and set off.

At that time, the second semester of high school was approaching the end.

Since Wen Long hadn’t been to the school for almost a year, it took a little effort to find the classroom. When she entered the classroom, the morning reading period was over, and the class started.

Fortunately, this period was of a teacher who taught English. When he saw Wen Long come in, he called her to the podium and introduced her in a few words to the students below.

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“This is Student Wen Long. Everyone should have heard from Wen Ruan.”

Standing on the podium, Wen Long saw a gloomy teenager leaning against the window in the last row.

It was Yan Li.

He obviously saw her too, but he only looked up at her for a second, then lowered his eyes indifferently.

Wen Long raised her eyebrows slightly.

Oh, pretending not to know her?

There were students whispering under the stage, and there were surprised voices.

A few words got into Wen Long’s ears, nothing more than “beautiful”, “cute” and so on.

There was no expression on her face, but her beautiful appearance could easily attract attention anywhere, and almost everyone’s eyes fell on her. There were several boys with good physical appearance who looked at her unscrupulously.

The class teacher smiled kindly, “For some reason, Wen Long hasn’t come to class for a long time, so she is not familiar with everyone. Now that she is back in our class, everyone should communicate with her more.”

[This teacher is very kind.] The system nodded.

Wen Long didn’t care.

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In the memory of the original owner transmitted to her by the system, the “intimacy” of this class teacher was not for everyone.

For the children of wealthy families, he was very considerate, but when facing the children of ordinary families, his attitude was much colder.

“Wen Long, then choose a seat and sit down.”

“Here!” A boy with a smile raised his hand, causing the rest of the class to boo.

The system didn’t like this kind of atmosphere, [Little br*ts are annoying.]

While walking, Wen Long replied, “The evil thoughts in this world seem to be bigger than ours.”

Those small evil thoughts hidden in the heart seem to be magnified there, which was particularly uncomfortable.

[I feel it too. Perhaps it is because of this that Wen Ruan, who has kindness, can become the female lead.]

After the system finished saying that, Wen Long had already walked to the last row and stopped beside Yan Li.


She didn’t ask Yan Li if she could sit there and put the heavy handbag on the table next to him with a bang.

There was also a clean cushion in the handbag, and she took it out and spread it on the stool before sitting down with a frown.

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From beginning to end, Yan Li didn’t look in her direction.

The noisy class quieted down, all of them looked at the corner where Yan Li was with strange expressions.

She actually chose that monster as her tablemate?

The boy who was the first to shout was even more surprised.

This girl was crazy…

Wen Ruan, who was in the front row, was a little surprised, but she still knew her sister well.

She could probably guess that her sister must just wanted to find someone who would help her with work.

“Student Wen Long…” The teacher on the podium hesitated, not knowing how to remind her.

The person she chose was recognized as a weirdo in the class. Usually other students didn’t even want to talk to him, let alone sitting next to him…


In front of Yan Li, he couldn’t say it clearly, so he said tactfully, “…Well, if you have any issues with your seat in the future, feel free to tell me.”

“Okay, let’s start the class.”

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Only then did Wen Long look at the young man beside her, and said arrogantly, “Wipe the table.”

Yan Li’s eyes turned to her, “…Not my working hours.”

He was under no obligation to help her clean the table.

“I’ll pay you ten gold every day during school to do whatever I say.”

“…There are no tissues right now.”

It means he would find a tissue and wipe it after class.

Wen Long didn’t say anything, but her whole body was far away from the table in disgust.

She pointed to the tote bag on the table, “It takes up too much space.”

Yan Li put down the pen in his hand, stretched out his frighteningly pale hand, took away the bag on Wen Long’s table, and put it on his own table.

His wrists were too thin, and because there was no flesh, the wrist bones on his wrists stood out.

Wen Long frowned.

He was too skinny.

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