VBR chapter 19

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Translated by lyran1

19.Older Brother, surprised


[—ther! Elder Brother! Are you alright!?]

Michelin voices echoed in my head.

Please stop it, my head hurts.

I tightly closed my eyes, thanks to that my head hurt more.

[……my head hurts]

I try to spill out my condition by expression.

[Marcel-sama, please drink this]

I heard Ion voice.

Something cold was handed gently in my hands.

Probably it’s the hand of Ion, since the back of my hand was wrapped, just like that he moves my hand to my mouth.


Cold water hit my lips.

I slowly drank it.

The thing that weight on my head heavily until now disappear, I felt more comfortable.

[I—-, What happened?]

I realise that my memories are muddled.

Let me see, I went to greet Prince Edward with Michelin, the Prince appears to be indifferent to Michelin and in the middle of it started to heat up……

It’s useless, I can’t remember.

I have no idea what kind of phenomenon occurred on me until the end.

The headache was caused by drinking alcohol.

The orange juice I drank in order to take the ice to cool Michelin eyes who was crying.

It’s probably an alcoholic beverage I guess.

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I didn’t care at that time though, I remember there was bitterness.

I made a blunter.

Nevertheless, the water I drank a short while ago.

In the previous life hangover experience, I think the symptom didn’t alleviate so much just by drinking water.

I wonder if the water had something like a medicine for hangovers.

For now, it turned out that the alcohol of this world also has the property of causing headache.

[Good, look like you woke up Marcel]

[I heard you drank liquor and fell down, you frightened me out of my wits] (TN: the second part talk about liver collapsing I think it has the same meaning:   肝が潰れるかと思いましたわ)

It seems like Father and Mother are here too, as I heard their relieved voices.


When I finally opened my eyes, I grasped that I was in a strange room, I wasn’t in that wide great hall.

I seem to be lying down in a bed with canopy.

On the right side, there is Michelin and behind her is my parents.

On the left side, there is Ion who was holding a glass bottles that seemed expensive.

Strange adult is on the front, I wonder if he is a doctor a pharmacist from the royal palace.

[In the guest room of the royal palace. Elder brother, suddenly fell down…… I was really worried]

Michelin scarlet eyes moisten as she said so.

Suddenly, I gazed at her eyes.

[……It’s normal]

I don’t even know why I’m holding such an impression, to speak of.

[What is it?]

Michelin looks perplexed.

That’s right.

My younger sister is the same as usual.

[No, it’s nothing. I’m sorry I made you worry. Did you remain here for long?]

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When I looked at the window from the bed, the sky over the glass is turning from blue to orange.

I seem to have slept for several hours.

Because I’m a child I have that, it seemed to have slightly too effective.

Perhaps I have weak predisposition against alcohol.

In the previous life I was a person who liked to some degree alcohol, if that so it would be somewhat lonely.

If you think that,

[Yes, with Edward-sama too]

While bashful, Michelin looked next to her as she said so.

Edward-sama was there and was holding hand with Michelin.

Well, I don’t mind it.

It’s just like she wished for, maybe it’s the older brother in me or a paternal feeling but I feel a little lonely.

[Brother Marcel, I was surprised when you suddenly collapsed, but you woke up safely without any problem]

……Why that the word before I collapse, the “Elder brother” (formal) changed to “brother” (TN: well- 音としては倒れる前までと同じく「けい」だけど「貴兄」から「兄」に変わったのが直感で解った)

It’s just like I hoped. Because I’m aiming to the king elder brother Raihearth-sama. It’s as truly hoped. Ha ha ha ha……

[As for this, it was my fault in the first place to have given you worry Prince Edward. This Marcel, need a serious reflection]

I bowed my head deeply.

Although I’m looking down, it’s been transmitted that Prince Edward hardened a little.

Fuh, to contend myself please accept this little harassment, my future brother-in-law.

[Marcel Alderton-sama. I’m Dill Veyne serving as the manager of today event. Because of my management failure I have caused Marcel-sama serious trouble, I don’t have any means to apologize for it]

The person I’m unfamiliar with, was the event Head waiter.

He deeply bowed his head down.

Well, because the food and drink served in the opening party was the cause, his responsibility will be questioned.

Looking back at that time when I took that glass, I made that move to hide the crying Michelin from the public eyes, I might have snatch it from the blind spot of the staff table.

[……What should I say, I’m truly sorry that you will be charged of responsibility because of this incident. However, the fact that I took the drink without a prior notice to the waiter because of my selfish circumstances, I could do nothing to have a testimony at the appropriate time and place. I want you to raise your head. It is this one who should apologize]

When I lowered my head, the Head waiter was surprised as well the people around him.

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[……I’m honoured to receive your kind word, how should I thank you?] (TN: 有り難きお言葉を賜りましたこと、何とお礼を申したらよいか)

The Head waiter who raised his face then bowed deeply again.

I honestly accept your forgiveness.  (TN: 正直勘弁していただきたい)

This person, I wonder if he has been dismissed.

My hearth ache since I was the cause of the problem……

[As you can see, there isn’t any problem with my physical condition. There is no need for you to be questioned since we can settle it. I’d like to act—-] (TN: なので是非とも貴方を不問に処して頂けられるよう取り計らって頂くため、行動したいと思うのだが――)

[Just to receive the feeling is enough]

To resign so quickly.

Please don’t take it too hard just for one failure!

[—Your Highness Prince Edward]

There is a slight resistance, but I will rely on Prince Edward.

[Brother Marcel, I would be happier if you call me a bit more informal……but what is it?]

[Excuse me for disrespecting you but I would like to make a request, I would like his highness to give an acceptable advice to settle this matter]

I wouldn’t say it to anyone.

It’s just that I wouldn’t ask such a matter directly, as a retainer son there should be some discretion.

I’m aware however that just by not saying it directly it’s enough to be unreasonable.

Both my Father and Mother were surprised.

[—-Brother Marcel, I’m really sorry but, I’m unable to do that]

……Well, I guess so.

Without the King to intervene for the Head waiter it would take a long time.

To give an advice at such a matter, even for a kind prince it would be difficult.

If that is the case, there is a better second solution.

[Father, in this situation I wonder if you could employ Mr. Veyne at our house? I’m responsible of all this matter. If it is unavoidable to take responsibility in this situation, as the cause of the problem I should also fulfil my responsibility]

I said and looked straight at my Father.

[……As a Father, I’d like to grant you and Michelin what you wish for]

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My Father smiled.

I tried to ask them first because except those from the royal nobility they wouldn’t think about the person, but it’s serious!

[Well then, I will also ask the waiter in charge of that table. At this rate, he will also be chased away from the royal castle —-]

And, Father interrupt me who pause and speaks.

[Marcel, the there is still a continuation on what a said before]

As expected!

I guess it is, however it’s only limited on nobles! I think.

[I will grant all of yours and Michelin wish. However—- As long as it doesn’t go against his Majesty will, and adhere with a condition. Before I’m your Father I’m also Duke Alderton—Therefore I serve the kingdom as it minister]

Father declare solemnly.

I’m really happy that he cared for me and Michelin so much, I’m also happy to have seen a place in the hearth of the Duke.

I mean, I’m sorry for doubting you Father……

Although it’s an impressive development, it means His Majesty the King forbade the reemployment of the Head Chief and the waiter in charge directly.

I’m a duke son but, just because a child had drunk alcohol without permission had turned to such an extent into a serious problem……

[Indeed, don’t just say to aim at the King elder brother Raihearth] (なるほど、王兄ライヒアルト公を目指すというだけのことはあるな)

A calm voice was heard.

It was a massive and serene voice that make people who hear it feel relieved.

When on earth did he come here?

No, he was here from the beginning.

But, because of the soft atmosphere was so natural I didn’t notice.

I tried to get off the bed hurriedly, but the soft voice with a gentle pressure stopped me.

[—–Just staying down is fine. Because I’m not a ruthless King enough to make a convalescent child to kneel]

Although the clothes are simpler than the time he was greeting at the great hall during the party, a majestic presence still emit from his body.

Far from being ruthless, his gentle look overflow with kindness.

[Let’s take it easy, future Raihearth]

His Majesty the King laughed with a look similar to that of a child who succeed in his mischief.

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