Translated by Lyran1

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33. Elder Brother, swear

Screaming at each other like beast, Gaspar and I fought with all our strength by firing hits.

I can’t stand it because I regained consciousness in such a situation.


Braking with full force, resisting the destructive force that it created until the last minute.


Eyes meeting Gaspar screaming.

It was not an inspirational cry to attack, but a scream of impatience to stop him.

Ah, he recovered his sense.

Somehow, since I removed the magic art Gaspar had lost his blessing, I felt like he had broken it up with his own will.

Well, I still remember the magic!

My bamboo sword hit the shoulder while Gaspar bamboo sword hit my torso, but the impact from the hits were just appropriate from our age.

Yeah, that’s good.

[……Marcel, I—]

[Gaspar! I have a request!]

Gaspar dazed returned to his sense when I called for him. (TN: 我に返ったガスパールはどこか呆然としたように俺に声をかける。)

Not understanding what situation is happening to himself.

I’m sorry, but there us no time to follow-up.

Fast, I need to leave some kind of warning message.

But what to say.

Not something bad that might cause to stop of the magical growth of Gaspar. In fact, if I think about it having remembered at a very early time it’s my magical power that will be reduced. This is a disadvantage in protecting Michelin.

But it’s also dangerous to forget the information that there is a conspiracy……

I’m worried about it without having a concrete plan of action.

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If I don’t do it soon, XX will rebuild my memories one after another—- (TN: 早くしないと××が再構築されて俺の記憶が次々に――)

What happening to my memory?

A feeling of being wrapped in a mist.

No, I seemed to return to my normal life as before.

In this mist, the usual days may be waiting.

—- But I wonder if that’s alright.

Something very important, yes Michelin!

Something about the sister I pledged to protect.

That’s, lose, reasoning— (TN: それを、失う、訳には――)

[Both of you, have a wonderful skill. This won’t be inferior to that of 3 or 4 years older. <<That much>> It was a wonderful lesson]

[Eh, really. That’s enough, I sweated so I think it would be better to go back to the mansion and take a bath today. Eh, then have a lunch afther that, it may be nice to the take << a nap>>]

[That’s right, I’m sure you’ll have a <<pleasant dream>>]

Suddenly, I heard an unpleased voice.

Roy and Emi.

Hey, that fierce battle wouldn’t be different to 3 or 4 years older. (TN: おいおい、あの猛烈な攻防が3・4歳上ということはないだろう。)

It should not.

No—is it right?

……No, I though we had a great meeting with each other, I wonder if it’s unexpected.

It seems like a showy fight, because Gaspar moved first with eagerness. (TN: 最初ガスパールにぽんぽんやられて躍起になったから、派手にやり合ったように思えたのだろう。)

Besides, it is an attractive proposal to lie in a bath.

I don’t think it’s a good Idea to make a suggestion to the action of the master without the maid being asked, you say good things. (TN: 侍女が求められてもいないのに主人の行動に提言をするというのはいかがなものかとは思うが、いいことを言うじゃないか。)

Michelin looks somewhat angry, but nods in a dreamy way. (TN: ミシュリーヌは多少怒るかなと思い見やるが、どこか夢見心地な様子で頷いている。)

Yeah, to be able to accept a maid’s work without being angry even if she does something a little outrageous, it a good feeling.

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It seems that Gaspar and Bruno are not particularly concerned.


[Well then–]

[About today–]

[Let’s call it <<the End>>]

Roy xxxxx and Emi xxx voices choruses.


Roy and Emi, it’s so……

My servant and Michelin’s maid had, for some reason, a smile of tenderness not usually seen.

[……Hey, Roy, I just remembered, but you didn’t laugh like that 2 years ago?]

At my 12th birthday celebration, when he was helping wearing my clothes that I couldn’t wear alone for the ceremony, I noticed that Roy in the mirror was smiling like he wouldn’t normally show.

At the same time, I remember seeing that look once before.

[That’s it, it’s the Royal Capital. I think it was when I played with Gaspar]

[At that time, he showed me a good lesson]

While adding accessory parts here and there, Roy says. (TN: 副装品をそこかしこに取り付けながら、ロイは言う。)

[……That was a good match. I had misunderstood that I had a great sword talent] (TN: 自分に結構剣の才能があるんじゃないかと勘違いしたくらいだからな)

For the next 2 years, I’ve been practicing as long as there is no special circumstance, but it just that I’m not improving at all.

Lloyd the sword instructor, says that sword talent is not something that can be understood in a few years, somehow, I didn’t think it was right to me.

More on that, there are other things that are more suitable for me—it’s like an excuse. (TN: もっと他に、自分に適正のあるものがあるような――というのは言い訳か。)

[But I’m not Gaspar anyway……] (TN: しかし、俺はともかくガスパールがなぁ……)

From that day until today, I have not practiced the sword with Gaspar.

We meet often in the Nobles gathering, although it is safe to say that he is great friend with Bruno, for some reason we never had a sword match.

Once, I asked Gaspar how his training at his family home was recently, he laughed and said he was polishing sword practice as usual.

In such a situation, maybe it’s one of the reasons why I don’t feel fired up. (TN: 好敵手のそんな状況も、いまいち俺が剣に燃えることができない一因かもしれない。)

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Nevertheless, it’s no longer a habit so we will keep going on.

Looking at yourself in the mirror.

Originally it was a body with incredible potential but end up becoming a huge mass of meat, by proper nutritional balance and exercise it grown into a good physique.

He was large for his own age, from above this luxurious outfit you can’t tell, but it has a moderately muscular and firm body.

[I know I’m audacious, but sincerely, you grown up]

Roy said again.

In the last 2 years Roy got used to it, and the relationship between master and servant was not shaken. (TN: この2年でロイともそれなりに慣れはしたが、主人と従者という関係は小揺るぎもしなかった。)

I never thought Roy would say anything like this, it’s something really rare.

Something crosses my mind.

[–Now, first of all I’m relieved]

It seems like an unexpectedly blurted out, a murmur that seems to disappear immediately. (TN: 予期せず染み出たような、直ぐさま消え入りそうな呟き。)

I was wondering about it—

[Have you finished changing Marcel? Michelin-sama wants to see you]

It was called from outside the door.

[I’m almost over, it’s bad to keep waiting. Let her in]


Roy returned to his usual expression and conveyed the message outside the door.

Slightly— (TN: ややあって――)

[Well elder brother, if you were still in the middle of changing clothes, I wouldn’t mind……]

Said Michelin, who was permitted to enter the room, apologetically at the sight of me.

Oh, there’s a lady! (TN: おお、淑女がいるぞ!)

[I think there’s no need to worry because it is only putting on some accessory anyway.]

That’s what I’m saying— (TN: そんな事を言うと――)

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[I can’t do that anymore. No matter how much we are brother and sister, it was a lady entering while a man is changing–] (TN: もう、そういうわけには参りませんわ。いくら兄妹とはいえ、男性のお召し替えの最中に入るなんて淑女にあるまじき――)

After a while, of Michelin raging lady’s opinion progressing. (TN: それから暫し、ミシュリーヌによる怒濤の淑女論が展開された。)

I wonder what, the more she talks about it the farther away I am from the lady in question…… (TN: 何だろう、語れば語るほどの当の淑女という在り方から遠ざかっていくような……。)

Watching at my sister while pretending to listen to her.

10 years old.

There are still childish parts, but certainty changing from “Girl” to “young lady”.

I think she have grown a lot physically and mentally in the last 2 years.

Not just me, I can hold a firm idea of myself, it was a great opportunity to try to get it through it (TN: ただの我が儘ではなく、確固たる自分の考えを持ち、それを通す為に努力できるような場面が増えた。)

For those who are of lower class, they were able to take care of the situation after they were able to understand their position.

I feel like I’m being hasty, I hope that this will not lead to the end of the original game.

……I do think so, but for some reason I have a vague anxiety at the same time.

[– Elder brother, you are listening me seriously]

When Michelin realized she was being listened to, took an angry pose, but I gently patted her head.

[Oh, what’s it suddenly!] (TN: な、何ですの突然!)

Recently when treated as a child she became angry, so I have not doing it for a while, but it doesn’t matter if I patted her head.

[With today’s ceremony, I will be treated as an adult though for the time being. As an elder brother and an adult, I’ll protect Michelin]

He looks straight at her eyes, as he declares.

[Oh, what is it really–! –What the hell–!] (TN: ほ、本当になんなんですのよー! 一体ー!)

Cried Michelin with confusion and shaking his arms.

Hey, where did the lady go.

However, it’s the same for me as a person I can’t understand why I said it like that. (TN: とはいえ、どうしてこんな事を言ったのか計りかねるのは当人たる俺も実は同じだ。)

But this is an important oath.

That that feeling in my heart, I attended the ceremony to celebrate my 12th birthday of being a member of the nobles.

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