At the end of the morning class, most of the students in the class went to eat in the cafeteria downstairs.

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Yan Li sat in his seat and took out a plastic bag from his schoolbag, which contained a few slices of dried bread.

At a glance, one could tell that it was a discounted bread that was about to expire from the supermarket.

He rarely ate meals in the school cafeteria because it was too expensive.

The reason why Yan Li entered this high-tuition school was actually because before he enrolled, they promised him that if he wanted to come, they would give him a 500-gold scholarship every year, and no tuition fee would be taken.

His drunk father took a fancy to the annual bonus of 500 gold and directly changed his school there.

The bonus was gone, and the cafeteria was expensive, so he couldn’t afford to eat.

Wen Long tapped on the table.

Yan Li consciously pushed the handbag on the table to her.

However, Wen Long just glanced at it and didn’t move.

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Yan Li was silent for a few seconds, then took out the lunch box from the bag, helped her open the box, and even handed the chopsticks to her. Then, he opened the lid of the fruit and placed it on her table as well.

The exquisite lunch box was divided into two layers, and each layer was very full. When Yan Li helped her open the lid, he saw the food inside.

He didn’t know most of the dishes, but he had seen the bulging pink-white meat on the second layer, which was shrimp.

He turned his head with a sullen face, and then nibbled on the dry bread in his hand.

Wen Long looked at the pile of sumptuous meals, but didn’t seem satisfied. Picking a bite from each one, she put down her chopsticks.

She was full.

She pushed the food that had barely been touched to the person on the left, “Wash the box.”

Then she said contemptuously, “Take the leftovers inside.”

Yan Li stared at the box for a while, but did not reach out to take it.

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“No?” Wen Long raised her chin, her tone full of disdain.

Yan Li heard the sound of acid churning in his stomach.

Of course he wanted to. By eating it, he could save a little money. There was no such thing as self-esteem.

He pulled the box to him, took out a tissue from the table pocket, and wiped the chopsticks that Wen Long had used.

Then, took the lead in picking up the shrimps he knew and ate them.

[……He’s very pitiful.] 

Wen Long thought it was funny, but she actually choked when she heard the system’s voice.

She replied in her heart, “Don’t worry, he is not that sensitive.”

He rarely even had emotional fluctuations.

Worthy of other people’s evaluation, just like a little demon.

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The system was also aware of that. Although it was reluctant to admit it, its algorithm seems to be outdated…

[However, why did you give him the food?]

Could a demon actually sympathize with others?

Wen Long: “Of course for the mission.”

[I don’t understand, does this help the mission? Acting like giving alms, wouldn’t it hurt the villain’s self-esteem, and make him blacken faster?]

Wen Long: “Mr. System, I have to refute your thinking first.”


Wen Long: “At present, Yan Li does not have anything like self-esteem. He is like a beast, a beast that only survives, and the only thing that drives him is the instinct to survive. So, what you just said doesn’t hold any truth.”

The system was a little unhappy, but it just listened to her in a daze.

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Wen Long: “As for your question, of course everything I did helped the mission. First, the state of the body has a great influence on the psychology of human beings. With such a tattered body, what kind of mentality do you expect him to have? When the energy is insufficient, the human body can’t do various energy-consuming activities, and the mood will be subconsciously bad. Yan Li lacks basic human emotions, most of which should be due to a natural emotional disorder and his father. However, the only thing I can solve at the moment is his physical condition. As for the second… What do you think is the reason why Yan Li finally destroyed the relationship between the male and female leads?”

[…Is it not because he likes the female lead?]

Wen Long shook her head, “Of course not. He didn’t feel any kind of gratitude toward Wen Ruan, and it was even more impossible for him to like her.”

[Why is that?]

Wen Long didn’t answer for a while, because Yan Li had already finished the two-story meal in just a while. Except for a few things that Wen Long had bitten, everything else was swept away. 

There was a lot of stuff in that box, enough for two adult men to eat. Judging by his appearance, he should have just been full.

Wen Long had a rough idea in her heart.

Perhaps because of the full meal, Yan Li’s lips were much more rosy than before, and he looked a little more energetic.

But this was only temporary. His body was malnourished all year round, and it was impossible to get better all at once.

Wen Long roughly calculated that from now until the end of his college entrance examination, it was enough for him to have a normal body.

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