VBR chapter 17

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Translated by lyran1

17. Older Brother, meet the Prince

While I was having a lively chat, during that time an orchestra appeared and started playing music.

At the beginning, I didn’t notice but it’s gradually become audible, as though prompted by the music, the members of the venue begun to move from their original location.

[Oops, it’s time for the Royal family to make appearance]

[It seems so. I suppose we should also return too]

Enrico Viscount family is outside, Nicholas Count family is just straight ahead so we bid farewell there, as for me, Gaspar and Bruno we begun to move inward together.

[By the way, Marcel have you already greeted Edward-sama? I heard your younger sister Michelin got engaged with him]

[No, unfortunately at the time of the engagement I had a bad cold, so I couldn’t come to the Imperial capital. Today is my first meeting him]

The truth is, I was rather fortunate we didn’t meet when I was still a round pig.

[I see. Then after you meet, please tell me how’s your though]

Bruno said a meaningful matter.

[… Is there something about Edward-sama? I heard that as a royalty he’s a firm person with self-awareness]

There’s also about the matter with Michelin which he didn’t meet her eyes, I’m feeling a little anxious so asked.

[Even for me, I haven’t heard any story about him, but what about the marquis Vaster family network?]

Gaspar inquired interested.

[Oh, grabbing things that we heard earlier, Gaspar place is also quite good] (TN: I don’t know if this right…)

Bruno gave a pleasant smile without answering the questions.

Somehow, I think I saw part of the future.

Really, the aristocratic network isn’t that great but, is Bruno place special?

[Well, since you become my friends I will tell you, it’s the information network of my Pantagruel margrave household and not from the Vaster family network]

It’s out. That family name.

Was it been already decided at this point?

[I’m sorry, I don’t have any information relationship, but what kind of relationship do you have with the Pantagu-tsu….gu, ryu,el margrave household, Bruno?]

I don’t intend to cheat with my future knowledge, and chewed ordinarily.

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What a difficult family name!

[ahahaha, it’s hard to say it the first time. The Pantagruel margrave house is my mother’s home. Before my arrival, my uncle who was the inheritor passed away before he could have a child, from there a lot of trouble arise because the absence of a successor. Because of that I manage to raise and was selected. I will be formally adopted when I become 12 years old]

So, that was the situation.

Or rather, the information involving the succession situation shouldn’t be disclosed….

It should be trustworthy. Probably…

[The promotion to marquis was purposely declined with the succession of <<Mansen, the thirsty man>>, it’s ominous] (TN: I don’t know what they are speaking)

[ What do you think <<Young Red Lion>>? My grandfather says, that the only one with the title of margrave stand out, after all. It’s just a different preference of the house]

Two people are exchanging conversation magnificently.

I wonder if my family doesn’t have any alias…

Well, even if there is one it’s probably a bad thing, it’s better if we don’t pursue it deeply.

[Oh yes, about Prince Edward, even if I use my family network it would be the same as normal. So, somehow I’m caught on the contrary. Well there also the possibility that is just really like it, I also want to think with the impression Marcel will have. Well then, my family is this way so I will separate here. See you later]

[There’s also the possibility that the information is made up. Oops, since I’m on the other side so, I’m leaving here farewell. By the way, just between us, do you like animals?]

At the time of separations, Gaspar asked me a strange thing.

[Oh, if anything a like them]

I used to dislike them, but after I remembered my previous life I begun to like them.

If there is a chance, I also want to stroke dogs and cats.

[I like them too, horses are beautiful and smart]

[Good, see you later]

I don’t know what is good but, Gaspar nodded in satisfaction and left for the gathering of his family.

After parting with Bruno and the other, I returned with Ion to where my parent are, Michelin too had just returned.

[Did you talk a lot with your friends?]

I asked Michelin who seems to be in a good mood.

[Yes, the exchange are also good, but it is still better talking directly as expected. I should have a friend—]

Michelin who was speaking until now suddenly went silent.

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[What’s the matter?]

[Oh, no… It’s nothing……]

My younger sister diverts her eyes with a sorrowful expression.

Ah… I get it.

[…Oh-, The person I was talking before is Gaspar which I become friend the other day. Afterward with Bruno of marquis Vaster family, with his childhood friend Nicholas of count Lavant family and Enrico of viscount Penz family became my friends]

[Eh, oh! Older brother has friends!]

There is no need to be so surprised at such a full force.

Apparently in previous time Michelin, hesitated to speak about friends in front of me who doesn’t have any friends.

Your elder brother is crying tears of gratitude for your careful consideration.

[Father, mother! Elder brother finally made friends!]

Michelin was reporting cheerfully.

Well, from this distance retorting would be dump as they would hear it.

It’s said that human being had the capacity at checking and recognising firmly facts by expressing words.

For Michelin, that I could make friend was an happy event, I will carve it firmly in my heart.

Isn’t it a wonderful thing?

[The son of marquis Lambert family and the marquis Vaster family. Well, both are from a famous family]

[I hope you will have a good relationship from now]

My parents were satisfied, it’s wonderful for Nicholas and Enrico too though.

Well, to treat a marquis family as inferior would likely turn complicated, to promote a friendship it must be recognise as a good family.

While I was thinking such a thing, the light from the magic tools gather on a specially arranged big door, different from the one we entered.

It should be still noon now, but outside the windows dimmed, along with the light of the chandeliers in the venue, attention gathered in the illuminated place spontaneously in front of the venue.

At the same time the orchestra begun playing a new music the door opened, and the royal family entered.

First, His Majesty the King and the Queen Royal Highness.

Followed by the second Queen and third Queen Royal Highness.

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At the last His Royal Highness the Prince and Princess.

Of course, his majesty the King, has a excellent behaviour that make us feel the dignity of the royal family up to Her Highness the fourth Princess.

The garment chosen aren’t outright luxurious, instead it gave a gorgeous and composed feeling.

His Majesty begun to celebrate the New Years with greetings, but in my eyes, there’s only one person— and that person is Prince Edward.

Platinum blonde hair with deep blue eyes.

While still 8 years old, there’s that feeling of possessing a high intellect.

For now, it could be say to be lovely, but surely in several years later it would take away many women eyes.

Suddenly, Prince Edward turned his gaze at me.

I also thought it was by chance, but he’s certainly watching over here.

If he could notice my gaze aimed at him at this dimly lit place, he probably has a sharp sense to perceive things.

The place where I am is the location for the Duke family so the whole avenue is in the front side, and it’s halfway from the prince family, to some degree there were some people between the Royal family.

That he can still notice in such a circumstance, indeed he is truly high-spec.

But have I done something?

I’m afraid that if we continue to stare at each other it would cause some misunderstanding, but it’s would be strange to divert now.

Well, I suppose I will borrow a friend technique in such a situation.

I calmly lowered my line of sight, and slowly kneeled on the spot, then raised my eyes.

While is necessary a relationship between people, for instance it’s also count to only appear in the location. (TN: this one is difficult to translate…)

Again, the Prince gaze at me.

Accepting my demonstration of affection, the prince gave a small smile. (TN: loyalty, isn’t it? Look like a confession though…)

From there I bowed further, then stood up and returned my gaze to His Majesty the King.

If you make a sidelong glance, Prince Edward looked at me for a short while, and found that I had already moved my eyes in another direction.

It seems like I could spontaneously avert my eyes in a natural way.

[…. Elder brother, did something happen during the greeting with His Majesty the King?]

Michelin who was watching my behaviour inquired in a low voice.

With this, if you asked me honestly that I met Prince Edward eyes, there is a possibility that Michelin would shouts.

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[No, it’s not a big deal. Please don’t worry about it]

I responded with a vague and small voice to deceive her.

[Now, please don’t act strangely in front of Edward-sama]

[I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m alright now]

While exchanging for such a matter His Majesty the King finished his greeting.

To be honest I haven’t heard that much, to celebrate New Year and dedicate gratitude to God, they should be the content of the exchange I should enjoy greatly today.

Well, with the greeting of the King, the party to celebrate the New Year has officially started.

The band also star playing cheerful songs.

It’s also where nobles quietly begin their fight called socialization.

The first to greet His Majesty and the Queen is the Head of the Grand Duke family.

Nearby an associate house asked for their turn, the houses from the same rank would casually infer who would go ahead.

If you think about it, greetings between duke families also occurs, while waiting for their turn, the sight that unfold is extremely tiresome.

Nobles also started to gather and greet Her Highness second Queen and third Queen, also the surrounding nobles started to gather at His Highness the Prince and Princess.

[Now then Elder brother, I’m going to Edward-sama]

And what appeared is the otome Michelin in love.

She took my hand, and started pulling toward the surrounding where Prince Edward is supposed to be.

I unconsciously looked at my Father, who otherwise didn’t care anything.

[Oh, go ahead. Marcel It’s a good chance to go and greet too]

He quickly gave his permission.

How can I charge to the prince so suddenly with a child alone even though she is the fiancée.

I don’t feel like rushing on the stage, but it’s impossible to stop Michelin here.

In that case, even if I suffer from this the situation would still progress.

Now I also have father permission, it’s best to watch and look out for Michelin before she starts acting recklessly.

[Michelin I understood, I will go with you, so please don’t pull my hand now]

I calmed down the excited Michelin to let release my hand, and along with her we head toward Prince Edward location.

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