Translated by Lyran1

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32. Elder Brother, return home

[This is the past about you and magic]

When I realized it, I was in the darkness next to the black-haired girl

[……Let’s sort things out] (TN: 状況を整理しよう)

Suddenly there’s so much information that’s I’m so confused.

In these cases, I must calm down first, there is a possible to make a terrible mistake.

[First, I had my memory sealed partially. The reason is to not inform me about magic. The reason they didn’t inform me was because the more knowledgeable about magic the sooner I would realize that the source of it was in the Upper ancient language, because the increase of the magic power would stop there]

[That’s right. In addition, those in the director position, could detect signs of hatching] (TN: 補足説明をすると、監督者の立場にある者は、孵化の兆候を察知することができる)

Said the black-haired girl.

I was thinking in my head, but it seems to have been told aloud. Well, since it’s a spiritual world I don’t think there is really a difference. (TN: まあここ自体が精神世界的なものなので大した区別はないのだろう。)

[………Though it’s hard to understand because of the terminology, the director is grandpa Wolf who can recognize the hatching about magic, and it look like it fits] (TN: いまいち専門用語のせいでわかりにくいけど、監督者っていうのはヴォル爺で孵化っていうのは魔術について認識すること、で合っていそうだな)

The girl nodded at my understanding.

Somehow, I feel like since I’ve come here there are more variations of facial expressions and behavior.

[I know about Blanche. As a director, I’d like to avoid my maximum magic power to stop increasing. But the sealing of memory three years ago was–]

[Mainly the sealing of the memory of Michelin Alderton, then]

Then it is…… (TN: ついでって……。)

Well, if there is a way to manipulate memory, I don’t think it’s a good Idea to let keep the memory of a child that hurt a large number of people purposely. (TN: I don’t think I translated it right a help would be good, まあ、記憶を操作する術があるのなら、子供に不可抗力で大人数を傷つけた記憶をわざわざ抱えさせ続けたりはしないか。)

[There that too]

The girl chimed in.

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………This time I’m just thinking about it completely, it’s just like being seen straight in my heart it’s uncomfortable.

[Whether you speak, think or write, there are words. That is to assume other people. I use the words to get someone to know. In that case, it is better to talk with people] (TN: this is so complicated… 発話しようと思考しようと記述しようと、そこには言葉がある。それは他者を想定しての事。自分ではない誰かに知ってもらいたいが為に言葉を使う。それならば、対話をした方が言葉も浮かばれるというものだよ)

The girl remaining expressionless, said with little pride. (TN: 少女は無表情のまま、少し胸を張って言った。)

I think there are times when I want to think quietly alone, but in this situation, it seems it’s not possible.

If that is the case, I’m prepared for it.

[Father, grandpa Wolf and His Majesty the King, what are you planning?]

It was in the reconstructed memories the exchange cannot be ignored.

—- What you need

—- Upbringing/Training (TN: 育成)

—- Plan

—- Adjustment

The conversation between His Majesty and grandpa Wolf was fragmented, it suggests the possibility that I and Michelin were deliberately raised to be arrogant and disrespectful to other.

I understand why they did not want me to be aware of how magic works.

However, for that reason I might have made myself like the Marcel and Michelin in the original story, a huge amount of magic power will make you cry. (TN: だが、その為に原作のマルセルやミシュリーヌのような性格にしてしまったのでは、せっかくの膨大な魔力量が泣くというものだ。)

It isn’t that people don’t understand it. (TN: それくらいの事が分からない人たちではない。)

The aim should be different.

[Now, let’s have a talk]

I speak to the girl who claim to be part of the magic system. (TN: 魔術の仕組みの一部を自称する少女に、俺は語りかける。)


The girl answer with silent.

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It’s a big difference whether you say it or not, but the direction of the situation can be narrowed to a certain extend. (TN: 言えないのか言わないのかは大きく違うが、それでもある程度の方向性は絞れる。)

After all, the reason I suddenly became friendly was because I wanted to let it go without making me think too much.

Suddenly, my field of vision brightened.

I haven’t tried to remove the cover-up of my memory yet, but I don’t know when it’s going to come out again–. (TN: 別に記憶の隠蔽解除を新たに行ってはいないのだが、今度映し出されるのはいったいいつの――。)

[Oh, brother–! Isn’t it an overkill!?]

[Marcel! Gaspar! It’s dangerous!]

Michelin and Bruno are shouting.

It was just before—no, it was exactly the present. (TN: それは、ついさっきの――否、恐らくはまさに現在の光景だ。)

Beyond the two watching, Gaspar and I are swinging our bamboo swords with tremendous force.

[What’s with that, this is……]

The sword speed was not normal. (TN: その剣速は尋常なものではなかった。)

No matter how safe it is made, if it hits with that speed, you won’t be able to escape a bone fracture in some places. Internal damage and even the risk of life would be expected.

It’s funny.

It isn’t a sword fight that children around 10 years old would be able to do.

[Your strength, is due to the magic used by Michelin Alderton]

—<<Don’t lose >>

The spell, filled with Michelin’s feelings, strengthened me.

It gave me the power to overcome my self, not tobe tyrannical, but to be able to break through the hurdles in front of me.

[I know that. But—]

[<< Those who stand against evil>>] (TN: 魔に立ち向かう者)

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The strength of Gaspar is what I said, I felt fear while I was conscious to hear that word. (TN: ガスパールの強さは一体、と言いかけた俺は、その言葉を聞いて意識だけの身ながら怖気を感じた。)

[ The blessing/protection he got from the challenge to you who was under a spell 3 years ago. In response to that power, those who possess magical power, increase their own fighting ability]

Yes, no matter how silent you may be, the truth will come out. (TN: そう、如何に沈黙を守ろうと、真実は露見するものだ。)

The power of – evil. (TN: 魔の力――か。)

The result of the interaction between the magic applied to me and the blessing of Gaspar, is this terrifying sword storm.

Every swing has the power to kill with a single blow without a doubt. (TN: すでにお互いの一振り一振りが、当たれば嘘偽り無しの一撃必殺の威力になっている。)

However, everything comes to its limits.

[Oh! Gaspar!]

I shouted knowing I couldn’t reach him.

Gaspar slowed down.

To be precise, the strengthening of Gaspar has stopped and my strengthening completely exceeding it.

Although still enduring now, it is clear that Gaspar is in disadvantage.

At this rate—-

[There is a way to help him]

The girl voice, that seems to see everything. (TN: 何もかも見透かしたような、少女の声。)

[You can’t lose now. It isn’t just about myself, it’s also about Michelin Alderton technique. (TN: それは自分自身にも、術者であるミシュリーヌ・アルダートンにすらも)

[What do you mean?]

[You are, able to release the enhancements that are on you]

The response is immediate, like the example of the word that hits and reverberate.  (TN: 打てば響くという言葉のお手本のように、即座に返答が来る。)

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That means (TN: と、いうことは、だ。)

[In that case, what about my memories?]

[The spell that rests upon you will be restarted and sealed again]

I thought that was it.

I made a quick decision and decided to cancel the enhancement.

[It’s a good idea……] (TN: もの分かりがいいのね……)

Something about the girl’s words confused me.

[You can’t Gaspar. In any case, Michelin doesn’t seem to know that she used magic. The memory of this incident will also be sealed]


It’s all over again.

I don’t like how things are moving, to be honest, I’m afraid to forget the existence of the schemes that involves my father, Grandpa Wolf and his Majesty.

However, I can’t do anything under the current circumstances.

[—-I’m powerless now.  I’ll be swept away. But I don’t think it would be forever.  I’ll protect Michelin]

I stared at the girl, as I solidify a technique/means to remove the enchantment art that applied to myself.

[<<This body stand by it’s own legs >> (TN: この身はただ、己の脚によりて立つ)

The dim world is collapsing.

[……………Of the world]


From the girl’s mouth, words with strong emotions fell for the first time.

[For the sake of the World–]

At the end of that grief and determined voice, I was wrapped in the light.

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