Older Brother, meet the Princess

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The King of Arfetz Kingdom, His Majesty Cornelius Arfetz. (TN: or it better Arufetozo?: アルフェトーゾ)

He is approximately at the same age and generation of Father. Even a child could deduct that he is a great man with a high stature. (こちらが子どもであることを差し引いても見上げるような長身の偉丈夫だ)

Right now his expression is gentle, yet he still feel somewhat dignified. When this person glare seriously, there would be only a few people who wouldn’t avert their eyes.

[Well, the request you made at Edward a short while ago, it’s a special chance. I permit you to ask consequently I will give you a direct answer]

His Majesty smiled.

[I’m elated and grateful] (TN: 有り難き幸せに存じます)

I lowered my head and think.

How should I request?

Although it’s something a child did without permission—No, because it’s the child behaviour, that the surrounding adults need to watch carefully. If they neglect their obligation the Royal Palace side consequently has the right to punish them. (TN: それを結果的に怠った事に対する処罰については王城側の義務であり権利だ)

Although it’s a victim, on the other hand there isn’t any privilege to interfere originally.

So far it’s a reasonable discussion.

Logically, I who is the victim would have regretfully remained ignorant of the situation, the Royal Palace side as well since the negligence wasn’t clear, and its common sense that it wouldn’t think of it as important.

I that regard, I got an opportunity to make a request directly.

[Your Majesty, I’m really sorry for causing unnecessary trouble at the opening party this time. Everything was caused by my selfish acts. I’d like to request that those who are involved in this matter to be dealt with generosity, starting with Mr. Veyne]


After hearing my request His Majesty caress his chin.

[For the waiter who are in charge in handling the alcohol on the table, they have the responsibility on serving the right person. And, it’s the duty of Veyne who is the Head waiter to supervises them. Since they couldn’t fulfil their duty, can we say that it’s the right judgment to treat it unquestioned? What do you think about this?]

……It’s human nature to readily bring up their strategy when they reached a deadlock.

What will you do.

Will you allow a retainer who failed in his duty to be persuaded?  (TN: 何か失敗した家臣を許す故事でもひいて説得をするか。)

No, seeing His Majesty expression, he seems to have the intention to forgive.

Then why did he specially say such a thing?

To the extent of calling me the future King Elder Brother, from the legend of Raihearth-sama, I wonder if the current situation match or close to the anecdote.

What is the purpose?

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There is something I want to hear—

[…… Your Majesty, please forgive me]

[How?] (TN: ほう?)

[I honestly say, that I can’t bear that someone will be sacrificed because of my own fault. This is my selfishness. To forgive, please forgive those who are involved]

I stopped my meandering though, and decide to toss the matter frankly.

Really, the opponent is the King.

In that case, unskilfully playing cheap trick would be useless. It’s my fault, so let’s expose the weakness.

[Huh, hahaha hahhaha!]

His Majesty laughed satisfactorily.

[Well, if it is for myself then it cannot be helped. I already said, because this one is not a ruthless King to a child. Duke Alderton eldest child Marcel, to relieve your hearth, the Head waiter and those who are involved won’t be questioned]

[I’m thankful for His Majesty generous discretion]

And again, I lowered my head deeply.

[Veyne as you have heard. Make sure to think of a measure so that incident like this wouldn’t happened again, hereafter strive to continue your duties]

[Y, yes!]  (TN: ははあっ!)

Mr. Veyne kneeled on the spot, and like me he lowered his head deeply.

Somewhat relieved.

[Well then, we can say that the rest can return now. Duke Alderton and Duchess, I’d like to talk with you at the office]

His Majesty called Father and Mother. Probably to discuss about today matter, or about Michelin and Prince Edward.

[Alright children wait here for a while. Edward, I leave you the hospitality]

[Your Majesty, marquis Lambert Family and marquis Vaster Family, inquired about the condition of Marcel-dono how should I answer?]

An attendant, who seems to be very important asked His Majesty.

It seems to be Gaspar and Bruno.

Come to think of it, they did told me to meet later.

I made the two of them to worry.

[Why the two family?]

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[Because I’m close with Gaspar of marquis Lambert Family and Bruno of marquis Vaster Family, I think they are worried]

His Majesty nodded convinced after hearing me.

[If that is the case, you should invite both of them inside too. Send an envoy here]

His Majesty issued an instruction at the attendant, and went out of the room along with Father and Mother.

[Brother Marcel, it seems like His Majesty been pleased by you. It’s unusual for him to laugh like that]

After telling something to the Chamberlain Prince Edward who was appointed with the hospitality returned me and said so.

[Elder brother, to talk with His Majesty directly, and to please him it’s amazing!]

Michelin look at me with respect.

[I was happy and grateful but, I was nervious~]

Again, I lie and stretch myself on the bed.

[Ne elder brother, what happened when you drunk alcohol?]

On that subject, Michelin asked me with great interest.

In my previous life memory, if you take the right amount you will feel exalted and happy, but with my child body my consciousness fly out and had a strong headache.

I don’t think there is such a thing, but it’s a matter of course that Michelin wouldn’t try it.

[I lost some of my memories and had a severe headache that is painful. It was said that Raihearth-sama was a heavy drinker, as expected I can’t imitate it though]

I exaggerate by holding my head.

[Do you still have a headache!? Ion! Please give me the water from before!]

[No, I’m fine. I just remembered and held my head down. Even so Ion, did the water a short while ago contain some medicine? I felt instantly at ease]

[This is a recovery medicine prepared by the castle. Everything been adjusted to have effect on hangover]

Ion who is holding the glass bottle explained.

The fact that such a thing has been developed, the people of this world also like drinking alcohol quite a lot.

[There is quite a lot of people who fall sick because of drinking too much at the party, so the guess rooms are always prepared at this times]

Prince Edward join in and add an explanation.

No matter how much informal the party, it seems like the adults are excessively drinking and end up resting in the guest rooms of the royal palace……

I imagined the state of the nobles in their rooms agonizing from the headache caused by drinking too much alcohol.

While I was thinking of such a thing, someone knocked at the door of this room.

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Could it be Bruno and Gaspar? Although a message was sent to invite them here it’s surprisingly fast.

[Her Highness Princess Patricia is asking to meet His Highness Prince Edward]

It was someone else.

Well her highness Princess Patricia is the third princess, the elder sister of Prince Edward from the same mother, in the original game she is Gaspar fiancée and should appear as the rival of the protagonist.

[My elder sister? I wonder what’s wrong]

Prince Edward had a puzzled expression.

Certainly, it’s strange that she came intentionally to the guest room where the son of a duke was resting.

[Edward-sama Elder Sister!?]

In contrast to Prince Edward, Michelin was happy and surprised.

[Michelin did you meet her the last time you came to the palace?]

[No, today is my first time meeting her!]

My younger sister was somehow fired up.

Oops, in the original game the relationships between Michelin and Princess Patricia was quite bad.

For Princess Patricia, Michelin is not a suitable fiancèe for her brother because of her behaviour, consequently schemed against Michelin.

Fortunately Michelin was getting more amicable, since this is their first time meeting it should be fine.

Oh, I see. She may have come to meet her younger brother fiancée.

[Michelin, the first meeting is important. So, make sure not to be impolite]

[Again, it’s alright! Oh, I need to groom myself a little at the mirror]

In a hurry Michelin went to the mirror in the guest room along with a maid.

[It would be too rude if I stay in the bed. Well, Ion, please bring me my clothes]

It seems like they change my clothes when I was laid on the bed, it was a comfortable clothes like a pajamas.

In the course of event His Majesty was already here when I woke up it couldn’t be helped that I couldn’t change my clothes, but I can’t welcome her highness the Princess like this.

[……I will wait at the moment so you can get ready]

Looking at the hectic situation of the siblings, Prince Edward state his intention.

Thank you very much future brother-in-law.

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I somehow manage to finish dressing and looked at Michelin, my younger sister was practising her smiling face at the mirror with a pleasant smile, trying to lower the corner of the eyes.

……Seems like she is worried about her tsurime like eyes. (TN: 釣り目がち literally fishing eyes)

[Are you ready Michelin?]

[Yes, I shouldn’t make them wait too much]

Michelin who is still touching her eyes was reluctance at leaving it, and returned back in front of the mirror.

In the meantime, green tea and snacks was placed on the table by the maids who received instruction from Prince Edward.

The preparation seems to be also complete over there.

[Please Invite her to enter]

Following Prince Edward words, the chamberlain told the other side of the door that we are ready, and opened the door on the side.

Like that, Princess Patricia entered the guest room with her maids.

With bluish silvery hair and a calm green eyes.

Her age is 9 years old a year older than the prince. It’s also the same age with Gaspar. Although still young, she already gave a dignified feeling.

In the original game, I collide against Gaspar and lost considerably and couldn’t do anything. (TN:俺様なガスパールに対し負けずにぶつかり合うような激しい面を持っていたのでさもありなん)

[I’m pleased you invited me despised the sudden visit]

Princess Patricia smiled.

Although it’s just a smile, she gave a similar dignified feeling as His Majesty.

[Elder sister, what are your intention? This guest room is where Duke Alderton son was recovered to rest since he had fallen sick]

Prince Edward remonstrates Princess Patricia indirectly.

Well, I’m actually fine now they just told me to remain at the guest room and rest, even so although she is a Princess to visit suddenly is a bad manner.

[I apologize for my rudeness. Because we couldn’t meet at the party, I wanted to meet you by all means. My younger brother fiancée— Elder brother]

[Oh dear!]

[I am honoured]

Although Michelin was happy, I broke into a cold sweat in my hearth as I was evaluated by her gazed.

Somehow, I have a bad feeling……


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