VBR chapter 18

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Translated by lyran1

18. Older Brother, feed his younger sister???


As I approach the royal family location, a wall of nobles were waiting for greeting.

His Majesty the King and her Royal Highness the Queen, His Highness the Prince and the Princess were the focus of the greetings of the nobles, a fan shaped arc was formed from the crowd, it’s unclear who is on the front of the wall with the height of a child.

I wouldn’t go, but my younger sister stepped in without any hesitation toward a certain point.

This is the ability of a maiden in love.

Like that, arriving to a certain crowd and turning around on the sideways, there was certainty Prince Edward.

As one would expect of the sensing ability of a maiden in love.

Despite arriving however, even though still young the third prince Edward-sama is already quite popular, there’s a lot of noble waiting for greeting.

Since Ion isn’t here I don’t know the details, but if you look at the crest and clothing of the nobles in line they are both from a duke family.

Or rather, he was surrounded and crowded are we on the tail end?

If you look at them the other duke had either their sons or daughters or both with them, it was a composition of the father or both the parents.

When there is an adult nearby I will also understand the rules around it, I can’t understand well by myself.

I will decide in which line to go after I watched the reactions of the preceding guest, as expected I should have brought father too.


Ignoring that I’m pondering at the end of the crowd, Michelin approach the prince.

Ahh, this is a bad course of event.

In the original story, Michelin had an episode in which she interrupts Edward-sama conversation with everyone even if it’s another daughter from the same rank.

In this situation, in which other nobles are lining up for greeting, are equal in family status, but in facts some are overwhelming with their manner because they are accompanied by their father a duke.

Anyhow both I and Michelin are only a duke son and daughter.

In other word without our parents as a standpoint we don’t have any authority.

In such a situation, her reputation would turn bad if she insists on interrupting others nobles greeting just by having as a weapon her status of fiancée.

Or rather, because she’s the fiancée that it would turn bad.

When I catch up with Michelin, I slightly change the course by forcibly holding a shoulder from the back.

[Elder brother!? What are doing so suddenly? Please let me go!]

Ahh, as expected still in the excited condition Michelin couldn’t hide her voice of protest.

Although Prince Edward reaction cannot be seen from the shadow of the nobles who are greeting, her voice should have reached a considerable distance.

When I cast a side glance at the nobles who are lining up, they are gazing at this clearly.

For the time being we will return on the back side of the crowd and wait, after I took a considerable distance I finally untie the restriction on Michelin.

I say, because it would be difficult to suddenly start running our hands are still connected.

[Elder brother! What in the world are you—MugU?]

In the mouth of Michelin who has begun to protest loudly again, I throw a small cake that was in the nearby table.


Michelin who see this glared at me with tremendous anger thought she still mumble her mouth.

But however, it became quiet because it’s not a good manner speaking while chewing since it been acquired on the level to restrain the impulse of emotion.

[Good Michelin, you certainly have the positions to be Prince Edward His Highness fiancée]

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[That’s right! That’s why—Migu!?]

The next bullet has already been charged.

I put another cake in the mouth of Michelin who tried to protest again.

[Hmmm! ~~~~~~~!!]

Michelin ate the cake frustratingly.

What is this? She’s like a hamster I saw in my previous life, it made me unintentionally smile. At this moment, it made my heath warm.

[First, please promise me to listen at what I’m going to tell you without raising a loud voice. Or else, I will fill you with cakes until you became round]

When I approach with a third cake in hand, Michelin swallow the cake in her mouth and remained silent.

[I’m happy that you accepted your promise]

Though I’m smiling, I put the cake in my mouth.

A soft texture and sweetness spreads in my mouth.

The taste make you think that it’s something that it would be taken out only to celebrate the New Year party.

[Since you have calmed down I think you understand now, let’s hear it. Assume that you are in the position of Prince Edward, how would you feel if your fiancée appears by pushing those who are waiting in proper order?]

Objectively, it’s tell the fact.

[That is……]

Michelin who regained her calm looked down and remained silent, and soon begun to talk nervously.

[I think it would be disgraceful…]

I’m surely relieved and smiled.

[If you could notice it yourself, I won’t say anything anymore. Let’s line up neatly and greet Edward-sama]

With that I draw Michelin hand, but my younger sister didn’t move.

Looking at her, Michelin was shedding large drops of tears.

I don’t have any intention on doing the wrong thing.

Considering the future of Michelin and Prince Edward, this should be a good thing.

But still, my cowardice that made my younger sister cry was sorrowful.

I took Michelin behind the shadow of a tall table to make her less conspicuous.

I drank an orange juice from a different table in one go. Although I felt bitter about it I don’t have time to complain.

I wrap the ice that was in the glass in a handkerchief and give it to Michelin, I quietly paid attention on her eyes to let it cool down. (TN: did I translate it right?)

It’s unclear how much the swelling extends on the eyelids, but I want to think I can calm down my mind.

[I’m anxious……]

Her tone is different from the usual.

[…… I’m happy because I’m his fiancée, but what about Edward-sama?]

She squeezes a voice.

[But I don’t know what should I do. I don’t want anyone else to come closer to Edward-sama. Even if such a thing is done, even if I found out he doesn’t like me……]

[……You shouldn’t press too hard, or else your eyes would turn red]

I give such an advice as to escape.

It’s frustrating, no doubt that this poor comport of mine might only give a reverse effect.


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I feel like stepping on a landmine.

If that’s the case, then let’s be prepare.


I put Michelin hands that holding her eyes aside.

Tears seems to have already stopped, but her scarlet eyes are still moist and shaking.

[Lets me tell you a good thing. Men tend to be weak against women tears. Also, when a usually stubborn and arrogant girl feel sad, one become concerned about her]

I said in which I put my best into with a satisfied face.

[……An outrageous overstatement]

Presently, Michelin was laughing at what I said.

[Well then let’s go. If it’s natural for you, then you’re alright now. Although there’s no basis on it]

[You only convey good advice at such a time, Elder brother]

After that me and Michelin head toward Prince Edward again.

When we returned at the waiting line of Prince Edward, the line-up has changed.

From the atmosphere, I think it’s the turn of the marquis family.

We are placed behind the newly formed line of marquis family, they seem to understand our status too, the adult who are already lined up were exchanging gaze at each other, a marquis his excellency with a moustache who was originally on the next turn, gave his place to us.

Well I assume we will take advantage of his good will.

After a while of waiting, the nobleman and his daughter left after talking with Prince Edward.

Well now, at last it’s finally over.

As we stepped forward Prince Edward at first showed a smile to everyone, he then looked at me with a puzzled expression.

……As expected, can’t he see Michelin?

This fellow has some nerve.

I seemed to have remembered anger from the attitude of the Prince.

The inside of my body is hot.

[It may be the first time I’m honoured to receive your will. I am Marcel Alderton the son of Rodriguez Alderton and Micheline Alderton elder brother]

I kneeled just like during the greeting of His Majesty the King and bowed.

[Likewise, I’m glade to meet you too, esteemed elder brother Marcel. Because today is the place to celebrate the New Year party, there is no need to be stiff in here]

Although it’s an honorific title given at the person, without any reluctance he called me elder brother.

No, in fact it doesn’t have any meaning other than an honorific name, I guess it should be that.

Amusing, I can’t find a definite idea.

Such a thing is unusual.

The inside of my body is still hot, and unsteady.

This is the first time in this world, I think I sense it like the several times in my previous existence.

What would it be?

[Edward-sama, I’m happy you are in a good mood] (TN: do you think it’s right? ご機嫌麗しゅう存じます)

[hello Miss Michelin, I’m happy to meet you.]

As he says so Prince Edward smiled gently.

Just by watching it, he looks like the perfect prince from the original game itself.

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But, well I guess it doesn’t seem like that?

Sometime ago Michelin would raise her voice.

Now the Michelin in front of you would have been crying.

I wouldn’t say I didn’t notice.

[Prince Edward, where do you think is a human most attractive place?]

At the sudden question, the Prince smile remained, though a sign of vigilance emits.

[First of all I would like to hear what is elder brother opinion, to openly ask something like that, will you have an answer?]

[That is so, I understand. If that’s the case I will express my answer]

From the other side to put aside the rank to ask.

I don’t mind.

[That is to change. To be able to reflect at oneself and to change one way of thinking. That is it, what make a human to be a human being!]

[I see, certainty elder brother is right. That’s important to change]

The Prince show it with a nod.

[I’m glad you can understand. But, I think that’s not enough. As changing itself is just half]

[……and, to say?]

The prince seems to give an interested face. I smiled with a grin.

[Changes are admitted, but also accepted. Without it, then it wouldn’t worth changing! To reflect and change oneself, and to admit and accept others change. Only when the two are aligned, then it can be said to be the state that a person should be. With only one of both, then it’s just half of a person!]


The Prince composed expression disappear.

I’m glad that he seems to understood the true meaning firmly.

Isn’t it so, younger brother in law?

[…That’s right… To change and to accept others change, is an important thing]

This calm even though he’d been called a half person a while ago, as expected it seems like he isn’t different from the rumours.

[However, is changing easy to be done? No matter how many time one try to change it’s only the exterior that is going to change! Even if it’s different, many people would still return at where they had started. What in the world can we be certain that we can change?]

The Prince objection was fluent like water.

[Certainty, it’s as his Highness say. A person may change into a good person or a bad one. If that is the case, no, precisely because of it, that is need a good guidance from other, sometimes just watching can’t measure what is the situation. At least, I’m not going to neglect that effort!]


I know that Michelin is not the Michelin that Prince Edward met the last time.

Because she’s an excellent person (TN: 優れた人物なのだから)

For this reason, what I wanted to convey have been conveyed.

Now show me your ability.

[Elder Brother, please stop now]

Michelin broke between me and the Prince.

[I’m happy for elder brother consideration for me. But I can’t do it. If I think about of what I have been doing in front of Edward-sama so far, you can’t believe it!]


[Miss Michelin……]

Prince Edward was stunned.

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[My elder brother changed, so I was able to change too. So, this is something I wish to request you]

Harbouring strong intention in her eyes, my younger sister looked at the Prince.

Good luck, go for it.

[……Edward-sama, until now I can only think about myself, the thing that made me hurt my heart, I deeply apologize]

[Miss Michelin, you are……]

[It may still take some time, nevertheless, I will certainty become a worthy lady for Edward-sama. So—]

Michelin scarlet eyes, looked at Prince Edward face.

Even though it’s from behind, I could recognize it clearly.







<< ———— >>

Somehow     there’s   an unpleasant sign.

[            <<Please look at my eyes>>          ]


The word, it should be an innocent wish.

What supposed to be a young girl childish pleading.

In fact, the wish itself is sacred.

But what with this heavy atmosphere?

I felt as if I was wrapped in the mud that make it’s hard to breathe, but it seems I’m the only one who notice it.

Prince Edward, was looking at Michelin with an exquisite smile.

Probably, firmly matching one line of sight.

Michelin is affected by the Prince change, and tightly embrace each other.

Ahh, wonderful a wonderful ending.

However, it’s strange.

I wonder if people really could change so easily.

As for this, it isn’t normal.

As if— <<      >>

Thinking that far, my consciousness turned dark.

[Oh, I remember this sensation]

[Yeah, I thought what I was drinking is a juice, but it contained alcohol]

[So, this uncomfortable feeling was cause by it]

[When I got up I would be thinking with a headache]

[Without worrying trivially, I will present a congratulatory word to Michelin]

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